Democrats Continue to Obstruct Election Integrity

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 01:19
Jul 5, 2006
An endless mantra from Democrats is that they want to "protect" democracy, yet every attempt to impose procedures to improve election integrity are obstructed by the Democrats. The obvious implication, Democrats want an opportunity to cheat.

Not only that, but Democrats (it seems) are in actual collusion with the media to gaslight the public. Democrats have a documented history of working with the media to provide favorable questions to Democratic candidates (and adversarial taunts towards Republicans). Biden when he was running for the presidency was also provided with a list of "approved" reporters that he called on to get favorable questions. Seems that this policy is continuing. The media should not be operating as the propaganda arm of the Democratic party.
If you applied the rules of many US states to world-wide third party elections, our rules would fail miserably at controlling a valid election. Elections in some of the most corrupt countries in the world are better controlled than ours are. This is 100% at the feet of the Democrats. They obstruct every attempt to make elections safer by calling all attempts "racist". Apparently certain ethnic groups are too stupid to be able to get photo IDs from the DMV. Asking for your citizenship proof when you get a driver's license is also "racist".
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Can someone explain to me how a ballot box is anything but a method to cheat in an election? When I go in person, they check to see if I'm registered and cross me off the list BEFORE I can even get the ballot to vote. There is no way to do that at those ballot boxes, they give ballots to anyone and let them count. It is pure insanity to suggest that it is more convenient because you still have to go to the box to drop it off. Why can't people vote on voting day or if they cannot be there in person, use a mail in ballot that can be verified and sent to an actual residence? We're going to have to overwhelm the system with trump voters to win in Wisconsin now. Makes me sick to my stomach because I really think Trump can win Wisconsin if there is no cheating. Here we go again.
Why even have elections? Why not just have a coronation?
from an outsider looking in,

It is all perfectly legal, ask Scotus.
AND as Trump once said to everyone regarding Murdered children at a school shooting "you just gotta get over it"
from an outsider looking in,

It is all perfectly legal, ask Scotus.
AND as Trump once said to everyone regarding Murdered children at a school shooting "you just gotta get over it"
That's interesting, I've never heard him say that, do you have a clip or reference for that?

This election boils down to this one simple fact. If you were traveling on a continental flight half way around the world, would you want trump or biden to be your pilot? Let's assume they both know how to fly a plane. Honest answer now. No fudging on your internal motivations. And neither is not an option.
Ah, much better when things are in context. Nothing wrong with what he said there in context. We all have to get over every tragedy that befalls us all.
If you were traveling on a continental flight half way around the world, would you want trump or biden to be your pilot? Let's assume they both know how to fly a plane.
Oh so clever. What if you wanted to hire a clown for your young daughter's birthday party. Same thing. Honest answers only. No fudging.
If you were traveling on a continental flight half way around the world, would you want trump or biden to be your pilot? Let's assume they both know how to fly a plane.
If you wanted to elect a convicted felon, which one would you choose. Assume they are both convicted felons. Be honest. No fudging.
That's interesting, I've never heard him say that, do you have a clip or reference for that?

This election boils down to this one simple fact. If you were traveling on a continental flight half way around the world, would you want trump or biden to be your pilot? Let's assume they both know how to fly a plane. Honest answer now. No fudging on your internal motivations. And neither is not an option.

Guns kill more people than plane crashes, This who I would prefer in charge of the gun plane.

Thanks for putting the quote in context. You can quote people out of context and twist their intentions if that makes you feel better. But, what does that say about you when you deliberately misinterpret what someone said and use that out of context as a way of saying that the person you are misquoting is evil?

I remember the media going wild when Trump was trying to reassure a very worried public by telling them that COVID was like a bad flu? How'd that turn out;) ?
Guns kill more people than plane crashes, This who I would prefer in charge of the gun plane.
No argument there. Too bad you haven't a clue how to stop the shootings. Your only thought is to make it impossible to buy a gun. Well, if criminals obeyed that law, there would be a lot fewer dead people in Chicago every year. You are conflating the gang shootings with the crazy people shooting people in "gun free zones". Making an area "gun free" is simply virtue signalling. Criminals don't care about gun free zones and crazy people don't care about anything. They are simply going to kill people because of how they feel inside.

The Lakeland shooting is an excellent example. That kid was on everyone's radar and no one did anything. They didn't want to interfere with the kid's "rights" so they just let him shoot up a school instead. Maybe that incident should be examined very closely to see if the kid could have been stopped.
No argument there. Too bad you haven't a clue how to stop the shootings. Your only thought is to make it impossible to buy a gun. Well, if criminals obeyed that law, there would be a lot fewer dead people in Chicago every year. You are conflating the gang shootings with the crazy people shooting people in "gun free zones". Making an area "gun free" is simply virtue signalling. Criminals don't care about gun free zones and crazy people don't care about anything. They are simply going to kill people because of how they feel inside.

The Lakeland shooting is an excellent example. That kid was on everyone's radar and no one did anything. They didn't want to interfere with the kid's "rights" so they just let him shoot up a school instead. Maybe that incident should be examined very closely to see if the kid could have been stopped.
Your very defensive, abrasive and insulting Pat. You have not endeavored to inquire what my solution would be, and your telepathy is way off beam.

Is this the free wine cooler?
Your very defensive, abrasive and insulting Pat. You have not endeavored to inquire what my solution would be, and your telepathy is way off beam.
Defensive? Where does that come from?
This who I would prefer in charge of the gun plane.
Please excuse me for making the assumption that you posted that link because you believe Biden has the solution. I know what his solution is.
I would love to hear your solution if it is different from Biden's.
@Space Cowboy: I hope that you realize that the US Supreme Court's immunity decision actually helps Biden.
Moreover, how is it that improving election integrity, which the Democrats (falsely) claim to support, invokes anti-Trump diatribes?
Don't you want a fair election?
Several of these instances included Biden being given instructions on which journalists to call on in press conferences. One that went viral in August 2021 involved the president declaring mid-presser that he had been given a list of which reporters to call on and "instructed" to use it.

"Ladies and gentlemen, they gave me a list here. The first person I was instructed to call on was Kelly O'Donnell from NBC," Biden said at the time, sparking a deluge of criticism on social media.

Axios, a far left media outlet, acknowledged: Biden's team drafted the questions for his first post-debate interviews.
It is the latest instance of the White House continuing to shield the president from unscripted moments, even after his debate performance raised further questions about his mental fitness.
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