Election Do-Over!!! (2 Viewers)

My daughter actually attended this demonstration with a couple of friends.
I hope they stayed safe and are quarantining. That event was certainly a superspreader. Not many masks to be seen. Also saw this morning that the UK version of the virus was found in 2 kids, 15 and 25 y/o, in New Haven County which I believe is near you.

the mayor decided to make these particular marchers feel as unwelcome as possible by getting the hotels and restaurants to shut down.
From what I read some hotels shut down because it was expected that a large contigent of the proud boys were coming and they didn't want them.

At least he wasn't convicted of ra** in a civil trial where the victim was awarded over $900,000 in damages.
Not yet anyway. Several cases pending though. Not to mention the 25 or so women who have accused him.
BTW, It was $850K and a settlement, not an award. He probably should have paid her $130,000 with an NDA. Would have been much cheaper.

At some point a small number of people started up the steps and were trying to get into the building.
Not sure I'd describe them as a small group and they did get into the locked building, they didn't just try. They also broke into offices and stole computers and documents. They killed a cop. There were 2 bombs planted.

moke, look at your "fact" checkers and see if you can find the photos of the people who occupied the Hart building including McConnell's office last year. I don't think many of them were Trump supporters.
No, they were federal workers who hadn't been paid in a month due to the government shutdown, the longest in history and the 2nd one during Trumps presidency. The building was open. They didn't storm it. Same with the climate protestors.
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We maintain civility here because we don't sink to personal attacks. You crossed the line with this one. . . . . . . . . . .you make assumptions about people you don't even know. The problem is inside you. Hypocrisy Reigns
Actually, I'm a bit unclear as to where 'the line' is. If you are a 'super moderator' it seems to be ok to accuse someone of not being well read - which in the UK is an insult meaning thick or stupid. It also seems ok to chastise another member about making assumptions about people . Yet, would say calling a person unknown to you as ' not well read' as making an assumption? We do try to maintain civility here, but it would help if the 'line' applied to all members.
As you rightly say - hypocrisy reigns.
Seeing that many of the idiots that stormed the Capitol building were taking selfies and tweeting their crimes, how long do you think it will take the FBI to find them?

My guess is not long. If they can track the covid cases out of Sturgis by cellphone data, how hard could it be to get cellphone data from the Capitol on 1/6/21?
Seeing that many of the idiots that stormed the Capitol building were taking selfies and tweeting their crimes, how long do you think it will take the FBI to find them?

My guess is not long. If they can track the covid cases out of Sturgis by cellphone data, how hard could it be to get cellphone data from the Capitol on 1/6/21?
And thanks to Trump's law on destruction of Federal Property, they each can face serious crimes and prison time. The irony!
How often do peaceful protesters carry flexcuffs? Not to mention a Punisher Flag patch (law enforcement), a thin blue line patch(law enforcement), a glock, and mace. Especially in the Capitol Bldg.
How often do peaceful protesters carry flexcuffs? Not to mention a Punisher Flag patch (law enforcement), a thin blue line patch(law enforcement), a glock, and mace. Especially in the Capitol Bldg.
View attachment 88074
Peaceful protesters don't. Maybe now Trump supporters will see the difference between the two. That's the difference between peaceful protesters and opportunistic rioters and looters who just want to cause destruction. Both groups had this problem.

And both groups were nothing but super spreader events. But since most of them don't believe the actual medical professionals, I'm sure they will be fine. The virus is fake, right?
Do Trump supporters support the Republican Party whoever is candidate, or just the idiot Trump. In other words, could they support democratic candidate next time if they like them?
I've been an independent before Bush 43. I tend to vote the person. I did vote for Obama's first term, I also voted for Jimmy.
Do Trump supporters support the Republican Party whoever is candidate, or just the idiot Trump. In other words, could they support democratic candidate next time if they like them?
Trump supporters do not support Trump because he ran as a Republican. In fact, Republican politicians probably hate him more than the Democrats. Anyone who knows anything about Trump knows he's spent his life as a Democrat and that's what his children are TODAY. NYC is an extremely liberal area. The Democrat party left him a long time ago just as it left me. The Democrats today have abandoned the Constitution and consider it to be a nuisance. They are full-blown Socialists. They are into redistributing wealth and giving people "free" stuff like healthcare for illegal aliens. Guaranteed minimum income. $15 minimum wage, forgive college debt (boy was I stupid. I paid for my grandchildren). Have you been to a McDonald's lately? In stead of 5 workers making $10, they're down to 2 workers making $15. How's that going to work out? People own businesses to make a profit. Raise their labor costs and they'll spend the money to automate. They prefer automation anyway. Machines don't clock in late or take breaks to smoke a joint. That's the only way out for the poor. Drug themselves to kill the pain. "free" stuff isn't actually free.

Personally, I am not now a Republican. I have never been a Republican and I will never be a republican given the way they treated Trump. I voted for the best person for the job and I stand by that decision. I knew he would be contentious and that's why I voted against him in the primary. Considering the opposition from the deep state and even his own party, he accomplished many of his campaign promises. That alone makes him a hated figure by the establishment. They can't stand the fact that as soon as he took office, he set to work delivering on his promises.
Do Trump supporters support the Republican Party whoever is candidate,

I will answer that in the only way I can, Col. I didn't vote for "whoever was the Republican candidate." I voted in the way that thought was the best chance to assure that Hillary Clinton DIDN'T become president. I supported Trump de facto, but my REAL goal was to undercut Hillary. I do not claim to speak for anyone else.
A comment is in order.

People spoke to me not that long ago to remind me about proper behavior on the forum when I was going overboard with Adam and his relentless barrage of posts. It is possible for us to dive down the rabbit hole so deep that we lose track of where we are headed. It has happened to me more than once and I fully understand how we can become emotionally invested in a situation. This is NOT a case of the "pot calling the kettle black" because this particular pot very much KNOWS it is also quite black. OK?

Some people in this thread are beginning to reach the outer edges of civility in this thread. Even for intelligent people with earnest and deeply-held beliefs, we should remember that civility is important if we are to have meaningful rather than mean-spirited dialog. If this could POSSIBLY apply to ANYONE here, may I respectfully ask that you think about tempering your fervor just a smidgen? I point no specific fingers but I do have a mirror handy for myself. I try to look in it from time to time.

Thank you for your attention.
And thanks to Trump's law on destruction of Federal Property, they each can face serious crimes and prison time. The irony!
And that's a great thing.

Is it actually ironic, or is it only ironic if you believe this notion that Trump wanted them to storm the capitol ....
It's at least ironic that he would pass an order that is being used on his followers. It eventually had to come to that, right?

Of course he's happy they stormed the capitol. He can pretend he's not all he wants, but his ego wouldn't allow him not to be satisfied with it. He's not suffering the consequences (yet) for what they did, so why not?
It's at least ironic that he would pass an order that is being used on his followers. It eventually had to come to that, right?

Of course he's happy they stormed the capitol. He can pretend he's not all he wants, but his ego wouldn't allow him not to be satisfied with it. He's not suffering the consequences (yet) for what they did, so why not?
They're reading the draft articles of impeachment on TV right now. Debating them on monday.
They're reading the draft articles of impeachment on TV right now. Debating them on monday.
It doesn't matter. It likely won't happen. It's all for show.

I wouldn't be surprised if all of this ruins a run in 2024 for him though.
It doesn't matter. It likely won't happen. It's all for show.

I wouldn't be surprised if all of this ruins a run in 2024 for him though.
I really don't want to hear him campaigning for the next 4 years.
Nobody stops to examine why he was so popular, and why did 70-80 million people feel disenfranchised? The liberals will continue to write off half of America, and this phenomenon is bound to reoccur with him or without Trump.
Because I listen to medical professionals instead of bogus memes and politicians
Easy there. I am sorry your wife is ill. I have two friends undergoing Chemo and they are terrified. I don't blame them. Their immune systems are compromised and they really need to avoid exposure if at all possible. Regarding the overcrowding in your local hospital, do you live in a state that banned the use of Hydroxychloroquine? Cancelling effective early treatments because Trump mentioned them has cost thousands of lives in this country. Once people end up in the hospital, especially the ICU, they are much less likely to recover. Early treatment saves lives. Google and FB are actively blocking access to studies and papers that don't agree with the current party position. In fact, it is difficult to find old opinions on the efficacy of masks for the healthy prior to the Wuhan virus made everyone crazy. Anyone with respiratory symptoms should self isolate. Everyone who is in a danger category should wear masks and gloves and hide out until they can get the vaccine.

I merely suggested that rather than listening to people who have an agenda (the media), you might want to do your own research. In some parts of the country, society is actually functional and in others it isn't. There is no proof whatsoever that lockdowns (at this stage of the infection) actually do anything. There are situations where isolation can be effective but not here and not now. Our real best option is herd immunity sooner rather than later. The vaccine will contribute to that except of course that the politicians are prioritizing people they deem important rather than the elderly and ill who are the ones in danger of dying from the virus. This is what single-payer healthcare looks like. Just ask people who have it. If they can't afford private care, they are likely to be shuffled to the back of the list because care is limited and so it is given to some less ill people over others who are more ill based on a committee's opinion. Even Canadians come to the US for healthcare. I have a friend from my days in Kuwait. They have socialized medicine in Kuwait and everything is "free". I can actually attest to that given we had an emergency when we were there and I had to take my daughter to get stitches when she cut her foot on a piece of glass while wading in the Gulf. It was free but the line was 4 hours long. To their credit, someone walking the line saw that she was bleeding and decided she was not in danger of bleeding out before she could be seen. My friend comes to the US at least four times a year to visit his doctors. So much for "free".

If you believe that "cases" = illness, then the media has done it's job. If you are in a danger category, please stay at home. If you are not, you might want to look at the statistics and see who actually dies from the Wuhan virus so you can better assess your danger should you be exposed. Last time I did the calculation, the OVERALL AVERAGE death percentage in the US was down to .199. The more people tested, the more people are found to be infected, the lower this death rate goes so it is getting "better" not worse as the media would have you believe. The flu kills on average .1 to .2 so the death rate from COVID is currently at the high end of an average flu season. If you break down the numbers by age, you'll see that people over 80 or with co-morbidities are in the most danger. Also, keep in mind that the CDC changed its instructions on how to classify deaths last March or April which artificially inflated the number of COVID deaths by their own admission in order to give more money to hospitals. Some states are restating their counts. Here's the link to the CDC website as well as a copy of the chart by age. As you can see by the numbers, people less than 65 represent ~85% of the cases but only ~19% of the deaths. But, hey, it's just numbers. The woke politicians in Mass are prioritizing the incarcerated over the elderly because apparently if you are a criminal, you're more valuable to society than a grandmother and so should get the vaccine as soon as possible.

CDC COVID Data Tracker

If Trump is so brilliant as some on these forums proclaim - why has the speaker of the house today stated that he is deranged and should not have the nuclear codes. Also, why if he is fantastic should worldwide leaders say he should be removed with immediate effect?
The only thing I've seen him do is sign some big documents with a big black crayon. He told people to inject bleach into themselves, he puts out tweets that are less than true.
Why are some on this forum so blinkered? Is it just denial? Or just scared to admit the truth.
I suppose when Biden gets in we will have the same old all over again - some here will worship him like they are with Trump, others won't.
I'm beginning to think if God was USA president, Americans would still moan on and squabble like children. (To some here, God is the current president)

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