thats my latest code:
Please see attached photo, this is my output from the query where I transform "QAs" results into months,
the question is:
Is it possible to add another 12 columns after those I already have with different results? Or do I need a separate query for this.
Reason behind it: I want it to be fast, so If 1 query does all calculation then my report would load quickly
Thank you
thats my latest code:
TRANSFORM nz(count(T_qa.qaQAPK),0) AS SumOfQuantity
SELECT Count(T_qa.qaQAPK) AS QAs, count(T_qa.qaQualityIncidentNo) AS QIs, Sum(qaSeverity * (-1)) AS Sev10, Sum(qaFrozen * (-1)) AS Frzn
GROUP BY Month(qaDate)
PIVOT month([qaDate])
IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12);
Please see attached photo, this is my output from the query where I transform "QAs" results into months,
the question is:
Is it possible to add another 12 columns after those I already have with different results? Or do I need a separate query for this.
Reason behind it: I want it to be fast, so If 1 query does all calculation then my report would load quickly
Thank you