Covid: When conspiracy theories come true

s/ I live in fear of your undoubted wisdom re the scientific method @The_Doc_Man: trembling in awe of your authority /s :oops: ... I was not leaving out the link you described. it was in relation to Pat's statements which were not about what you are discussing. The research conducted by scientists and the application of the scientific method is one part, the use/misuse of that information (by others/ reporters/ authorities / or by supervisors) is another as they pursue fame, or monetary or political reward. We all have biases (and politics seems a particularly strong influence) that can affect how we interpret things, but the data remains, and so we ignore it at our peril or we find new (better) ways of understanding it (through application of the methods of science).

Scientists are not immune from bias. However the application of the scientific method is probably the best tool, with its exposure of methods, data, and peer review that we have available to us to advance knowledge of the physical world. In the medical sphere (not chemistry) where often the investigations have consequences for humans, the process has a particular construct involving generally use of animals/analogues and progressing ultimately to clinical trials using a double blind protocol.

Collaboration or as Pat would have it, collusion, has to occur because the knowledgebase is so large, the areas of expertise often narrow, that needs to be drawn together to properly develop and execute a scientific investigation. Or was she only talking about the post-science part of the process - but tainting everyone involved in the process, from the scientists who we able to develop mRNA vaccines to the politicians promoting their use? Seems to me she was attacking the scientists only. So are you comfortable as a scientist with this:
Are these the same people who told us that if you took the COVID vaccine that you could not contract COVID?

Once the scientists collude to lie to us, nothing they say carries any weight.
Do you think that they (scientists) said you could not contract COVID if you took the COVID vaccine? Do you think those that developed the vaccine and wrote the scientific papers expressed their conclusions in such a manner? But then there were other events going on, and pressures, political and potential monetary rewards, that gloss over/misrepresent/ misinterpret. Did it invalidate the original work? The scramble to address an immediate threat created an overwhelming political motivations to do something - almost anything. We rely upon experts, and in some cases non-experts, to jump from what was known about the disease to what were thought to be reasonable steps to prevent and treat, where you do not have the time to conduct controlled tests. Hindsight is wonderful. Many health workers and other died.

And then do you feel that under such a blanket statement that your scientific work carries no weight? OK we are not talking about your work. Perhaps we are only talking about those who develop vaccines. Well vaccine hesitancy arises as an outcome. We all have to make our own decisions when it comes to vaccinations. Drug risk and effectiveness are not constant or always apparent. Still I wonder how we may react with the next pandemic - such as when Bird Flu becomes human-to-human transmissible. How hesitant will we be.
Scientists are not immune from bias. However the application of the scientific method is probably the best tool, with its exposure of methods, data, and peer review that we have available to us to advance knowledge of the physical world.

Actually, on this statement, we agree. It is the non-transparency of government spokespersons - admittedly from many different presidents - that prevents the people from seeing truth. And the obfuscation of apologists who cloud the discussion. And the counter-statements of those seeking to make money. Plus the conspiracy theory nut-cases.

Do you think that they (scientists) said you could not contract COVID if you took the COVID vaccine?

The problem is that most people wouldn't recognize a real scientist walking down the street or talking on TV. What's that joke/meme that shows up now and then? "I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV"... THAT is who people recognize. Paid TV spokespersons.

When I was spending my weeknights running many hundreds of experimental runs in chemical kinetics, nobody knew about that. They recognized me for what I did in public to pay my way through college - by playing music in a well-located bar on Bourbon Street. Oh, they STILL didn't know my name - but they knew I played an electronic organ on stage in a bar. "I've seen you somewhere... oh, yeah, I heard you playin' the organ that night I got blitzed at the El Morocco club with my friends." Ah, fickle fleeting fame!

People don't recognize scientists unless they start doing something flashy or extremely useful. HISTORY books recognize them, and that is more likely how scientists become widely known. Do you think Edison was THAT well known before his invention of electric lights? Do you think Einstein or Oppenheimer were well known before the Alamogordo atomic bomb tests? Do you think anyone cared about Gregor Mendel until his work in genetics was published? They were scientists before the big newsworthy events... but nobody knew or cared. As is typical for the modern man (not just USA, but world-wide, I would think), "if it ain't newsworthy, I ain't interested."

And then do you feel that under such a blanket statement that your scientific work carries no weight?

My work carried weight but, as is usual, is buried in a journal with the "reference" abbreviation of Anal. Chem Acta - which is a (typically) obscure magazine for publication of analytical chemistry articles. The only people likely to see it are folks researching isopoly or heteropoly metal oxide anion behavior. The "man on the street" wouldn't know me. Which has the effect of blunting anything I have to say.

But then there were other events going on, and pressures, political and potential monetary rewards, that gloss over/misrepresent/ misinterpret.

And therein originates the misinformation. For instance, are you aware that the "97% of all climate scientists believe that 'global warming' is man-made" statement is nowhere near as strong as it sounds? It stems from a survey that asked the question "Do you believe that man-made actions contribute to global warming in some degree?" But it didn't ask anything specific about the perceived degree of contribution! Hell, even I would answer yes to that question if asked. But my perceived degree of contribution would be "minuscule" and would further suggest "It is POSSIBLE because we can't rule it out". But what happened next was that some jerk-wad JOURNALIST (not a scientist) published "97% of scientists agree global warming is man-made." And that statement, with its absolute authoritative style, has burdened our society since then, even though we no longer call it global warming. It is now "climate change" - which is ANOTHER joke since climate change is what the Earth naturally accomplishes every so often.

The statements that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were useless in treating COVID is another one of those distortions, claiming that off-label use of a drug is a big no-no. Tell that to people who are taking metformin rather than taking insulin injections. And then they find that metformin has beneficial coronary side effects - off-label, of course. Big Pharma wouldn't make money off of COVID if there were already a cheaper palliative to get you through the worst initial symptoms. So they got some of their stooges to quash the idea that ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine could minimize your down time.

I apologize because I see I got on my "soap box" about being ignored despite having something to say that I believe to be correct and important.

Have a good day, @GaP42 - I wish you no ill. I just sometimes have to rage against the wind.
There are many ways science can be corrupted. Here are a few recent examples:

  • Pharmaceutical Influence: Pharmaceutical companies fund a large portion of medical research, which can lead to biased studies favoring their products.
  • Government Manipulation: Governments can shape scientific findings to align with policy goals. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, various claims and policies shifted in response to political pressures.
  • Censorship of Dissenting Scientists: During the pandemic, scientists who expressed dissenting views were often de-platformed or ridiculed, even when they raised valid concerns.
  • Dr. Anthony Fauci & Scientific Controversy:
    • Mask Flip-Flopping – Initially advised against masks, later advocated for universal masking.
    • Lab-Leak Suppression – Early dismissal of the lab-leak theory despite credible concerns.
    • Gain-of-Function Research – NIH-funded projects raised concerns about potential ties to COVID-19 research in Wuhan.
The process by which pharmaceuticals get trialed, clinically tested, approved is VERY corrupt and shady system, and there are several organizations composed of many physicians and scientists who have tried to change this. Don't trust anything they say about a medicine.
Just so much bull
When the scientific community conspires to lie to the public, they prostitute themselves for their political beliefs or because they're afraid of being cancelled. The "science" on masks was SETTLED long before COVID came on the scene and the consensus was that the commonly used masks, even the N95 could not stop virus' and same thing for social distancing. Old literature put the social distancing recommendation at 3'. The models for COVID were wildly wrong and inflated the potential fatality rate by a factor of 50. They estimated 10% (.01) fatalities but the reality was closer to .0019% which is more like a bad flu as Trump tried to tell us in 2019 before the media accused him of being stupid and/or lying. The CDC also knew very early on that the disease was significantly more dangerous to the elderly and those with comorbidities than to the young and healthy. Therefore the earliest advice to protect/isolate the elderly was sound. Everything went downhill after that because the left needed to discredit Trump at all costs since none of their tactics had worked so far AND big Pharma needed to get their ineffective vaccines fast-tracked so they had to keep the fear mongering at hysterical highs.
The funniest phrase I've heard is "settled science"
I used the left's term;) They're the only ones who think science is ever "settled". We know what we know at this time. Their problem was they were ignoring the old version of the science with no new facts.
Maybe worth a read if you still have any doubts?

In summary does the following describe a bunch of clueless chancers and grifters who jumped on the bandwagon for their own enrichment and who are to this day unrepentant?

One small extract
An increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis from mRNA Covid vaccines, acknowledged by the British Heart Foundation and the British Medical Journal citing a global study, and other serious side effects suffered by a number of people, should also have been a subject for intense scrutiny. As it would be if such horrific problems were caused by medication for any other disease. But not Covid.
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Do you think that they (scientists) said you could not contract COVID if you took the COVID vaccine?
I'm sure if we looked, we could find Faucci telling us that. There is lots of video of Biden telling that particular lie. In fact, he used it to fire thousands of members of the armed forces as well as convince many companies to follow his lead.

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