Kim Kardashian and Kanye's marriage is trouble?What accounted for that huge spike on a particular period seen on Google trends?
Source: Google Trends
Anyway, I'm bored with USA politics. The orange clown will be out in 10 days.
Sure we have, you're just not paying attention as usual >>'s sad that despite all the bitching and arguing about who said what and when etc etc. I don't think anybody has mentioned the 4 (or is it 5) people killed in the congress riot.
For Democrats the rules are fluid. They can be changed as the need arises. When the time comes, they will be following their newly adopted rules.Unless the Democrats are not planning on following their own rules.
Words matter. Democrats have been exceptionally adept at twisting the narrative to hoodwink the gullible public into thinking that Republican efforts to assure voter integrity are somehow "evil". Think Orwellian "Newspeak". Note the use of negative words such as "restrict", and "make it harder to get on or stay on the voter rolls". The issue is validating that the person voting is the actual person and is eligible to vote. This takes work, which is purposely misharacterized by those on the "left" as an evil attempt to undermine the voting process.I came across this today. There are so many purple words and omissions and erroneous assumptions I don't even know where to start. Why do Democrats assume that blacks are too stupid to be able to get a photo ID? But, more importantly, why do blacks go along with the premise?
Republicans advance more than 100 bills that would restrict voting in wake of Trump's defeat
State lawmakers have zeroed in on mail-in voting for new restrictions and
I hate to be rude but I'm going to make an exception just for you. You are an idiot and as usual assumed the absolute worst scenario that came to your sick mind.Cleaning lady! Yes, it's nice you give work to an immigrant, saves her going on the game. I suppose she's nicely tanned.
I hope someone explains what the game is?saves her going on the game
Probably tennis. I love tennis.I hope someone explains what the game is?
I hope someone explains what the game is?