What do you mean by displaying all your DCounts ?ok, changed my mind, going to use a report to display all my Dcounts, based on 2 queries. Any suggestion on how to make it work quickly before I start, please.
Select Count(qaQAPK) as HowManyRecords
, count(qaQualityIncidentNo) as FieldAhasavalue
, sum(iif(qaSeverity=True),1,0) as SeverityTrue
, sum(iif(qaSeverity=True),0,1) as SeverityFalse
, month(qaDate) as monthofqadate
, year(qadate) as YearOfqaDate
from yourtable
group by
, year(qadate)
Sum(Iif(qaSeverity=True,1,0)) as SeverityTrue
Sum(qaSeverity * (-1)) as SeverityTrue
Sum(qaSeverity + 1) as SeverityFalse
Select Count(qaQAPK) as HowManyRecords
, count(qaQualityIncidentNo) as FieldAhasavalue
, sum(iif(qaSeverity=True,1,0)) as SeverityTrue
, sum(iif(qaSeverity=True,0,1)) as SeverityFalse
, month(qaDate) as monthofqadate
, year(qadate) as YearOfqaDate
from yourtable
group by
, year(qadate)
, count(qaQualityIncidentNo) as FieldAhasavalue
where qaDeptFK = Forms!F_CompLvl!cboDeptStats
TRANSFORM count(T_qa.qaQAPK) AS SumOfQuantity
SELECT Count(T_qa.qaQAPK) AS QAs
GROUP BY Month(qaDate), Year(qadate)
PIVOT Year([qaDate]*12)
IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12);