Election Do-Over!!! (1 Viewer)

The slow drip of factual disclosures into the public domain continues to enhance the belief that the Presidential election of 2020 was illicitly tilted to favor the Democrats. Unfortunately, it is too late for this travesty to be fixed.
But, as an extension of the manipulation of the 2020 election, the Democrats have continued using the power-of-state to attack political opponents, as recently demonstrated by the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago.

The significance of the article below. One Fox News pundit pointed out that Hunter Biden has yet to be charged with his alleged crime, yet those who evidently stole Ashley Biden's diary (around the same time as the Hunter story emerged) have gone through the legal process. So the justice system was able to "move" on them, but is somehow "stuck" when it comes to Hunter Biden. (That reminds me, the person who leaked the draft Supreme Court decision still has not been uncovered. Is that another case of "slow-walking" something that would potentially hurt the Democrats?)

PS: Mollie Hemingway has released the book: Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections
You have to hope that people of conscience come forward and correct the course of the massive USS America before it crashes on the rocks of corruption....
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We are finally hearing from FBI whistleblowers. Too little. Too late. They can rot with the people they've been covering for for years. The FBI's corruption has been going on at least since the "Patriot" act was signed. Defund the FBI. We don't need more corrupt federalies with guns. Even a corrupt dictator (I missed his name) commented that even he couldn't get away with what Biden did by persecuting Trump and will most likely get away with since the elected Republicans are feckless pieces of dog poo.
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Unfortunately, that is not possible, but the point is that that an apparent Covid-19 vaccine has been been developed. Pfizer: Early look shows COVID-19 vaccine is 90% effective. In response, the stock market (DOW), at the time of this post, is up by approximately 1,255 points (DOW). Of course, the proto-vaccine has to successfully complete some additional steps before it can be publicly released.

The Biden campaign was running a very unethical series of (false) claims that the Trump administration was doing nothing to solve the the Covid-19 pandemic. Not to also mention, the complicit news media, highlighting on the front page, the increasing death counts in places where deaths were increasing. This incessant barrage of misleading information unfortunately had an effect of generating positive voting for the Democrats from the gullible public, that may have given the Democrats an unearned "win". As others have previously stated; if the Trump administration had cured Covid-19, the media would be claiming that Trump was putting doctors out-of-work instead of publicly congratulating him.

The Trump administration did initiate a series of positive actions to develop a Covid-19 vaccine. Unfortunately, this type of progress is hidden since it is wrapped in a type of "Black Box". The complicit media and the Biden campaign unfortunately used that as a basis for claiming that the Trump administration was doing nothing. Unfortunately, the Trump administration did an ineffective job of showing the public that they were making progress.

If the election were held today, where Trump could highlight that his initiatives have worked, Trump could well have won. Unfortunately, we have to "live" with an apparent unearned "win" by Biden.
I Thought the best Trump line was "Don't let them off the boat, it will hurt my numbers"
I Thought the best Trump line was "Don't let them off the boat, it will hurt my numbers"
Couldn't find your quote on google but found this on yahoo

Trump says he'd rather keep people on cruise ship to keep numbers down

While at the CDC, President Trump said that he didn't want people to leave the cruise ship that's currently being quarantined because the number of infected people with coronavirus in the U.S. would likely go up.
That's the line from the humanist and sympathetic Donald that cares about other people. And if you believe that, I have some swamp land in Florida you might want to buy. Malignant Narcissist . If you look that up there should be a picture of the Donald himself, but there is not. 60 times his law suites about election fraud have been thrown out of court. Not one succeeded. because you can't lie in court , and if you do there will be bars involved and/or law licenses revoked. There is no evidence, because none exists. It has now achieved the status of minor Urban Legend. He lost, and he can't handle it.
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because you can't lie in court
The FBI (an agency that supposed to uphold the rule-of-law) lied to the FISA court. And the purpose of this lying, by an official government agency responsible for upholding the law, was to manufacture a fraudulent case against Trump.

60 times his law suites about election fraud have been thrown out of court.
Fraud, is usually interpreted within the context of physically manipulating the ballot count, such as stuffing ballot boxes. Whether that type of fraud had an impact on the election process is up for debate. What is clear, is that the election process was manipulated by the media (Washington Post, New York Times, Facebook, Twitter) to embellish Biden and demonize Trump. The gullible public, unfortunately, fell for that propaganda.

Time Magazine (Feb. 4, 2021) even had an article bragging how the "left" manipulated the election process to tilt the election in Biden's favor. Also note, how both the Washington Post and the New York Times finally acknowledged the existence of the Hunter Biden laptop after the election was over. How many people would have changed their votes had the media reported the news accurately? On that, the election outcome may have even been changed had the the announcement of the Covid vaccine occured before the election. Was it purposely withheld till after the election? Had that news been released prior to the election, it can be speculated that Trump would have won.

Mollie Hemingway has summarized how the election was inappropriately tilted to favor Biden in her book Rigged.
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The FBI (an agency that supposed to uphold the rule-of-law) lied to the FISA court. And the purpose of this lying, by an official government agency responsible for upholding the law, was to manufacture a fraudulent case against Trump.

Fraud, is usually interpreted within the context of physically manipulating the ballot count, such as stuffing ballot boxes. Whether that type of fraud had an impact on the election process is up for debate. What is clear, is that the election process was manipulated by the media (Washington Post, New York Times, Facebook, Twitter) to embellish Biden and demonize Trump. The gullible public, unfortunately, fell for that propaganda.

Time Magazine (Feb. 4, 2021) even had an article bragging how the "left" manipulated the election process to tilt the election in Biden's favor. Also note, how both the Washington Post and the New York Times finally acknowledged the existence of the Hunter Biden laptop after the election was over. How many people would have changed their votes had the media reported the news accurately? On that, the election outcome may have even been changed had the the announcement of the Covid vaccine occured before the election. Was it purposely withheld till after the election? Had that news been released prior to the election, it can be speculated that Trump would have won.

Mollie Hemingway has summarized how the election was inappropriately tilted to favor Biden in her book Rigged.
Are you saying that Trump really won the election?
Are you saying that Trump really won the election?
Let's put it this way. Should the referees in a game make a series of bad calls to the detriment of Team "A" and the results of that game are certified; its over. (In my various thread posts, plus the posts of others, these bad calls have been summarized). Team "A" lost. Unfortunately, there is no appeal. Hence the title of this thread. One can only speculate how the election would have turned-out had the election process been honest.
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60 times his law suites about election fraud have been thrown out of court
The cases you are referring to were never heard so the evidence was never presented. There are a lot more than 60 cases in process. A few judges have been brave enough to agree to hear these cases and of those that have been heard, I think the Trump "side" won in 75% of the suits. As for the others, they were dismissed for various reasons such as the plaintiff didn't have "cause" or filed too early or filed to late, whatever bogus reason the judge could come up with.

Are you saying that Trump really won the election?
Only if you count just the legal votes:) You might want to watch 2000 Mules if you want to see video evidence of the ballot stuffing that went on in many jurisdictions that went with "send ballots to anyone and don't check voter ID". Think about it. One person, one vote. Why does the same person make multiple trips to multiple drop boxes every day with multiple ballots?????? Then we won't worry about the latest bombshell regarding unreconciled vote/voter counts at over 100 counties. How hard is to reconcile the number of voters with the number of ballots? You go into a polling location, you give them your name, two people cross you off their copy of the list, they give you a ballot, you vote. If you're off by a couple, maybe someone was sloppy about crossing names off. But, the error count for those 100 counties is over 60,000. That's enough to swing the 2020 election. AND, strangely enough in 94 out of 100 of those counties, the voter records were shredded even they were supposed to be kept by law for two years?

Then there's old news like this:

One of Stalin's minions is famous for saying:
It isn't the people who cast the ballots who determine the winner, it is the people who count the ballots:(

2020 is gone. 2022 is almost here and most of the problems that allowed cheating in 2020 still exist.
In the UK, every eligible voter is sent a voting card. You present this card at the designated polling station, you are checked off the list by the scrutineers, they keep your card and you are then handed a voting slip with the candidates names on it. You then put a cross in the box next to your chosen name. This is then placed in a big sealed metal box.
No card = no vote
Name not on the scrutineers list = no vote
More than one cross on voting slip = not counted
All voting slips are counted manually and each pile double checked to ensure accuracy
There is something to be said for consistency and rules. Are you sure you're not racist? Apparently the Dems think that black people are too stupid to be able to get a photo ID to use to show at the polls. Usually we use drivers licenses but if you don't drive, you can still get a photo ID for free from the motor vehicle department. But any effort to pass laws that require photo ID to vote is always deemed racist in a loud voice by the Dems.

We have 50 states and therefore at least 45 ways of doing everything. One of my clients a few years ago was a UK insurance company that was trying to start up a US operation. They were baffled by why we had 50 regulatory agencies they had to deal with to get anything they did approved:) They also didn't understand pumpkin spice coffee in the fall:)

You probably use paper ballots too:) The Democrats are dead set against paper ballots for in person voting. They only want them for mail in voting were they don't require voter ID. In person, they want computers only. They would prefer online voting. It is much easier to hack.
As an addition to @Pat Hartman remarks. Only citizens are allowed to vote in federal election. Additionally, apportionment of the number of representatives in the US House of Representatives is based on population. Logically, that should be based on the population who are citizens. The Democrats are eliminating citizenship as a prerequisite for voting and determing the number of representatives each state is entitled to..

Two illegal voting sub-issues result from not enforcing citizenship requirements. First, the citizenship status of each voter is not to be questioned. Therefore, in the event a person shows-up to vote, they get to vote because they cannot be challenged. Second, residency requirements have been liberalized. Meaning that if you hypothetically enter a state the day before an election, you could vote as a resident. (The example cited is an exaggeration.)

The Democrats also are extending early voting and even allowing late ballots to be received and counted. This is an anathema to the integrity of the voting process. Opens-up many opportunities for voter fraud.
Drop me from this thread.
Fyi you can ignore a thread, person, or entire forum by selecting the ignore button. It works well. I have my settings to ignore this forum and many people on this thread. I only see it if not logged in. You have to do it yourself.
Drop me from this thread.
Certainly you would find this thread objectionable if you believe non-citizens should be allowed to vote.

Please do use your rights as a member of this forum to not view this thread, this forum or any of us you disagree with. We would never get in the way of your freedom to do so.
Pat, your post #712 immediately after mine, you say 'are you sure you're not racist?' Can you point out in my post what gives you the racist idea?
All I did was indicate how the UK election works, if that's racist to you then God help you.
Certainly you would find this thread objectionable if you believe non-citizens should be allowed to vote.

Please do use your rights as a member of this forum to not view this thread, this forum or any of us you disagree with. We would never get in the way of your freedom to do so.
No, I don't believe, that's because it's against the law. I simply asked a very simple question, expecting to get a simple answer back. What a I got back was a rant, that I surmised was a yes.

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