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Start by watching 2000 mules to see how the ballot boxes were stuffed.Show me actual evidence that the election was rigged. Real evidence.
Do you think that the same person making multiple trips to multiple ballot boxes in the dead of night is normal? How about watching him remove his plastic gloves after depositing the ballots? How about viewing the GPS data legally purchased from the phone companies that show multiple trips from one single address to multiple drop box locations in the dead of night by multiple phones. So the single address was some type of ballot preparation site and the "phones" all belonged to the drivers making the deliveries.
Watch the videos of 4 people pushing the same batch of ballots through the scanner over and over and over again - AFTER everyone was sent home and the counting was officially stopped. We just had a similar video surface in Connecticut regarding the election for the Mayor of Bridgeport. The judge ordered that the primary be run again. Do you really think that someone made a set that looked identical to the counting facility and created people that looked like the actual workers? And then animated them to do things? This particular film can't be denied and wasn't. The Democrats just made up bullshit excuses that the people weren't actually doing what we were watching them do. Sort of like "those aren't the Drones you are looking for". There are others.
If you have any understanding of statistics, you can look at those presentations. Is it normal for vote counts to go up and down? Maybe once if they make a mistake and feed the same data file twice. But over and over again? Each time the result is the same. The Trump count goes down and the Biden count goes up. Statistically, shouldn't both sides be affected equally? Statistically what are the chances of hundreds of mail-in ballots with NO FOLD MARKS, all in a bunch with only one vote - for Biden - and no other boxes checked happening in the real world AND ending up at the counting site in a single bunch - really? I have a bridge to sell you? Somehow all the mail-in ballot envelopes got "accidentally" shredded even though all paper, etc is by law supposed to be kept for 2 years so there could be no verification that all the votes that were counted were actually received correctly and on time? So, who's to say that the votes with no fold marks are bogus? That's why they had to "accidentally" shred the envelopes. Do you think an envelope count might have confirmed that all ballots did not come into the counting house via proper channels? That isn't necessary proof of cheating but it sure is suspicious. I'm sure unmatched would be explained by the use of a transporter machine similar to the one used on Star Trek or perhaps some other "manna from heaven" reason.
Can you read what I said? The audits that could have proved/disproved wrongdoing were prevented by Democrats obstructing long enough for evidence to be manipulated. There is of course little chance of ever proving the manipulation at this point. But the total obstruction of any audits that might have revealed cheating were pushed long enough to eliminate any evidence. And that provides an important fact itself.
You keep saying the courts said no. What they said no to was hearing the cases. The judges went out of their way to NOT hear a case. They did not want to look at evidence because if they looked at evidence, they might believe it and the world would come to an end and their life would be ruined. Just look at what happened to the Supremes around the Roe v. Wade case. Mobs protesting outside their homes AGAINST THE LAW. Threatening their families and homes and they got NO police protection because their opinion on the case was not popular in DC. They know how the Democrats automate their brown shirts to terrorize the public.
You are reading the talking points but never examining the actual evidence that would have been presented in court. Please don't forget that going into the 2020 election our own FBI was giving misinformation to Facebook, Google, cable news, et al telling them that the Hunter Biden laptop was all a lie and was manufactured by Russia. Look how true that was. Do you think that maybe, some people might not have voted for Biden if they saw that he was implicated in a money laundering scheme and his son was the bag man as they wrangled money from foreign players all over the world? Money going into one of 22 LLC's (who needs 22 LLCs that don't actually provide any product or service but are simply used to launder money) Maybe Biden wouldn't be President today. THINK very carefully about who is telling you the truth.
For cases that were heard, the Trump side has a pretty good record of actually winning once the court gets to see actual evidence. Not that it matters at this point. No one can undo the transfer of power which happened peacefully. How about that? All those lies about Trump barricading the doors to the White House and refusing to leave - bullshit - and you believed all of it didn't you? You KNEW Trump wasn't going to without a fight. You probably discussed it with your friends.
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