Election Do-Over!!!

What accounted for that huge spike on a particular period seen on Google trends?


Source: Google Trends
Anyway, I'm bored with USA politics. The orange clown will be out in 10 days.

True, Col. But if you thought USA politics was quiet before, just wait until the Republicans start calling out the in-power Democrats. The rhetoric isn't going to change that much. Just the names to whom the rhetoric is attributed.
Ok, I'll delete my post. I can't see it's relevant.
Others have mentioned the victims but we can't do all the work for you.
Unless the Democrats are not planning on following their own rules. Maybe Pence will invoke the 25th amendment, if he does
that his political career is over. Tomorrow will be pretty intense.

Unless the Democrats are not planning on following their own rules.
For Democrats the rules are fluid. They can be changed as the need arises. When the time comes, they will be following their newly adopted rules.
There were a number of people who died "during" the riots but only ONE person was killed. She was murdered and that cop needs to hang for it. I think he might have been black. It's hard to tell. If he was, he must be a racist. What's good for the goose is good for the gander as the old saying goes. If a white cop killing a black person in a scuffle is racist, then clearly a black cop killing a white person is racist, isn't it? How about if she was unarmed and no physical threat? For the lefties here, please don't assume I am justifying her actions in any way. She was commuting a crime. But, she didn't deserve to die for it.

The second police officer who died seems to have committed suicide. We don't know why. The other people, I think just happened to be at the march when they died.
I've been doing a lot of thinking about how to make elections tamper proof. If anyone is interested in chatting about it, please send me a PM. Include a few preferred times of day and your time zone. I'm Eastern Standard. I'll set up a GTM and send you my initial thoughts. If anyone has any hardware experience with scanning machines, that would be very helpful. I don't think this needs to be a US only discussion. Learning how other countries do it would be helpful. Pelosi is making a big push to make the state laws that facilitated the steal federal so they can make sure no conservative they disagree with ever wins an election again. I'd like to stop that if it is possible but I can't do it alone. This is not a conservative only invitation. Everyone should care about election security.

Random thoughts:

I think we've come to a point where we can agree that we don't want the voting system to be cloud based or even networked and since it has to be auditable, it has to start with paper. It has to be simple with minimal moving parts. It shouldn't require last minute code changes every year. The ballot should be a simple grid with rows being offices or referendums and the columns being parties/candidates. It probably has to be multi-page. It might need to accommodate more candidates than we have columns so would we use two rows for a single office? It might need to accommodate multiple choices for a given office. On most ballots, it would be invalid to have more than one box filled in for any row. I don't know if there's any situations where you would be allowed to pick 2 out of 10 or if those should be done with two rows.

California seems to always have a lot of referendums so I hope some one from the left coast will join us.
Apparently the long delayed election interference report was finally released. Too late for Trump to act on it.

Does it frighten anyone but me that the CIA will get away with this?
I came across this today. There are so many purple words and omissions and erroneous assumptions I don't even know where to start. Why do Democrats assume that blacks are too stupid to be able to get a photo ID? But, more importantly, why do blacks go along with the premise?

I came across this today. There are so many purple words and omissions and erroneous assumptions I don't even know where to start. Why do Democrats assume that blacks are too stupid to be able to get a photo ID? But, more importantly, why do blacks go along with the premise?

Words matter. Democrats have been exceptionally adept at twisting the narrative to hoodwink the gullible public into thinking that Republican efforts to assure voter integrity are somehow "evil". Think Orwellian "Newspeak". Note the use of negative words such as "restrict", and "make it harder to get on or stay on the voter rolls". The issue is validating that the person voting is the actual person and is eligible to vote. This takes work, which is purposely misharacterized by those on the "left" as an evil attempt to undermine the voting process.

If you haven't done so already. See Ingraham: Big Tech, Big Business and BLM exposed as 'unholy trinity' behind Biden win. In this video, the "left" has used "Newspeak" in the reverse manner. They brazenly referred to election manipulation as "fortifying" the democratic voting process. Reprehensible.
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I watched Ingraham last night. I was impressed. She doesn't usually step out like that. Her segment was something I would have expected from Tucker or Dobbs.

I was speaking with my cleaning lady this morning. She is beside herself. She immigrated from Brazil a few years ago and she got naturalized in 2018 just in time to vote for the first time. I helped her with studying. We were very excited. Too many Americans would actually fail the test. She is flabbergasted by this push for open borders.

The left has adopted Goebbels playbook and even improved on it. The media didn't even have to be coerced to tow the party line. They just jumped on the band wagon. I have a hard time actually reading the news from any print source these days. I used to be able to handle the Wall Street Journal but even they've gone to the dark side. How can anyone with any intelligence read the article I posted and not recognize that it is propaganda. Once you realize the little lies and omitted truths, you have a way to get out of the morass of disinformation but if you can't find any story with actual facts that you can compare, it is really hopeless.

To this day, I remember when I woke up to how biased the news was. Intellectually I knew they were biased. News is written by people but I didn't ever realize just how they manipulated the facts by the simple process of omitting certain facts. This is before they progressed to eloquent use of purple words and innuendo as well as strategic omissions. I was listening to the news on the TV one morning while I was getting dressed. The story was about a large chemical company that had created chemical waste site 20 odd years ago and the site was now leaking and the reporter was talking about should the state sue the company to pay for the cleanup. -- Gives you a pretty bad impression of this company, right? Then on the way to work, the same story was on the radio. Someone reported the leak and the company jumped in and was helping the EPA with the clean up voluntarily! Then we find out that the chemical storage site was prepared with the best technology available at the time and the company did everything they could to make it safe but unfortunately, those precautions were not sufficient and a leak occurred. Being responsible, the company had just jumped in and was trying to make it better. The radio version gives you a good impression about the company. You feel that they are responsible citizens rather than criminals.
Cleaning lady! Yes, it's nice you give work to an immigrant, saves her going on the game. I suppose she's nicely tanned.
Cleaning lady! Yes, it's nice you give work to an immigrant, saves her going on the game. I suppose she's nicely tanned.
I hate to be rude but I'm going to make an exception just for you. You are an idiot and as usual assumed the absolute worst scenario that came to your sick mind.

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