No solutions from the left, just sour grapes 🍇
I guess next you will say that the Clinton Administration didn't have the most balanced budget in 50 years.
Thank Newt Gingrich, a Republican, for reigning in the Clinton Administration. Based on this historical achievement (since the Democrats were successful under the Clinton administration) the Democrats should, today, be embracing cost controls to balance the budget and supporting Musk's efforts. After all, Democrats assert they are for fiscal responsibility.
No solutions from the left, just sour grapes 🍇

They've bean caught with their hand in the till ! They have no defence, there is ample evidence, they stand to go to prison and have the stolen money confiscated... They have a short reprieve provided by a corrupt judge. The reprieve may give them time to cover their tracks or at least move what money they can to a safe haven....
Yeah, cutting a billion here, a billion there, and suddenly you are talking about some real money. (In memory of Sen. Everett Dirkson.)
Like I said innumeracy, thank you for proving my point. I may have issues with spelling, but I don't have issues with magnitudes. The most powerful conservative brainwashing tool is the misrepresentation of magnitudes.
It is the basis for nearly all of the great lies conservative drink in their cool aid glasses..
Thank Newt Gingrich, a Republican, for reigning in the Clinton Administration. Based on this historical achievement (since the Democrats were successful under the Clinton administration) the Democrats should, today, be embracing cost controls to balance the budget and supporting Musk's efforts. After all, Democrats assert they are for fiscal responsibility.
You have such a selective memory. It's amazing how distorted your realty actually is. If less people were so biased we could get our government to work on our behalf.

Never show weakness, never capitulate, never admit you are wrong about anything. And oh yeah, make sure you yell louder than the other guy,
You have such a selective memory. It's amazing how distorted your realty actually is. If less people were so biased we could get our government to work on our behalf.

Never show weakness, never capitulate, never admit you are wrong about anything. And oh yeah, make sure you yell louder than the other guy,
What has that got to due with reducing federal spending? You glowingly spoke of how the Clinton administration balanced the budget. Well, based on this Democratic historical success, the Democrats should be embracing Musk's effort to restore fiscal responsibility. You shunned addressing fiscal responsibility in your response. Therefore, you must believe, like the current Democrats, that fiscal responsibly is not necessary.
I'd just say they are attacking the lowest hanging fruit first. That's not unusual?
Like I said innumeracy, thank you for proving my point. I may have issues with spelling, but I don't have issues with magnitudes. The most powerful conservative brainwashing tool is the misrepresentation of magnitudes.
It is the basis for nearly all of the great lies conservative drink in their cool aid glasses..

That's the same narrative they say about transgenders taking sports trophies, so finally (fed up with the accusation it isn't a real problem), someone put out an official "report", for those people who are obsessed with "studies show" kind of thing:

it's about cutting out all semblance of power, or any service, that is not MAGA, or at least super right wing fascism.

Remember, you say that from the perspective of "anything they cut must be anti-maga".
And the MAGA people are looking at it from the perspective of "all the things we've cut out may be anti-maga, they're also stupid to spend $ on"

So it's no surprise that "anti-maga" and "stupid to spend on" end up the same, since one of the main things MAGA stands for is a return to common sense.
The Iron Mountain company has been around for a very long time. I first heard of them over 50 years ago in the early 70's when I was doing a conversion project for a large insurance company in Hartford. I had to requisition 7 years of archived tapes (9-track) from Iron Mountain (upstate New York) bring them to headquarters, convert them to the new record layout and send the converted tapes back.

It reminds me of the old vacuum tube system from when I was a kid. My mom would hand some cash to a clerk, who would put it in a tube and send it up the wall. Then, we would wait for the change. Yes, it worked, but not very efficiently.
It reminds me of the old vacuum tube system from when I was a kid. My mom would hand some cash to a clerk, who would put it in a tube and send it up the wall. Then, we would wait for the change. Yes, it worked, but not very efficiently.
Wait, was this standard at stores in general when paying with cash? Why?
Like I said innumeracy, thank you for proving my point. I may have issues with spelling, but I don't have issues with magnitudes. The most powerful conservative brainwashing tool is the misrepresentation of magnitudes.
It is the basis for nearly all of the great lies conservative drink in their cool aid glasses..

You realize innumeracy is spelled the way it is in order to connote the lack of understanding of numbers - it's not "over numeracy" for only understandings that fail to appreciate large quantities, it's not "under nummeracy" for only understandings that fail to appreciate small quantities - it's both or either.

So the road runs both directions. You are accusing someone of innumeracy, while at the same time minimizing or diminishing all the way to Zero the accomplishments of saving money because it is "only millions and millions". Taxpayers don't feel that way. If I hear of 1 million dollars being wrongly spent, I'm glad to see it corrected. If I hear of just 5, 10, or 15 incidents where a man took a woman's trophy, and a woman came in second, I'm pretty chapped because that seems real unfair to the woman. It doesn't take billions.

Lastly, don't forget only about half the gov budget is supported by personal income taxes, so when figuring the relative "significance" of expenditure savings, you could consider just half the gov budget and then assume a corresponding dent in taxes needed. (not that that's the best way to use the savings, just sayin)

Innumeracy. The failure to appreciate numbers going in both directions
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I do remember the whooshing of the plastic torpedo at the pharmacy drive in. What's funny is that's no longer a thing at my local Walgreens...But it's not because of being replaced by anything modern, it's just that they put a permanent Closed sign on the outer lane. :)
What has that got to due with reducing federal spending? You glowingly spoke of how the Clinton administration balanced the budget. Well, based on this Democratic historical success, the Democrats should be embracing Musk's effort to restore fiscal responsibility. You shunned addressing fiscal responsibility in your response. Therefore, you must believe, like the current Democrats, that fiscal responsibly is not necessary.
Modern Democrats exist to make people swing to the right.

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