DaVinci Code


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Today, 00:47
Aug 22, 2004
I just saw the movie. Regardless of the critic's pans I thought it was a pretty good film. I did find Tom Hanks to be a little "wooden" and I don't think any movie could live up to all the pre-release hype this one got.

All in all though a good 2.5 hours diversion. My wife LOVED it.

PS - I didn't skip work. Todays a holiday in Canada.
statsman said:
I just saw the movie. Regardless of the critic's pans I thought it was a pretty good film.
I haven't seen it or read the book, but I understand it's very good.

I hear some religious cults like the catholics don't like it because of its fictional nature of the story of christ and Mary - it seems to contradict their own fictional work - the bible - which shows christ in a different light.

I may be wrong, as i say I haven't seen it yet. It'll be on TV soon so I'll see it then.

Good old Dan Brown, what a superb way to become a multi multi millionaire - get the religious cults arguing, superb PR;) :D

Rich said:
Are you sure you've spelt correctly? :confused:
Hmmm, you're right, I should have used the phrase 'weird religious cults" like catholics, c of e, baptist etc.


ps - I'm not rising to your bait - ha ha;)
I read Angels and Demons which I liked (mainly because its Rome). I started to read the Da Vinci Code and realised very quickly that I couldn't be arsed.

Would the film be worth seeing?
Colin the Jihadist

So, from your tone Colin, I take it that you have “issues” with “religious zealots”?
Perhaps it may be that you harbour fundamentalist secular ideology? A deep need to force your belief that people should not believe, on anyone that show any sort of belief? :rolleyes:

I could be wrong, it is text after all and you can never tell sometimes with text. :D

I didn’t read the book, if I here they are making a movie I think you enjoy the movie and then enjoy the book. I like a good thriller so hope its ok. I like Tom as an actor but never sure of Ron Howard as a director.
We’ll see.
I read and totally enjoyed "Da Vinci Code" and afterwards, read most of the books in the bibliography...dry reading, but it is quite refreshing to be exposed to mind-widening ideas as opposed to fixed religious rhetoric. I hear that the movie was not as good as was expected, but that could be from people who somehow feel their religious ideals are being attacked by this work of fiction. I have also noticed that usually the critics are completely wrong about the entertainment value of cinema as a whole, so I still plan on seeing it.

Dear God...protect me from your followers:eek:
I have read the Da Vinci Code and thought it was one of the best books i have ever read and then like Bodisathva read several other of Dan Browns book. I do think he is a good author and think his books are real page turners.

I have heard the film is a bit pants to be honest, but i am going to see it on Saturday anyway. I have found personally that films are never as good as the books they are based on, but we shall see. :)
Lister said:
So, from your tone Colin, I take it that you have “issues” with “religious zealots”?
Perhaps it may be that you harbour fundamentalist secular ideology? A deep need to force your belief that people should not believe, on anyone that show any sort of belief? :rolleyes:
Thats what so called christians do to people who have "not accepted christ as their saviour" - they try to ram it down your throat with a sanctimonious holier than thou attitude. Thats why you get these religious cranks coming to the door. If I can save a soul from the religious brainwashing then it has to be good:D

They force their beliefs on people so I'm returning the favour.

I answered the door the other evening to some jehova's witnesses - following our "discussion" I was half expecting a dead chicken and voodoo doll to be nailed to my front door:D :mad:

It would be a start if religious people stopped killing people "in the name of god" and can prove they can live normal lives.

ColinEssex said:
Thats why you get these religious cranks coming to the door. ... I answered the door the other evening to some jehova's witnesses -
Well no wonder you're so jaded about Christians. Jehova's Witnesses are acutally recognized as a cult among Christian sects. Making a blanket judgement about Christians based on Jehova's Witnesses makes about as much sense as making a judgement on Steve Spielberg's skills as a producer based on "Joe Versus the Volcano". :rolleyes:

Just because the JWs, Mormons, Quakers, Shakers, Puritans, Amish, etc. are a bunch of wack-jobs doesn't mean... er, um.... Nevermind.
Kraj said:
Well no wonder you're so jaded about Christians. Jehova's Witnesses are acutally recognized as a cult among Christian sects. Making a blanket judgement about Christians based on Jehova's Witnesses makes about as much sense as making a judgement on Steve Spielberg's skills as a producer based on "Joe Versus the Volcano". :rolleyes:

Just because the JWs, Mormons, Quakers, Shakers, Puritans, Amish, etc. are a bunch of wack-jobs doesn't mean... er, um.... Nevermind.

Well put Greg...:) :) :)
Kraj said:
Well no wonder you're so jaded about Christians. Jehova's Witnesses are acutally recognized as a cult among Christian sects. Making a blanket judgement about Christians based on Jehova's Witnesses makes about as much sense as making a judgement on Steve Spielberg's skills as a producer based on "Joe Versus the Volcano". :rolleyes:

Just because the JWs, Mormons, Quakers, Shakers, Puritans, Amish, etc. are a bunch of wack-jobs doesn't mean... er, um.... Nevermind.
I have already on another threat posted my experiences within the conventional church and there's not that much difference between the hypocrital and pompous attitude between the lot of them. I investigated it over a 4 year period and went to (various denominations) church regularly but was woefully disappointed, so I gave it up.
Plus, as I have pointed out, I am not happy to associate myself with such an organisation (as christianity) that glorifies and promotes wars. Both our countries have so called christian leaders yet send people to their death and authorise the killing of innocent people.

Kraj said:
Well no wonder you're so jaded about Christians. Jehova's Witnesses are acutally recognized as a cult among Christian sects. Making a blanket judgement about Christians based on Jehova's Witnesses makes about as much sense as making a judgement on Steve Spielberg's skills as a producer based on "Joe Versus the Volcano". :rolleyes:

Just because the JWs, Mormons, Quakers, Shakers, Puritans, Amish, etc. are a bunch of wack-jobs doesn't mean... er, um.... Nevermind.

I liked Joe Versus the Volcano.
ColinEssex said:
I am not happy to associate myself with such an organisation (as christianity) that glorifies and promotes wars. Both our countries have so called christian leaders yet send people to their death and authorise the killing of innocent people.
I don't know about glorifing.
But just so I understand, and this is not meant as a leading question, where do you draw the line?
If the leader of country killed 25,000 of their population, would you then say you need to intervein?
How about 100,000, or 1,000,000.
Now lets say that interventen, causes the death of 50,000 of their military and 10,000 civilians, plus 2,000 of your forces.
Do you let them keep killing his population? Where is it exactly you draw the line?
As a world leader, you can't look the other way. Do you just put sanctions against them? Of course that still may mean death to thousands more of their people, and the government getting richer of the people back.
Where do you draw the line?
ColinEssex said:
I have already on another threat posted my experiences within the conventional church and there's not that much difference between the hypocrital and pompous attitude between the lot of them. I investigated it over a 4 year period and went to (various denominations) church regularly but was woefully disappointed, so I gave it up.
Yes, I remember that thread. I also remember that I suggested you may have been looking for the wrong thing in the wrong place. I also remember that you didn't bother to acknowledge or respond to my suggestion.

ColinEssex said:
Plus, as I have pointed out, I am not happy to associate myself with such an organisation (as christianity) that glorifies and promotes wars. Both our countries have so called christian leaders yet send people to their death and authorise the killing of innocent people.
Shame on you, Colin. This is absolutely horrid logic and you know it. What religious doctorine encouraged Communist Russia or Shinto-Buddhist Japan to go to war? Religion is not, and never has been, a motivation to go to war; it has been an excuse. The worst religion has done is make it easy to use that excuse.

jsanders said:
I liked Joe Versus the Volcano.
It had its charms, I guess...

Good grief. I just realized this thread is supposed to be about the DaVinci Code. Bleh. What a crappy hijack. I'm outta here.
I haven't read the book and probably won't, as I've heard it isn't very good, and I've read several reviews, both here and elsewhere that said the same thing. I probably won't see the movie either for the same reason, I've heard it isn't great. It doesn't have anything to do with the religious aspect of it, as I realize that it is a work of fiction. All the hooplah about that only serves to give it more publicity. :rolleyes:

I may watch the movie when it comes out on the movie channels, but I won't go see it in the theatre.
I will watch the movie for the sheer entertainment value, but I will not take anything to heart. :rolleyes:

One—I’m not catholic and from what I understand the DiVinci code is aimed at Catholicism. I’m a Non-Denomination Christian. I tend to keep my religious beliefs to myself. However I am up for discussing them since I am currently on a spiritual journey to discover myself. :o Edit: In a more private format!! Not in open forum.
Two—It is a movie. It is Hollywood’s version of the book. I don’t let Hollywood dictate my religion beliefs. Yes Passion of the Christ was very moving, but again it is Hollywood’s translation of the bible. :cool:

I mean, look at the movie Dogma. It makes a complete mockery of the Catholic Doctrine. Yet, I didn’t see anything on the news about it, or any boycotts being planned. Absolutely nothing was mentioned. If anything the Catholic Church should be upset over that movie, but they aren’t. :eek: :D

I guess they simply wanted a cause to B&M about, and the DiVinci code happens to be one! :confused:

This is all IMHO.

PS--THink about it, without all the Hype over this movie, would it have done as well in the box office? All they are doing by protesting and such is making the movie sells go WAY up.
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FoFa said:
I don't know about glorifing.
But just so I understand, and this is not meant as a leading question, where do you draw the line?
If the leader of country killed 25,000 of their population, would you then say you need to intervein?
How about 100,000, or 1,000,000.

Not this old sock again :rolleyes:

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