ColinEssex said:
Bod - If my questions were rhetorical I would say so. I like many UK people have never seen a real gun, so I'm interested in your way of thinking
That comes as close as I've ever seen to an honest, non-combative question on the subject, so I'll humor you

(Although the rolleyes leads me to believe I probably shouldn't)
This is not a complete list, but enough to make a point:
A Compressed CO2 pellet pistol - comes in real handy from removing those nasty little squirrels from the attic. No holes in the roof, but the squirrel is removed...and that's exactly why I bought it (traps don't work on the *#$&* things and they'll chew through the wires)
.22 cal rifles w and w/o scopes - small, rimfire cartridge, sufficient for small game (squirrels, rabbits, turkey, groundhogs, etc). Relatively quiet with no recoil to speak of, so it's also a favorite for target practice or general "plinking" around.
Shotguns (various gauges) - used mainly for small game if you're not accurate enough to use the .22

eek: ) or if you are concerned about distance (shot is only dangerous for about 250ft whereas rifles will go up to 2 miles). Also good for hunting geese, pheasant, grouse, etc. where the quarry is fast and usually moving. The smaller the number of the gauge, the bigger the wad of shot thrown.
Large Caliber rifles (in the .20-.30 cal range or roughly 7-10mm) Large Game, long distance. Elk, moose, deer. Careful with'll hurt your little arm
I have a Walther PPKS (9mm Kurtz) and a .45acp in the pistol rack. Applications range from just "plinking" to kill shots--I reload my own ammo and it's much cheaper than using a second round from a rifle.
ColinEssex said:
Who are you wanting protection from? (apart from the French)
I was trying to be funny...damn British humor.

You'll notice that there is no mention of protection anywhere in that list because I don't see them that way (Although any one would do the job). I do not live in fear, I am not paranoid, and I don't sleep with a gun under the pillow. I hunt and I enjoy target shooting (skeet, bench, freestyle)...and before you ask, I don't use silhouettes, just regular bullseyes.
Any further insight you'd like?