get new id and insert it into other table (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
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Today, 06:32
Sep 22, 2000
I have a questionnaire webform that send data to my access database. In my database I have a few tables: Users (FullName, age, date, medical record), table Questions (stores question number, question answer, iduser) and table results (stores predefined scores for each question/number and idquestions).

You can see from my code that I select Iduser and insert it into table questions. What I am trying to do for last several days is to select newly created idQuestion from table Questions and insert it into table results so we can calculate points for each questionnaire. I am new in ASP and would greatly appreciate if you could help me with this problem.
Here is my code and I just wish to add a peace to insert newly created idQustion to my table results:

' Declaring variables
Dim tmpFullName, tmpAge, tmpDateDB, tmpMedicalRecord, tmpExamOne, tmpExamTwo, data_source, conn, conOne, sql_insert

' Receiving values from Form
tmpName = (Request.Form("FullName"))
tmpAge = (Request.Form("age"))
tmpDateDB = (Request.Form("dateDB"))
tmpMedicalRecord = (Request.Form("MedicalRecord"))

Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.connectionstring = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" _
& Server.Mappath("Questions.mdb") & ";"

SQLstmt = "INSERT INTO users (txtFullName, intAge, txtDateDB, intMedicalRecord)"
SQLstmt = SQLstmt & " VALUES ("
SQLstmt = SQLstmt & "'" & tmpName & "',"
SQLstmt = SQLstmt & "'" & tmpAge & "',"
SQLstmt = SQLstmt & "'" & tmpDateDB & "',"
SQLstmt = SQLstmt & "'" & tmpMedicalRecord & "'"

SQLstmt = SQLstmt & ")"
SET RS = objConn.Execute(SQLstmt)

SQLstmt = "SELECT MAX(idUsers) as MaxUserId FROM Users;"
Set RS=objConn.Execute(SQLstmt)
thisRecord = rs("MaxUserId")

For x = 0 to 30

tmpAnswer = Request.Form("Question" & x)
SQLstmt = "INSERT INTO Questions (idUser, QuestionNumber, QuestionAnswer)"
SQLstmt = SQLstmt & " VALUES ("
SQLstmt = SQLstmt & "'" & thisRecord & "',"
SQLstmt = SQLstmt & "'" & x & "',"
SQLstmt = SQLstmt & "'" & tmpAnswer & "'"
SQLstmt = SQLstmt & ")"

SET RS = objConn.Execute(SQLstmt)

Set objConn = Nothing

Response.Write "All records were successfully entered into the database."


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