Dress codes

selenau837 said:
I do not talk around in just my panties at work! :rolleyes:
so what do Americans talk around then? ahhhh yes, the watercooler!

ColinEssex said:
so what do Americans talk around then? ahhhh yes, the watercooler!

:p :p :p :p *PSSSTTTT*
ColinEssex said:
so what do Americans talk around then? Col
How the West was won, how to run the world, the benefits of capitalism, evil communists, not a definitive list of course............
selenau837 said:
What is the giggle line?

Ah! Hmm!:o

The giggle line is the bit between the top of the stocking and the panties because one you got past there you were laughing.:o

I courted in pre tights days, bring back sussies.:D mind you the girls knew the word no in those days. :( :eek: :D

Brianwarnock said:
Ah! Hmm!:o

The giggle line is the bit between the top of the stocking and the panties because one you got past there you were laughing.:o

I courted in pre tights days, bring back sussies.:D mind you the girls knew the word no in those days. :( :eek: :D


I see! :o . I understand now!
Brianwarnock said:
mind you the girls knew the word no in those days. :( :eek: :D

It's still in their vocabulary, usually after we say "I do", they promptly change it to "I dont" :mad:
Brianwarnock said:
mind you the girls knew the word no in those days. :( :eek: :D


I just realized what you said there. :eek: :eek: We do know the word 'no'. It is promply followed up with a slap if it isn't adhered too. :D

There are still some Ladies out here you know. :p :p
Rich said:
Where can one find this rare breed ? :cool:

Why, I would believe all the Ladies in the forum. :cool: We are all prim and proper around here.
selenau837 said:
I just realized what you said there. :eek: :eek: We do know the word 'no'. It is promply followed up with a slap if it isn't adhered too. :D

There are still some Ladies out here you know. :p :p

Sorry Selena no offence was meant, just indicating my lack of success:( ;)

Brianwarnock said:
Sorry Selena no offence was meant, just indicating my lack of success:( ;)


I know deary! Just gotta give you grief on one of your last days. Besides I didn't even notice it until Rich made a commment about it. :p

Why us Southern Belles are always a lady in public. :D ;)
Alright, back to the question at hand.

At the last place I worked, for a period of time, when our big boss had an administrative assistant who didn't like capri pants, we had a dress code where no one was allowed to wear them. Pretty ridiculous, I thought. As you say, better than some of the short skirts people have been known to wear.

However, once she quit (after which she immediately filed a sexual harrassment case with the organization against my big boss because of his questionable humor), capri pants were back!!!

Of course, I don't wear capri pants, because when you are as short as I am, they just look like flood pants on ya (flood pants being those pants that are deemed too long to be capri pants, and too short to be fashionable).

lmnop7854 said:
Alright, back to the question at hand.

Of course, I don't wear capri pants, because when you are as short as I am, they just look like flood pants on ya (flood pants being those pants that are deemed too long to be capri pants, and too short to be fashionable).


Those type of pants are called crop pants. Those are not even allowed. If your ankle bone shows the least little bit they are sending you home.

I am also short. I have to wear high heels most of the time to keep my pants from dragging. I tried petites, but I am to tall for petites, and too short for regular. :rolleyes: Being 5'3 1/2" is an akward height. :mad:
lmnop7854 said:
At the last place I worked, for a period of time, when our big boss had an administrative assistant who didn't like capri pants, we had a dress code where no one was allowed to wear them. Pretty ridiculous, I thought. As you say, better than some of the short skirts people have been known to wear.

We have something similar going on here. We have a pretty relaxed atmosphere but we also have an administrative assistant who would like to selectively enforce the rules. She complains when the guys wear Hawaiian shirts with their khaki pants (OK, trousers Col :rolleyes: ) but she likes to wear capri pants with sandals herself. I don't think the capri pants are against the dress code necessarily but I'm pretty sure the open-toed sandals are. Sometimes I wish people would just mind their own business instead of trying to make everyone else's lives miserable. :rolleyes:

lmnop7854 said:
Of course, I don't wear capri pants, because when you are as short as I am, they just look like flood pants on ya (flood pants being those pants that are deemed too long to be capri pants, and too short to be fashionable).

Ha. I seem to have the opposite problem. :(
MrsGorilla said:
Ha. I seem to have the opposite problem. :(

I wish I was tall. Then I would't be soooo 'curvy'. I keep tellin' people, I am not over-weight, I am just under-height. I am the perfect weight for woman who is 5'10". :D Granted i've lost 80lbs. I was the perfect weight for a woman 6'5".:rolleyes: So i'll eventually be the perfect weight for a woman 5'3". :D Just 7 more inches.

Then again, that is awhole different subject.
selenau837 said:
I wish I was tall. Then I would't be soooo 'curvy'. I keep tellin' people, I am not over-weight, I am just under-height. I am the perfect weight for woman who is 5'10". :D Granted i've lost 80lbs. I was the perfect weight for a woman 6'5".:rolleyes: So i'll eventually be the perfect weight for a woman 5'3". :D Just 7 more inches.

Being tall is helpful for weight loss, etc (I'm about 5'10"). It's just a pain sometimes when you're trying to find clothes, like the capri pants. If I'm buying shorts I have to get the long ones so they won't look like Daisy Dukes on me. But if I can find jeans or pants in a long length I'm usually good with those. :D I'm finally starting to lose my weight from having Emily now that she is almost 2. I've already lost 1/5th of my goal in the past 6 weeks, so hopefully by summer I'll be in good shape and then I can start my weighlifting again.

Rich said:
Are those back in fashion again ? I wore them when I was about 5 :eek:

They are for the guys in my group at work. I don't really think they're the type(s) who care whether clothes are "in" for everyone else or not. ;) :cool:

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