Currency re-vamp (1 Viewer)

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Rich said:
You brought the subject into the coversation to try and score cheap points and for no other reason!

Bringing an un-related subject into a discussion to score cheap points.
Yep, that's what I did. Like I said I was irrita..., I mean imitating you.
ColinEssex said:
Then I suppose the USA will moan on and on again when another jet crashes into skyscraper - how tragic, the fact that the USA destroy whole cities seems to be forgotten then.:rolleyes:

You wouldn't be using a tragic loss of life to score cheap points would you? :rolleyes:
Rich said:
I've never used the tragic loss of children to try and gain points, which is what you were trying to do:rolleyes:


Rich said:
No wonder they continue to support the murder of innocent women and children, still it's nothing new for them is it

dan-cat said:
You wouldn't be using a tragic loss of life to score cheap points would you? :rolleyes:
Just stating facts. I don't score points:rolleyes: - no need to

The US is using the UK as a sneaky way of getting 5,000lb bombs to Israel without the UK government knowing.
Its common knowlege that the USA is bombing Lebanon via Israel to kill innocent people as they do in Iraq - so don't go moaning on and act all shocked about how bad things are when you get a plane in another skyscraper.

ColinEssex said:
The US is using the UK as a sneaky way of getting 5,000lb bombs to Israel without the UK government knowing.

The UK media knowing more than it's government. Why doesn't that surprise me? :rolleyes:
Rich said:
Which is why we don't swallow every thing we read in the press

No not everything, just what suits to score cheap points :rolleyes:
dan-cat said:
The UK media knowing more than it's government. Why doesn't that surprise me? :rolleyes:
It doesn't matter who knows first as long as we know what sneaky tricks the USA is up to. In fact it was No 10 that released the press bulletin.

dan-cat said:
No not everything, just what suits to score cheap points :rolleyes:
wrong Danny Boy - just what is true, and is confirmed by the BBC

as I said, we don't need to score cheap points when there's a warmongering dictator in the Casa Blanca

ColinEssex said:
so don't go moaning on and act all shocked about how bad things are when you get a plane in another skyscraper.


This is probably the most obtuse thing I've read from you for ages.

Let's apply that to a UK setting shall we?

"Don't go moaning if you get anymore double decker bus explosions as you full well know how your leader is supporting anything that Bush puts on the table"

What right do you have to dictate whether I regret the death of my own countrymen, women and children. No right, that's what. I think you need to pick yourself up out of the gutter.
ColinEssex said:
wrong Danny Boy - just what is true, and is confirmed by the BBC

Your original source was from ITV remember?

Rich said:
It said on the (ITV) news last night that the USA has given Israel quite a few F16 jets and are supplying the "smart" weapons for them. These are the "smart" weapons that hit buildings with a big red cross on the roof so that the innocent get killed too.

It also said (about the bombs going through Prestwick) that the planes used to transport them in are civilian cargo planes so that the British won't suspect any weaponry on board. They showed film of these planes arriving.

Anyway do you honestly believe that the UK government was unaware of this. Yeah right :rolleyes:
dan-cat said:
This is probably the most obtuse thing I've read from you for ages.
I do try:D

"Don't go moaning if you get anymore double decker bus explosions as you full well know how your leader is supporting anything that Bush puts on the table"
We are half expecting some retaliation for our leaders bum licking stance, so will not be surprised when it happens. Its just one of a long long line of terrorist attacks in the UK we've had for decades.

I think you need to pick yourself up out of the gutter.
Think I touched a nerve:rolleyes: ;)

Your original source was from ITV remember?
of course I remember - I confirmed it by linking to the BBC news website . . . if you remember:rolleyes:

Anyway do you honestly believe that the UK government was unaware of this
of course the UK government was aware the USA wanted to do this - but as usual the USA accepted that permission would be granted, in fact permission was not granted. Now the UK government is upset because the USA is using the UK as a staging post for its death machines.

Tell me Danny, did you know of this story from your media? or did you learn it from this forum?

ColinEssex said:

Light-hearted comment accepted. Seriously though I wish you wouldn't quite so hard. It gets wearing after a while.

ColinEssex said:
We are half expecting some retaliation for our leaders bum licking stance, so will not be surprised when it happens. Its just one of a long long line of terrorist attacks in the UK we've had for decades.

And if/when it happens it will be deeply regrettable and I wouldn't blame you in the slightest for having a "moan" about it.

ColinEssex said:
Think I touched a nerve:rolleyes: ;)

Yes, implying that such an act would be 'deserved' was fairly sickening. Such violence is never 'deserved' regardless of what has gone before.

ColinEssex said:
Now the UK government is upset because the USA is using the UK as a staging post for its death machines.

Look Col I'm not being funny but the UK has been used as a military base by the US for decades. The probability was that Bliar approved it but didn't want to go public with it. The irritation only occured when your foreign office got caught out. I mean come on, that airbase has been used since the 2nd World War, what did the airport officials think was in those transporters, cotton candy?

ColinEssex said:
Tell me Danny, did you know of this story from your media? or did you learn it from this forum?

I confess I watch the BBC World News on a regular basis and it is very good.
dan-cat said:
I confess I watch the BBC World News on a regular basis and it is very good.
That doesn't answer my question. But never mind. I'm off home now as its 4:30PM:D

Have a good weekend.

I know it was a few days ago but I just want to thank The_Doc_Man for his reply to my request for info regarding New Orleans.


Whats the white looking stuff in the water? Debris?

Yes. But since I don't recognize the area, I don't know specifically what kind of debris.

Mrs. Gorilla,

I was wondering also if you had a take on what they are doing to those doctors out there, accusing them of euthanizing patients.

It is hard for us to know for sure exactly who did what to whom. It is quite possible that the doctor in question is blameless but was the highest-profile person on the scene at the time. One of the nurses or orderlies might well have been the culprit who did the dastardly deed. Most of the inventory control processes had gone down the tubes by then. So someone with a little bit of knowledge and no Hippocratic oath for ethical guidelines might have been the real perpetrator.

Since I didn't know what the city looked like from above before Katrina, I don't have that reference point.

You really DO need to see the ground-level pix. Aerial shots don't do justice to the situation.

Remember my comments about a thousand square miles being a square only about 31 2/3 miles on a side? The storm surge on the Gulf coast went 40 miles inland. So every 25 miles of coast is another 1000 square miles of devastation. And property only a short drive from a beach is consider PRIME real estate. The overhead shots show you population density. Do the math.

Yesterday someone from the City of New Orleans permits department put up a map showing the geographic location of every reconstruction permit. Based on the distribution, almost all of the city will experience some return of population. Current estimates suggest about 3/4 of the original population will make it.

Something else came out. The water-carrying infrastructure was so badly damaged that in the now infamous "lower 9th ward", people cannot move back because there is no potable water yet. They have to completely redo the under-street water mains. So many other areas are less damaged that spot repairs are being done first before they tackle the big project. If they ever do.

I know it was a few days ago but I just want to thank The_Doc_Man for his reply to my request for info regarding New Orleans.

You are quite welcome.

For some ground-level pix, visit NOLA.COM and find (lower left side of page) a section that says PHOTOS. Links inside that box lead to different picture galleries. The AP, user-submitted galleries, and the "MORE" link are all good. Some of the pix are aftermath, some (in eary Sep/2005) show flooding. The galleries are dated. Remember, the storm was Aug 29, 2005.

When you look at the aftermath pix, get ready to cry.

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