FYI re the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment

It wasn't until 2019 when the Democrats realized that Trump was probably going to win again that they started making their end runs around state laws and changing election rules illegally.

Stealing Federal Senate and House elections probably happens but it is harder to do because it requires far more people in far more locations. One here and there would be hard to prove. State and local seats are easier to steal. Presidential elections are easy to steal also as it turns out. The ballot blizzard in many states contributed to winning the popular vote but to win the electoral college vote required cheating in only 6 states and the swing was less than 40,000 votes total. So, who knows how many bogus ballots the Dems had to get into the counting center to make Biden the winner but Trump got a bigger percentage of votes than any other second term President in modern times. He picked up numbers of black and hispanic votes also. But somehow Biden won despite Trump's overall gains. There were also lots of other statistical anomalies that would lead people to question the results but they didn't want to. The Republicans probably hate Trump more than the Democrats do so none of them were inclined to back his claims about widespread cheating. They were just happy he was gone. Perhaps if you asked them privately today what they think, they might regret not standing up and demanding clean recounts. By the time most of them happened, all the voting machines had been purged and sufficient ballots were produced to account for the ones that the voting machines created.

lots of funny things like large bunches of ballots that were never folded. How did they get to the counting center if not in an envelope. Large bunches of ballots with only a vote for President -- Biden and all together in bunches. Funny, the same thing didn't happen for Trump. I guess large numbers of Dems only cared about Biden and although they took the time to get a ballot. Fill it out and mail it but not bother to vote in any of the down ballot contests. Hmmm.
Why would the Democrats think they were losing in 2020 when they were ahead in the polls and had in won in 2018? You are talking about the Democrats putting together a multi-state conspiracy? When did the Democrats gain such skill.
Why would the Democrats think they were losing in 2020 when they were ahead in the polls and had in won in 2018? You are talking about the Democrats putting together a multi-state conspiracy? When did the Democrats gain such skill.

You sound like a mafia head disavowing knowledge of all the things his supporters did on his behalf with a wink and a nod.
What, me??! I never said "Kill him", show me the proof. Fortunately, they lock those people up all the time anyway

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