DaVinci Code

Hum... I was kind of interested in going to see the movie but I think you all have changed my mind... :)
KenHigg said:
Hum... I was kind of interested in going to see the movie but I think you all have changed my mind... :)
You all, come on Kenny, you're southern..you should say y'all.

However, I still want to. I know it is fiction and I like Tom Hanks....
selenau837 said:
You all, come on Kenny, you're southern..you should say y'all.

However, I still want to. I know it is fiction and I like Tom Hanks....

Sorry... Ya'll dun changed up muh mind on this'un ....;)
ColinEssex said:
Yes I can see that searching for answers about religion over a long period, and questioning 'christians' and vicars in many churches / denominations, speaking with the UK's top evangelist personally in his own home, going to a Billy Graham concert is looking for the wrong thing in the wrong place?:confused:
That's my point. You said you were searching for God and spirituality but in reality you went out and looked for a religion. You looked to other people and other organizations to define your relationship with God for you. What you should have done was some introspective searching, decided what you believe about God for yourself, and only then get involved with a religion that suits your belief.

Obviously that wouldn't have happened anyway because there isn't a religion that suits your belief, and that's fine. But it's not the fault of a religion if it doesn't offer what you're looking for. I have my issues with religions, but they do have a geat deal of value for a great many people. There's nothing wrong with that.

ColinEssex said:
Except in Northern Ireland, Israel / Palestine, India / Pakistan / Kashmir, The Crusades and countless other conflicts since the Nazareth illusionist was first invented.

I would argue that (like I said immediately after where you stopped quoting me) those are examples of using religion as an excuse. The Israel/Palestine conflict, for example, is a power struggle over land. Religious and ethnic differences are just an excuse to motivate people to perpetuate the conflict. The Crusades were the same deal.

SJ McAbney said:
Returning to the topic, I offered up my thoughts on this appalling piece of literature here. For anyone who thinks it is the best book they've ever read, I implore you to read more...read anything, Jeez!
I must say how grateful I am you posted that review. If it weren't for you, I may have suffered through that book!
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Kraj said:
Religious and ethnic differences are just an excuse to motivate people to perpetuate the conflict. The Crusades were the same deal.


For the religious, faith transcends reason. It has to because the Almighty is beyond our frame of reference by definition

Thus faith can preclude reasoning. Kierkegaard's theory of the teleological suspension of the ethical argues this principle out.

Basically if you have faith in possessing the knowledge of God, there is nothing stopping you from rationalizing illogical arguments. Why? because you can claim knowledge from a higher authority than reason.

It is the factor of faith itself that perpetuates these conflicts. It is the faith not the reasoning, inside the mind of the doer that triggers the violent action. Yes, politicians manipulate this mind-set for their own ends, but it is the mindset itself that provides the tool, politicians simply wield it.
dan-cat said:
Yes, politicians manipulate this mind-set for their own ends, but it is the mindset itself that provides the tool, politicians simply wield it.
That's precisely that I've been saying, but perhaps I've not been very clear. I suppose that whether or not religion is used as a reason for war is a bit too vague and subjective to definitely claim an answer. I think I've made my point, though.
KenHigg said:
Sorry... Ya'll dun changed up muh mind on this'un ....;)
Good, now while we're on the subject of changing your mind, how about your love affair with your killing machine:cool:
dan-cat said:
It is the factor of faith itself that perpetuates these conflicts. It is the faith not the reasoning, inside the mind of the doer that triggers the violent action. Yes, politicians manipulate this mind-set for their own ends, but it is the mindset itself that provides the tool, politicians simply wield it.
I see, so what you're saying is that man can behave as he wants and simply hide behind the "God will judge me if I'm wrong" opt out clause?:confused:
Rich said:
I see, so what you're saying is that man can behave as he wants and simply hide behind the "God will judge me if I'm wrong" opt out clause?:confused:

Man behaves as he wants period. That is free will. The freedom to choose.

There is no 'if I'm wrong' in faith. That is the crucial element to my point. The unwavering from one's standpoint without influence from reason. That is the element that perpetuates war.
A very wise man (I forget which one) once said regarding faith:

If a person truly believes, nothing will shake that faith. I could take 20 minutes and scientifically and logically disprove the existance of God. This would only make that person's faith stronger.

There are good and bad things about faith. For example, it is only a mother's faith that she has just given birth to the most intellegent and beautiful baby in the history of the world that keeps her from downing it.(Robert Heinlien).
The book was passable as airport lounge fodder but if taken seriously insulted the intelligence of the reader for the reasons posted by S J on his link.

Rich said:
Good, now while we're on the subject of changing your mind, how about your love affair with your killing machine:cool:

A which machine would that be?
Sorry, Then I'd have one less thing to fuss with you guys about... :) :)
Rich said:
The one designed to kill :rolleyes: :p
OK rather than wildly guessing I found the attached.
So is it:
Motor Vehicles?
Falls (gravity)?
Drowning (Water)?

Man I am getting tired, I'll stiop there :rolleyes:


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