Election Do-Over!!! (1 Viewer)

We need new social media, run by conservative. Of course a conservative owner of that would allow all points of view!
That sounds like me! :D
We need new social media, run by conservative. Of course a conservative owner of that would allow all points of view!

I want to see a study that shows political preference by career industry.
have at it . . .

I want to see a study that shows political preference by career industry.
As a follow-up:
I would also add, that your apparent political affiliation is not simply a reflection of one's profession, but also on where you live and your adoption of a particular economic/political/social view point. Even sex and age play a role in one's political affiliation.
For example, people in (dense) urban areas tend to want BIG government as they want/need the government to provide many services. Those in rural areas don't need as much government support. Hence, they are more accepting of "minimal" government.
As a follow-up:
I would also add, that your apparent political affiliation is not simply a reflection of one's profession, but also on where you live and your adoption of a particular economic/political/social view point. Even sex and age play a role in one's political affiliation.
For example, people in (dense) urban areas tend to want BIG government as they want/need the government to provide many services. Those in rural areas don't need as much government support. Hence, they are more accepting of "minimal" government.
That's a great little chart, and fun to look at .... Thanks Steve. (Is it just me or does it seem like there are more real jobs on the right!) Making me wonder if those in the real world have their feet on the ground about fiscal and self-governing concepts, but hopers and dreamers think differently? I dunno - nothing scientific in that comment, just first impression.

Yes, for sure, some careers will appear to 'cause' an affiliation but something else will really be the driver - like maybe urban placement or the way they were raised etc.

That reminds me of the so-called wage gap, which appears to be along racial lines until you include other relevant variables, like Region, Education, and Test Scores, and that racial wage gap just disappears like a magic trick!
Lots of problems being found in the Arizona and Georgia audits. Lots of obstruction by the government. Why obstruct if there is nothing to find?
I wish every American could read these two simple sentences of fact carefully, and then make themselves think deeply about it for one full minute:

Texas wishes to secure election counting machines by disabling them from any wireless connectivity, since none of the voting machines are supposed to involve any network traffic whatsoever. Democrats fiercely oppose this.

Ponder it for a while.
Thanks Steve. You come up with some really interesting links. I was amazed at how left leaning IT folks are. You'd think they would know better. It must be the youngsters skewing the mix.
Ponder it for a while.
No need to think about it. The only reason to insist on internet connectivity is because they want the ability to remotely change something. Just like the only reason for objecting to an audit is because you have something to hide and the bad guys are really digging their heels in.
A few moments ago, "Outnumbered" had a good discussion on the evils of the government deputizing private corporations to act on behalf of the government to censure public speech (a violation of free speech). Video of that discussion, is currently not available. Maybe later. In the meantime:
"The First Amendment’s free speech clause prohibits the government from abridging speech, especially on the basis of viewpoint, absent judicial scrutiny. The White House freely admits that it is pressuring Facebook to remove information it subjectively deems "misinformation" with respect to the coronavirus and vaccine."
Texas wishes to secure election counting machines by disabling them from any wireless connectivity, since none of the voting machines are supposed to involve any network traffic whatsoever. Democrats fiercely oppose this.

Ponder it for a while.
No need to ponder, the Democrats do not want transparency in the election process which would allow them to "fix" election results in their favor. But also ponder this. Texas state legislators have fled the state to avoid voting on a voting rights bill. This is an "obstruction" of the democratic process. Democrats, also want the filibuster in the US Senate eliminated since they assert it to be an "obstruction" of the democratic process, (besides the ridiculous trope that it is racist). Seems that the Democrats have dug a logical hole in the ground for themselves. Boils down to the Democrats believing that their agenda must be unquestionably passed/implemented without objection. Implies that Democrats believe in a tyrannical dictatorship form of government. Not democracy.
No need to ponder, the Democrats do not want transparency in the election process which would allow them to "fix" election results in their favor. But also ponder this. Texas state legislators have fled the state to avoid voting on a voting rights bill. This is an "obstruction" of the democratic process. Democrats, also want the filibuster in the US Senate eliminated since they assert it to be an "obstruction" of the democratic process, (besides the ridiculous trope that it is racist). Seems that the Democrats have dug a logical hole in the ground for themselves. Boils down to the Democrats believing that their agenda must be unquestionably passed/implemented without objection. Implies that Democrats believe in a tyrannical dictatorship form of government. Not democracy.

Sounds like an Insurrection to me.

I meant ponder for American Democrat voters, many of whom don't realize what is actually going on.

If you plastered that fact on the TV screen of every American tonight - so that everyone actually KNEW Democrats were fiercely opposed to installing software that might block hacking - and that they wish to leave internet connectivity ON for machines where zero internet connectivity is supposed to be happening: Upon seeing this info, I believe eyes would be opened, the situation in the country would change in an instant.
You can turn off the WiFi it will not matter you have motivated people who hate you based on your views.
I've suspected collusion between the Democrats and big tech for years. I wonder why they are willing to admit to it now. Maybe they think they are invincible. They are as long as the Supreme Court would refuse to hear a case against them.

I've listened to a few hearings where the House/Senate gets the head honchos and lines them up to "answer" questions. The Democrates berate them for not cracking down on "mis-information" and threaten them with breakup if they don't do a better job and the Republicans try to get them to stop censoring anyone. Talk about cross-purposes.

The liver-bellied feckless Republicans really let us down when they didn't take action in 2019 when they could.
@AccessBlaster: The cartoon you posted was coincidentally profoundly relevant. Tucker Carlson had a hit piece on Gen. Mark Milley, currently Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff. I'm not familiar with Milley, but I did casually observe that when Trump initiated plans to withdraw from Afghanistan, the US military obstructed Trump's efforts, a direct violation of the chain of command. Now Biden is continuing the withdrawal from Afghanistan, evidently without obstruction since the military is immediately acquiescing. Something does not add-up?

There is the case of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. "Vindman came to national attention in October 2019 when he testified before the United States Congress regarding the Trump–Ukraine scandal." Vindman arrogantly testified that Trump was "violating" US foreign policy. An impossibility since Trump as President "made US foreign policy". But, in-line with the cartoon and Carlson's exposure of Milley, it appears that there are some in the US military (leadership) who believe that they are an independent arm of the government not subject to Executive Branch control.

But there is a deeper darker sinister aspect, has the US military leadership been under the subtle control of the Democratic Party?
Why did the military obstruct the efforts of the Trump administration which also included testimony that Trump was somehow violating US foreign policy. Now that a Democrat has assumed the Presidency obstruction talk by the military has quietly disappeared!!!

Evidence, even though it is now post-election, continues to accumulate that the Democrats were successful in manipulating the election in their favor.
Since making the post above, the story below has popped-up concerning the suppression of negative news that could have potentially damaged Biden's election chances.
"Delaware’s U.S. Attorney David Weiss began his probe into the president’s son in 2018, but decided last summer to hold off on seeking warrants or issuing grand jury subpoenas in a bid to not alert the public during an election cycle, Politico reported Friday."
I've suspected collusion between the Democrats and big tech for years. I wonder why they are willing to admit to it now. Maybe they think they are invincible. They are as long as the Supreme Court would refuse to hear a case against them.

I've listened to a few hearings where the House/Senate gets the head honchos and lines them up to "answer" questions. The Democrates berate them for not cracking down on "mis-information" and threaten them with breakup if they don't do a better job and the Republicans try to get them to stop censoring anyone. Talk about cross-purposes.

The liver-bellied feckless Republicans really let us down when they didn't take action in 2019 when they could.

Dan Bongino gets into discussing your question "where are the feckless Republicans"? (Just passed the 2 minute mark.)
Pete Hegseth notes that the Democrats are now openly admitting their collusion with the media.

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