Election Do-Over!!!

Don't worry Frank, Biden's putting you on a path to citizenship so don't get mad, please :LOL:
Frank. We would actually love to engage with you but if all you have to contribute is vitriol, this will be my last response.

Democrats seem to be OK with suppressing free speech and don't even want to consider other viewpoints. Evidence, cancelling Parler, prohibition against conservative speakers on college campuses. Attempts to deplatform Fox and NewsMax and OAN.

Current policy by the Democrats is to only enforce the laws you like. The ones you don't like are enforced selectively. ie. some people get prosecuted for lying to Congress but others don't. Some people get prosecuted for trespassing but others don't even get prosecuted for looting and wanton destruction.. You don't want to enforce our immigration laws but you refuse to change them. Why?

The Democrats seem to want to have open borders and are actively encouraging unaccompanied minors. Why would you ever encourage parents to let their children travel hundreds of miles alone? Do you actually think that is humane? Why are we not allowed to inspect the conditions in which they are housed? What are you hiding? Everyone was incensed by the "children in cages" photos completely ignoring the fact that they were taken in 2014 while Obama and Biden were in charge.

I'd love to hear your justification of any of these policies.
The Democrat Left has split into two factions. The classic Left and the Woke Left.

The classic left are people left of center, they engage in dialog they welcome differing opinions they have a sense of humor. For the most part, they are not ideologues stuck in political dogma. Many of us grew up in households where our parents were left-leaning in the '60s. ☮️✌️

The woke left seems to be a hybrid of the classic left with a more closed personality. The woke left seem very unhappy with many aspects of daily life, they seem paranoid or suspicious of anyone not displaying a sufficient amount of wokeness. Their ideology is so extreme and unpopular they have to resort to canceling opposing views.
The Democrat Left has split into two factions. The classic Left and the Woke Left.

The classic left are people left of center, they engage in dialog they welcome differing opinions they have a sense of humor. For the most part, they are not ideologues stuck in political dogma. Many of us grew up in households where our parents were left-leaning in the '60s. ☮️✌️

The woke left seems to be a hybrid of the classic left with a more closed personality. The woke left seem very unhappy with many aspects of daily life, they seem paranoid or suspicious of anyone not displaying a sufficient amount of wokeness. Their ideology is so extreme and unpopular they have to resort to canceling opposing views.
Your explanation makes sense. Because I don't remember the average Democrat in the 90's being anything like the nonsense of today
What we are seeing, in the woke left, is the emergence of a fanatical fundamentalist theocracy. Should, they ever achieve "religious" (political) control of the government anyone designated an apostate will be hauled before an inquisition for "cancellation" and/or "correction". Essentially this is similar to the French Revolution's "Reign of Terror". So far the actual use of the guillotine to excise the miscreants from society has not been deployed. Re-education camps may be the new alternative solution for the woke left to demonstrate that they have developed a sense of humanitarianism as opposed to being simply barbaric.
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I'm pretty sure which camp Frank falls into but I thought I would give him a chance anyway. If the non-woke left doesn't step up soon, they won't be able to. It reminds me of the poem about the Nazi's - "First they came for"... "and then they came for....". And we know what happened when the resistance caved. History is repeating itself right in front of our eyes. The creeping crud of political correctness has been with us for a generation. It will be hard to excise. That's why I call the Republicans feckless. Most of our Republican representatives have been so cowed by the cancel culture that they can't actually help us They are paralyzed. They think they are dealing with rational people but they are not. We're going to need our friends in Europe to bring Google, FB, Twitter, et al to account because no politician in the US dares to try. Florida and Texas are working on it but as long as the Supreme Court is cowed, they have no hope of succeeding.
Protip: Be careful not to smile whilst in public for fear of being discovered. ;)
Be careful not to smile whilst in public for fear of being discovered
Not much chance of that. We have to virtue signal and the mask hides everything. Probably why people are no longer friendly in public.
Not much chance of that. We have to virtue signal and the mask hides everything. Probably why people are no longer friendly in public.
Went to a Mexican restaurant yesterday, with no restrictions. Three of us sat where we wanted and without masks. There were smiles all around.😁
What you fail to realize is that virtually all of the civil servants in government agencies and military personnel have always been hardcore democrats, and will continue to control no matter who is President. Drastic times requires drastic measures. We have to cancel out Domestic Terrorists and all their simpathizers. The FBI, CIA and Justice Department knows who you are and where to find you, mask or no mask. Over fifty percent of Republicans intentionally refuse to wear masks or get vaccinated. We view that as a deliberate action to spread the virus and sabotage the stability of our Nation. You represent a clear and present danger to our national security. All conspirators will be dealt with accordingly and held accountable.
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Man, this ignore list works well!
Sanity check please.

Where did all that hatred come from?

If all those people who threatened to move the the utopia of Canada if Trump got elected in 2016 had actually gone, America would sure be a better place now.

I really think you would be much happier living in China. Oh, wait, they don't allow immigration. You could still go and live there but you'd never be one of them.
The story of Russian bounties on US troops for some reason has re-emerged. Now that the Presidential election is over, the intelligence community is evidently downplaying the story as being possibly unverified. This is one of those questionable stories amplified by the left wing media to desperately undermine Trump to prevent him from winning. One of many "nails" that was used to manipulate the election process in favor of Biden. Now that Biden is President, the story has to be "disappeared" so that Biden won't have to respond or otherwise suffer political fallout.

Since posting, Tucker Carlson and Kayleigh McEnany weighed in on the Russian bounty hoax.

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and I like that AZ is doing an audit. I think their strategy (perhaps unspoken) is to find a certain number of ballots that will PROVE their point, which is, that the legislation they've proposed which essentially purges 'inactive' voters from the PEVL, will actually do a good thing - it will eliminate certain ballots that never should have been. I'm not sure, but I think that is what they are gunning for - actual proof of the positive effect of the legislation.

i've always felt that being on our PEVL was quite a privilege, actually, and to reduce its permanence to something that requires you to at least say I'm Still Alive every 5 years (after not voting) hardly seems like an undue burden!
and I like that AZ is doing an audit. I think their strategy (perhaps unspoken) is to find a certain number of ballots that will PROVE their point, which is, that the legislation they've proposed which essentially purges 'inactive' voters from the PEVL, will actually do a good thing - it will eliminate certain ballots that never should have been. I'm not sure, but I think that is what they are gunning for - actual proof of the positive effect of the legislation.
Back in March, I noted that 18.33% of the signatures on the California recall petition were deemed "invalid". Effectively, the petition is equivilant to a ballot, especially if there is no voter verification associated with the ballot. By extension, one can assume that ballots submitted without proper verification would have a similar "error" rate, or to be less charitable "fraudulent" in nature.

Along the lines of statistical anomalies that raise serious questions, from the Navarro Report, which I think is a pretty good outline from which to start investigating. A short tid-bit from the report, having trouble copying (footnotes and other formating issues) a larger portion of the report at the moment as it is bed-time.
For example, in Nevada, the overall rejection rate dropped from 1.6% in 2016 to 0.58% in 2020. In Pennsylvania, the 2016 rejection rate of 1.0% droppedt o virtually nothing at 0.28%. The biggest fall in the overall absentee ballot rejection rate came, however, in Georgia. Its rejection rate fell from 6.8% in 2016 to a mere 0.34% in 2020.
and I like that AZ is doing an audit. I think their strategy (perhaps unspoken) is to find a certain number of ballots that will PROVE their point, which is, that the legislation they've proposed which essentially purges 'inactive' voters from the PEVL, will actually do a good thing - it will eliminate certain ballots that never should have been. I'm not sure, but I think that is what they are gunning for - actual proof of the positive effect of the legislation.

i've always felt that being on our PEVL was quite a privilege, actually, and to reduce its permanence to something that requires you to at least say I'm Still Alive every 5 years (after not voting) hardly seems like an undue burden!
I'm sure it will turn out as intended.

There is little point in doing any audits since the ballots and machines have not been secured. There have been months to tamper with the evidence.

PS, Moke,
Do you recognize purple words and opinions when you see them in a "news" article? If the "reporter" has a clear opinion, did the "reporter" manipulate the facts to support his opinion? When did reporters stop reporting facts and switch to writing opinion pieces?

I for one believe there was massive election fraud. The way the Democrats reacted confirms it. If they did not commit fraud, they would have been on board with doing an immediate audit before anyone had time to tamper with the ballots or voting machines. But they didn't want an audit. So they lied and obstructed and screamed racism. And now it's nearly 7 months later. Ballots have been shredded, envelops have been shredded, voting machines have been wiped. The tallies will not match but it will be blamed on evidence tampering.

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