If this isnt in the right place could someone please move it to the right place.
I am building a system for a local charity group I am chairman of, we assist the local emergency services and civil authorities during times of bad weather with the use of 4x4 vehicles, we use them to get nurses/doctors/paramedics etc round.
The system I am building is a membership database and incident system so that when we receive calls we can dispatch them to the responders quickly and easily through email etc, that part I have no problem with.
The section I am working on is the availability of the responders, I want them to have a section where they can update their availabiltiy each week, so we know who we have available and who isnt.
The tables are hosted on an amzon rds server in mysql, and my plan is to make a little web page that the responders can log into from our website and update their availability through there. The controllers will then have access to the system I am making in access to see who is available and when etc, but we also need to be able to enter this information through the access system for those that dont go online as not all of them do.
There are 4 times slots each day that I need to know availability for, 0000-0800, 0800-1200, 1200-1800, 1800-0000, and there are 3 availability types, available, unavailable, limited.
The way I have the table set at the moment is
ID : MemberID : AvailableDate : Timeslot1 : Timeslot 2 : Timeslot 3 : Timeslot4
With MemberID a forgien key to the members tables and the timeslots with forgien keys to the availlability type table.
Would I be better off creating a seperate table for the time slots, and just having the availability table as
ID : MemberID : AvailableDate : TimeSlotID : AvailbilityID
Therefore having 4 entries in the table for each member for each day, making 18 entires each week for each responder?
The question is 2 part really, that been the first part, the second been, on the form to enter the data, I have the days listed down the left hand side with the date next to them, the date is set when they select the week they want to enter the data for. Then the 4 timeslots across the top, with a combo box for each timeslot for each day with the availability options in them.
Other than writing a seperate sql insert command for each one, I know there must be an eaiser way to insert all the data into the table, but I am not sure how, I am fairly new to access and whilst I have done some stuff, that is a little beyond me at presnet.
I am building a system for a local charity group I am chairman of, we assist the local emergency services and civil authorities during times of bad weather with the use of 4x4 vehicles, we use them to get nurses/doctors/paramedics etc round.
The system I am building is a membership database and incident system so that when we receive calls we can dispatch them to the responders quickly and easily through email etc, that part I have no problem with.
The section I am working on is the availability of the responders, I want them to have a section where they can update their availabiltiy each week, so we know who we have available and who isnt.
The tables are hosted on an amzon rds server in mysql, and my plan is to make a little web page that the responders can log into from our website and update their availability through there. The controllers will then have access to the system I am making in access to see who is available and when etc, but we also need to be able to enter this information through the access system for those that dont go online as not all of them do.
There are 4 times slots each day that I need to know availability for, 0000-0800, 0800-1200, 1200-1800, 1800-0000, and there are 3 availability types, available, unavailable, limited.
The way I have the table set at the moment is
ID : MemberID : AvailableDate : Timeslot1 : Timeslot 2 : Timeslot 3 : Timeslot4
With MemberID a forgien key to the members tables and the timeslots with forgien keys to the availlability type table.
Would I be better off creating a seperate table for the time slots, and just having the availability table as
ID : MemberID : AvailableDate : TimeSlotID : AvailbilityID
Therefore having 4 entries in the table for each member for each day, making 18 entires each week for each responder?
The question is 2 part really, that been the first part, the second been, on the form to enter the data, I have the days listed down the left hand side with the date next to them, the date is set when they select the week they want to enter the data for. Then the 4 timeslots across the top, with a combo box for each timeslot for each day with the availability options in them.
Other than writing a seperate sql insert command for each one, I know there must be an eaiser way to insert all the data into the table, but I am not sure how, I am fairly new to access and whilst I have done some stuff, that is a little beyond me at presnet.