Election Do-Over!!! (2 Viewers)

Tucker Carlson, tonight, speculated that the reason that FBI "finds no evidence that Trump and his allies were directly involved with organizing the violence of the Capitol riot" was that there were too many FBI informants in the crowd "facilitating" action and the FBI does not want that issue investigated. Tucker went on to say, that even though this patriotic rally was not organized, that the FBI is continuing to investigate who was involved and to charge them with crimes if possible.

The fact that the FBI is still investigating and charging people for Jan. 6th, points to this being a political persecution as it seems those (Antifa and BLM) who attacked federal buildings over the summer are not being investigated and/or charged.
FBI informants in the crowd "facilitating" action
If you recall my summary of my daughter's account of what she saw when she was there, she was certain there were people trying to start trouble. She just didn't know that they were FBI. She thought they were Antifa. Leave the police alone, defund the FBI.
To me, they are two heads on the same BS coin. For a popular news outlet to carry this story makes me wonder what the agenda is.

I will say this...I don't care much for Trump...but, he was just enough of a non-politician that I was warming up to him. He pissed off all the right people!
To me, they are two heads on the same BS coin. For a popular news outlet to carry this story makes me wonder what the agenda is.

I will say this...I don't care much for Trump...but, he was just enough of a non-politician that I was warming up to him. He pissed off all the right people!
Thanks, @Isaac I wanted clarification from NG but was afraid to ask... :ROFLMAO:
To me, they are two heads on the same BS coin. For a popular news outlet to carry this story makes me wonder what the agenda is.

I will say this...I don't care much for Trump...but, he was just enough of a non-politician that I was warming up to him. He pissed off all the right people!

i hear ya.
when it comes to ivermectin (etc), i can appreciate both - the Side where people want to make sure we've studied it as thoroughly as possible and they feel that people who strongly don't want to research it is an odd red flag...............And, people who want to make sure that 1000's of random, non-doctor Americans all over the country aren't suddenly trying to self medicate in a stupid and dangerous way just because they started hearing the word 'ivermectin' on a Rogan show.

I get both - they both make sense.

i think conservatives need to stick to their demand of "research the heck out of this possibility and anyone who resists that needs their motives checked" - and STOP the "hey, i tried swallowing some ivermectin when i got covid at home just for sh*ts and giggles"

and liberals need to stop trying to so aggressively quash everything people want to try (or at least be aware of the perception) - because that will make everyone wonder "why are you so against checking this out....what else is going on that we don't know here?" - a natural reaction.

(meaning: joe rogan's stunt was probably idiotic, and the liberals' attempt to stop a woman whose husband is almost dead from covid from trying ivermectin - they're idiots too. 2 extremes).

one thing i think we ALL know and agree on that life teaches. N.E.V.E.R. underestimate the power of money, and what it causes people and organizations to do. There is literally NO limit. Don't think corruption is only in places like Mexico and the cartels-in-government. It's a universal human condition, Americans are just better at channeling it in a less savage-looking way and that's all.

if it really was possible for the creation of covid to generate billions for the pharma industry, (or any other decision post-discovery of covid, even if not created), then YEAH - that probably did happen. assume that if someone can make billions and get away with it, they will. at any cost.

that's not crackpot, that's common sense and cumulative 1000's of years of experience.
every criminal prosecution and felony conviction of the big pharma industry (which by the way applies to every vaccine maker, look it up), proves it.

The only reason people like Joe Rogan would take something like"Monoclonal antibodies, ivermectin, Z-pak, prednisone, also got an anti-D drip and a vitamin drip." This is because our so-called scientists have been totally compromised by politics and can not be trusted to give a straight answer. You now have nurses and doctors starting to refuse C19 patients because they didn't take proper precautions by getting the jab. Yet they will still do liver transplants for patients who drink themselfs to death or eat themselves to death and so on.
It's a pain to find a new GP but I will probably be looking for one myself in a couple of weeks. My long time GP retired last year and I've been bouncing around the doctors in the practice that bought his practice and so far, I don't like any of them.
The recent kerfuffle over Gen. Mark Milley (Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman) has an incidental connection for supporting an election do-over, if could be done. Gen Milley hit the click-bait headlines as a result of Bob Woodward's and Robert Costa's book "Peril". That book contained accusations that Gen. Milley was undermining President Trump and had talked in an unauthorized and independent manner with the Chinese military. What appears interesting is that the book's narrative has not caught "fire". Even Republicans, are using the phrase "if true". Sharyl Attkisson, who knows Woodward, implied that the accusations contained in the book may be false. Since the Milley accusations by Woodward don't seem to catching "fire", the obvious implication is that the credibility of Woodward and Costa are suspect.

That gets us back to Woodward's prior book "Rage". "It is a largely critical book, focusing on his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, his strained relationship with military brass and high-level officials such as Jim Mattis and Dan Coats, his handling of racial unrest, and his relationships with the leaders of Russia and North Korea." This book was released on September 15, 2020 and was bandied about as proof that Trump was an incompetent President. The Presidential election occurred on Nov. 3, 2020. Given the date of release, the book may have poisoned the public's perception of Trump. The book "Peril" may have now exposed Woodward and Costa as spreaders of fake news (along with social media) for the purpose of damaging Trump's releection effort (even it was minor). The book "Rage" should have been fact-checked and possibly called-out as misinformation. But then time-travel is not possible.
This morning, Fox News interviewed (simultaneously) Mike Pompeo and Chris Christie. Both Pompeo and Christie were asked about Woodward's accusations concerning Milley. Both responded, based on their prior personal experiences with Woodward's demonstrated truth twisting, that they were skeptical of Woodward's accusations concerning Milley. Since both Pompeo and Christie are Republicans and considering the Afghanistan debacle, neither Pompeo nor Christie took the opportunity to make a partisan "hit" on Milley. So it seems that Woodward's most recent book and his prior books contain salacious accusations to generate false headlines for promoting book sales instead of considering the truth.

It is unfortunate in this new era of the media aggressively suppressing asserted "misinformation" that Woodward's prior book "Rage" was not scrutinized at the time. (Misinformation is defined as information that the media does not approve of.)
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