No. The reason is that there is a continual class struggle that ignores a simple idea. Without the potential to gather wealth as an incentive, people wouldn't bother to start up a new business or grow it. Look at Russia before they relaxed economic controls a few decades ago. There are - and probably always will be - the haves and have-nots, and THERE is the nexus of this struggle - because the have-nots don't have the courage to do something for themselves.
In the USA, the have-nots have been brainwashed by those who continually talk about how they will not survive without government assistance - but that assistance goes counter the Analects of Confucius statement: Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime. The government assistance turns out to be subsistence-level support, which never allows a person to take that next step up the Maslow pyramid. And the have-nots have been beaten down by that "Progressive Liberal" negativity to the point that they have lost hope.
Study the works of Abraham Maslow on economic motivation. If you did study Maslow and you STILL hold these beliefs, then read them again, but this time try to stay awake while studying.