Help with simple design

When you click on Blank Database, you get a typical file dialog asking you for a name and path. It is up to YOU to tell Access what the database name will be and the folder where you want it to be saved.

You may as well also start out with a naming standard for objects. tables are generally prefixed with tbl, queries with q or qry, forms with frm, subforms with sfrm, etc. search here. You can of course define your own but it is always easier to adopt already well used standards rather than reinventing the wheel.

If the Libre spreadsheet can save as .xlxs, then do that. Then you can import from the Excel format since Libre apparently doesn't support ODBC so Access can't link to those tables.
You can change the database Application Title in File > Options > Current Database.

You can change the file name in Windows File Explorer.
You can change the database Application Title in File > Options > Current Database.

You can change the file name in Windows File Explorer.
I thought that might be the case. I had to hunt down the default location and it was in Documents.
Ok, I may be stuck now as I have created the whole filament table like it was originally was. Then I created the 3 lookup tables ColorValues, TypeValues, and BrandValues. I made these by creating a new database for each of those. All of the above were cut and copied from the LibreOffice spreadsheet and that worked well except for the empty columns I had to adjust the Fieldname. Here is a screenshot to see if I need to make any changes as I cannot see more the one table at a time in the relationships window. Also I can't figure out how to change the name Database1 although I did rename the other 3 ok.
From your screenshot it looks like you have created a database for each table. All of your tables should be in one database.
From your screenshot it looks like you have created a database for each table. All of your tables should be in one database.
Yeah, I think I am still learning so I am likely not 100% sure of what I am doing. I am taking all the help into my brain and then letting it settle. Then doing the research on key words that may be the answer to my confusion. If you read from the beginning I started with a flat file file database and wanted to complicate it and make it relational. So I broke it up into what I thought were other tables but as you point out they are other databases? I just wanted to relate the others to make it better to search specific data. Someone mentioned look up tables for searching and maybe I didn't understand what look up tables are. I am still learning...
Edit: Now that I thought about it, I had already set this up in LibreOffice and did in fact have multiple tables. I just bought and installed ACCESS a day or two ago and was going to use that to learn with more help available. For some reason I created all the other tables as new database so I need to go fix that. I must have missed that option from the start menu so I will have to find where to do that. Thanks for noticing and pointing that out. :)
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