Cyberbullying VS Light-Hearted Prank

Nothing magical, I just use multiple copy and appends but back out without submitting the post until it's fully built.

I build mine in MS Word
Brianwarnock said:
I must find out how to do multiple quotes in one post it really does allow one to build a neat and informative post.

Just need to wrap quote tags around the appropriate text.


Personally I think it is time to put this thread to bed, oops sorry that may not be understood by all.

and with the name

It is time to close this thread as it only seems to serve the purpose of causing insults to fly,

and with the name and post reference

[QUOTE="Brianwarnock, post: 1236222, member: 14077"]
some Aussies seem to get really annoyed at critiscim of their kin.

I believe Colin caused a stir when he adjusted the names when doing this :p
1) If you think deceptively coaxing somebody into a course of action that could lose them their job is not your problem then you're a moron.

2) If you think (1) is ok because other people are also doing it then you are a moron * 2

The radio DJ's actually cited point 2 as a defense for their actions. They had time to consider and that's what they came up with. Truly pitiful.

It took an extreme response to their moronic behavior to make them confront the reality that, as an adult, you and your behavior are not separate entities.

Sometimes that's what it takes for people to learn why they should take more care in how they treat others. The non-learners are, well simply that, individuals unable to absorb rudimentary social skills.
Where do you get this idea from.

I never called anyone here a Liar.

You ought to learn to read. Also where are my facts wrong.

Well theres a few post to Brian where you question his honesty in his explanation of what Lord and Lady Snob was. Did I read this correctly?

I may have been to hasty in replying to your "Your nurse" post. Maybe you are aware of all the basic facts - I apologise.

Maybe your stupid Nurses should learn that they do not give out sensitive information without prroper authorisation.

Especially the royal Family.

That nurse cost someone's life. She should be sacked and never allowed to practice for life.

I can't tell if you think just the British nurses are stupid - or you include Jacintha Saldanha. The mistakes of each nurse seem similar.

Similiarly I cant tell if you last line was sarcasm or just a bizarre arguement.
Similiarly I cant tell if you last line was sarcasm or just a bizarre arguement.

You may very well think that my posts here are Bizarre. They certainly are not sarcastic. Bizarre may or may not get a point across. It does at least get a reaction. Usually emotional which most of this thread's posts are. Pure emotion.

I believe you guys are just looking for someone to blame.

You could repeat the same prank a million times and unless you found someone with serious issues it would not happen again.
And this is my main argument. The Nurse who committed suicide must have been seriously ill. For a mother to leave her children highlights how sick she was. Think hard about this. Talk to a few Mothers and ask if they would commit suicide when they had children to care for.

Your great hospital with all of its highly qualified staff never picked up on her condition. This in my opinion is the greater crime. Why are you not blaming them. After all they are the professionals.

If you want to be serious then you must realise that this call was just the thing that broke the camel's back.( I can explain this theory in more detail if you want).

Don't blame a couple of shock jocks for the nurse's demise. If it wasn't them it would have been something else, and quite possibly something trivial.

It will be interesting to hear the final results of the enquiry.
Don't blame a couple of shock jocks for the nurse's demise. If it wasn't them it would have been something else, and quite possibly something trivial.[/COOLER]

This is the most pathetic of defences/excuses, the fact that they had no knowledge of the person they were dealing with is the reason that these "shock jocks", a euphemism for childish idiots, should not behave that way, but we have been over this many times, you say that "you guys", who ever they may be, are looking for somebody to blame, but why should we, we are not involved, we are expressing our opinions on an event in the news, it would appear , however, that you are determined to defend your fellow Aussies right to behave however they like and to hell with the consequences.

With suicide attempts even before this incident occurred there's plenty of blame to go around.

And some of it falls squarely on the shoulders of the Great British / Australian public without whom there wouldn't be a market for such celebrity gossip.

However, as I've said before, IMHO there is no need to go searching for the "blame" in Australia, it will lie on this side of the pond.
I have an eye condition whereby if I suffer trauma to the head I could end up blind, if somebody hits me on the head and I end up blind is it my fault for having that condition?

This is the most pathetic of defences/excuses, the fact that they had no knowledge of the person they were dealing with is the reason that these "shock jocks", a euphemism for childish idiots, should not behave that way, but we have been over this many times, you say that "you guys", who ever they may be, are looking for somebody to blame, but why should we, we are not involved, we are expressing our opinions on an event in the news, it would appear , however, that you are determined to defend your fellow Aussies right to behave however they like and to hell with the consequences.


Now Brian you have upset me. I don't want to defend a couple of Shock Jocks. Aussie or not. I think that most of them are low lifes just trying to outdo each other.
What I am saying is the Nurse must have been very ill. But no one anywhere helped her enough. She should not have been in that position. She most likely should have been home trying to get better.
But as I said, you Guys, and this means you, are set on blaming someone rather than trying to understand what she must have been going through for a very long time.
Brian you have no compassion for your fellow man. I hope no one near you gets depression because you would have no sympathy for them.
I really hate to say this but I am starting to think that you may be a very cruel man.
I do have sympathy for the lady and her family. I understand what depression is about. You should do the Christian thing and at least try to understand.
I have an eye condition whereby if I suffer trauma to the head I could end up blind, if somebody hits me on the head and I end up blind is it my fault for having that condition?


And many more people don't have that condition is that a good enough reason on its own not to hit them on the head?

There are multiple activities that could leave you with head trauma without resorting to being hit by another person.

I wouldn't be surprised if she was a victim of "Blame Culture".
I have an eye condition whereby if I suffer trauma to the head I could end up blind, if somebody hits me on the head and I end up blind is it my fault for having that condition?


Well it certainly not mine.

But Brian aren't you one eyed already. :D
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My Post.

That nurse cost someone's life. She should be sacked and never allowed to practice for life.

This is over the top. I withdraw.

I should have said something like she was one of the cogs in the wheel that lead to the unfortunate death. If she had simply hung up the phone then nothing would have happened.
Well it certainly not mine.

But Brian aren't you one eyed already. :D

Yes pretty much , it's basically 2 half eyes, peripheral only in the right, centre only in the left, and poor at that, but don't want to lose it completely.

And many more people don't have that condition is that a good enough reason on its own not to hit them on the head?

There are multiple activities that could leave you with head trauma without resorting to being hit by another .

That's why I'm careful about my activities, eg I do not cycle.

The point I am trying to make is that people have to take responsibility for the result of their actions and not hide behind the excuse of not knowing

Now Brian you have upset me. I don't want to defend a couple of Shock Jocks. Aussie or not. I think that most of them are low lifes just trying to outdo each other.
What I am saying is the Nurse must have been very ill. But no one anywhere helped her enough. She should not have been in that position. She most likely should have been home trying to get better.
But as I said, you Guys, and this means you, are set on blaming someone rather than trying to understand what she must have been going through for a very long time.
Brian you have no compassion for your fellow man. I hope no one near you gets depression because you would have no sympathy for them.
I really hate to say this but I am starting to think that you may be a very cruel man.
I do have sympathy for the lady and her family. I understand what depression is about. You should do the Christian thing and at least try to understand.

Sorry to have upset you, I do have sympathy for the nurse and her family, and believe it or not, I also have some sympathy for the shock jocks, but that is not what we are discussing, well at least I thought we were discussing whether they have responsibility for her death, we can discuss how much when the final results of the investigation are known.

That's why I'm careful about my activities, eg I do not cycle.

The point I am trying to make is that people have to take responsibility for the result of their actions and not hide behind the excuse of not knowing


Not knowing is in my opinion a reasonable defence.

However when one ought to know it is a different story.

I don't believe the Jocks ought to have known about her depressive state.

The hospital should have know and should not have placed her in that position.

I am not for one moment defending the jocks. I am critical of the hospital.
You may very well think that my posts here are Bizarre. They certainly are not sarcastic. Bizarre may or may not get a point across. It does at least get a reaction. Usually emotional which most of this thread's posts are. Pure emotion.

I believe you guys are just looking for someone to blame.

You could repeat the same prank a million times and unless you found someone with serious issues it would not happen again.
And this is my main argument. The Nurse who committed suicide must have been seriously ill. For a mother to leave her children highlights how sick she was. Think hard about this. Talk to a few Mothers and ask if they would commit suicide when they had children to care for.

Your great hospital with all of its highly qualified staff never picked up on her condition. This in my opinion is the greater crime. Why are you not blaming them. After all they are the professionals.

If you want to be serious then you must realise that this call was just the thing that broke the camel's back.( I can explain this theory in more detail if you want).

Don't blame a couple of shock jocks for the nurse's demise. If it wasn't them it would have been something else, and quite possibly something trivial.

It will be interesting to hear the final results of the enquiry.

I find ypour view bizarre - cos on one hand you say you cant blame teh shock jocks for teh nurses demise but - "That nurse cost someone's life. She should be sacked and never allowed to practice for life."

I see you have withdrawn that.

I dont blame the shock jocks entirely at all for the nurses suicide - neither do I balme the hospital for not knowing. I lost my best mate to suicide last year - you could unfortunately see it coming a mile off - his work sent him home ill on the day he died - depression isnt an easy thing to deal with, for those around the sufferer.

I suffered from depression myself , lost a lot of years of my life to it - and again know how I could and had to act to hide how I actually felt, even knowing unfortunatley theres little that can be done , except encouarge the sufferer to look after themsleves.

These are all beside the point - its doesnt take a rocket scientist to work out pranking someone and asking them in the most high profile moment of their career to do something against their job role. Not to mention pranking a hospital - could lead to some pretty serious consequences.

Theres 2 fairly obvious reasons why she may have put the call through - both of which the radio station didnt care enough of to prevent it broadcasting.

I too find your defence of teh jocks 0 a bit too nationalistic - our nurse, our hospital are at fault in your mind. But those who had so little regard for the obviuos difficulties they deliberately chose to put other people in are somehow largely not guilty. AS far as I can work out - mainly cos they are Aussies!

I dont get why they werent prosecuted - is it OK for me to prank call australian hospital rooms pretending to be an close family member - and then to broadcast the results, without any of those involved permission. I suspect it not OK - and neither should it be. Whether anyone dies or not.

If I did - and unfortunate consequences arose - would I shoulder a fair chunk of blame, or would you blame the workers and institutions I targeted?
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Not knowing is in my opinion a reasonable defence.

The problem with your argument is that the shock-jocks said afterwards that they thought the hospital would have received many prank calls and that this was why they thought it was ok. They knew they were causing harm through this very fact alone.

You, like them, pass off responsibility for thinking through the reasonable course of your own actions. What's worse, is even with the benefit of hindsight, you still refuse to adopt this reasonable line of thought for all future decision-making. You don't have to, you see, because your actions never caused anything. I believe the shock-jocks have learned this lesson through emotional trauma. Sometimes that's what it takes.

A word that may help clarify things for you is "reactive". The hospital should have "reacted" to the situation better. The nurses "reaction" could not have been foreseen.

Take a while and consider why all these actions are correctly described as "reactions".
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