Solved Help with dynamic search on form with read only recordset

I'm stumped, maybe someone else has an idea. Can you attach the db here to play with?
I'm stumped, maybe someone else has an idea. Can you attach the db here to play with?
I had this problem before, when the query is read only the code does not work.
As soon as I remove the subquery everything works as it should.
With this code you can get a very frustrating and difficult to resolve error. When you change the textbox and filter the form even though you are typing in the textbox, if no records are returned the control loses focus. Seems impossible, but it does. Even if you try to set focus you cannot and thus the error.
There are a couple work arounds Depending on how the form is set up. Can you give a screen shot?
Hi. Perhaps, for now, you could just simply ignore that specific error. For example:
    If Err.Number <> 2185 Then
        MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation
    End If

End Sub
Just a thought...
With this code you can get a very frustrating and difficult to resolve error. When you change the textbox and filter the form even though you are typing in the textbox, if no records are returned the control loses focus. Seems impossible, but it does. Even if you try to set focus you cannot and thus the error.
There are a couple work arounds Depending on how the form is set up. Can you give a screen shot?

Interesting, and I suppose this would explain why it worked when the query was editable (the new record).
I do not fully understand this, not sure if it is a bug. But it is the most confusing error.
One simple work around is to make your form as a main form with a subform. You can make that look the same as a Header, detail section.
The way I do it in my Find as you type form is check the record count after the change event. If say the user Types Bal then z and there is no Balz* I do not try to set the sel or read the .text. I pop up a message "No records with Balz" and then roll it back to "bal".

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I do not fully understand this, not sure if it is a bug. But it is the most confusing error.
One simple work around is to make your form as a main form with a subform. You can make that look the same as a Header, detail section.
The way I do it in my Find as you type form is check the record count after the change event. If say the user Types Bal then z and there is no Balz* I do not try to set the sel or read the .text. I pop up a message "No records with Balz" and then roll it back to "bal".
Thanks for this. You said a couple, though. What was the other one? Just curious...
You can look at my FAYT form class that turns any form into a FAYT. You could save a ton of code using this. It would remove probably a hundred lines of code per form or more.
In the FAYT form example I purposely check for 0 records returned for this exact reason. I could not defeat the error by trying to reset the focus.
Thanks for this. You said a couple, though. What was the other one?
That was two
1. Instead of the search box in the header with a detail section, make it a main form with a tabular subform. For some reason this will work. You can format it to look almost the same.
2. Check that records are returned by the search. If not roll the search back.. If no records returned by BALZ strip it back to BAL which will return records. Do not try to search for BALZW

You can try to set the focus before calling the .text method, and it will still tell you that you have to set the focus. It is as if you cannot set the focus if no records exist in the detail section. However, that is not completely true which makes it more confusing.

Private Sub txtContactFilter_Change()

Dim sText As String
 Dim strFilter As String
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler
   sText = Me!txtContactFilter.Text
   If sText <> "" Then
        strFilter = "[Contact] Like '*" & sText & "*'"
        Me.Filter = strFilter
        Me.FilterOn = True
        Me.Filter = ""
        Me.FilterOn = False
    End If
    With Me.txtContactFilter
        .Value = sText
        .SelStart = Len(sText)
        .SelLength = 0
    End With
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation

End Sub

assume it fails at the line telling you that you must set the focus to txtContactFilter

sText = Me!txtContactFilter.Text

You can add this before
msgbox me.activeControl

You have set the focus again and it will show that txtcontactfilter is the activecontrol. Which means it has focus. Still the next line will fail saying it needs the focus.
So this code will fail when no records are returned, and I am guessing it depends if the query is editable or not.
That was two
1. Instead of the search box in the header with a detail section, make it a main form with a tabular subform. For some reason this will work. You can format it to look almost the same.
2. Check that records are returned by the search. If not roll the search back.. If no records returned by BALZ strip it back to BAL which will return records. Do not try to search for BALZW

You can try to set the focus before calling the .text method, and it will still tell you that you have to set the focus. It is as if you cannot set the focus if no records exist in the detail section. However, that is not completely true which makes it more confusing.

Private Sub txtContactFilter_Change()

Dim sText As String
Dim strFilter As String
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler
   sText = Me!txtContactFilter.Text
   If sText <> "" Then
        strFilter = "[Contact] Like '*" & sText & "*'"
        Me.Filter = strFilter
        Me.FilterOn = True
        Me.Filter = ""
        Me.FilterOn = False
    End If
    With Me.txtContactFilter
        .Value = sText
        .SelStart = Len(sText)
        .SelLength = 0
    End With
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation

End Sub

assume it fails at the line telling you that you must set the focus to txtContactFilter

sText = Me!txtContactFilter.Text

You can add this before
msgbox me.activeControl

You have set the focus again and it will show that txtcontactfilter is the activecontrol. Which means it has focus. Still the next line will fail saying it needs the focus.
So this code will fail when no records are returned, and I am guessing it depends if the query is editable or not.
Excellent! Thanks for the clarification. Cheers! 👍
  If Not Trim(mTextBox.Text & " ") = "" Then
    mTextBox.Value = mTextBox.Text
    mForm.Filter = getFilter(mTextBox.Text)
    mForm.FilterOn = True
    If mForm.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
      MsgBox "No items matched filter " & vbCrLf & mForm.Filter, vbInformation, "No Items Found"
      mForm.FilterOn = False 'needed to set focus on textbox
      mTextBox.Value = Left(mTextBox.Text, Len(mTextBox.Text) - 1)
    End If
    Call unFilterForm
  End If

Here is the code out of the class module, but you can replicate similar steps. So I check the record count and if zero records I have to first remove the filter. This allows me to reference the text box text. Then I can roll it back one character, then I can reapply the filter.
Most people say they like this interface. If you return 0 records it sends you back to the last string where you had records and you can continue searching from there.
So Balz automatically rolls back to Bal and then you can type Bald
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With this code you can get a very frustrating and difficult to resolve error. When you change the textbox and filter the form even though you are typing in the textbox, if no records are returned the control loses focus. Seems impossible, but it does. Even if you try to set focus you cannot and thus the error.
There are a couple work arounds Depending on how the form is set up. Can you give a screen shot?
not sure how to post a screen shot.
With this code you can get a very frustrating and difficult to resolve error. When you change the textbox and filter the form even though you are typing in the textbox, if no records are returned the control loses focus. Seems impossible, but it does. Even if you try to set focus you cannot and thus the error.
There are a couple work arounds Depending on how the form is set up. Can you give a screen shot?
I already provided a solution. Recommend you check for 0 records and roll back the filter.
  If Not Trim(mTextBox.Text & " ") = "" Then
    mTextBox.Value = mTextBox.Text
    mForm.Filter = getFilter(mTextBox.Text)
    mForm.FilterOn = True
    If mForm.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
      MsgBox "No items matched filter " & vbCrLf & mForm.Filter, vbInformation, "No Items Found"
      mForm.FilterOn = False 'needed to set focus on textbox
      mTextBox.Value = Left(mTextBox.Text, Len(mTextBox.Text) - 1)
    End If
    Call unFilterForm
  End If
I am still a little new to all of this, are you saying that your code here will replace my code (with the correct field names of course)?
Personally I would write one procedure so you do not have to update each and every one. But if you want to try one. Try this
Private Sub txtNumberFilter_Change()

Dim sText As String
 Dim strFilter As String
  ' On Error GoTo ErrHandler
   sText = Me!txtNumberFilter.Text
   If sText <> "" Then
        strFilter = "[OrderNumber] Like '*" & sText & "*'"
        Me.Filter = strFilter
        Me.FilterOn = True
        Me.Filter = ""
        Me.FilterOn = False
    End If
   If Me.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
     MsgBox "No records match " & Me.Filter, vbInformation, "No Match"
     Me.FilterOn = False
     sText = Left(Me.txtNumberFilter.Text, Len(txtNumberFilter.Text) - 1)
     Me.txtNumberFilter.Value = sText
     Me.Filter = "[OrderNumber] Like '*" & sText & "*'"
     Me.FilterOn = True
  End If
      With Me.txtNumberFilter
        .Value = sText
        .SelStart = Len(sText)
        .SelLength = 0
      End With
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation

End Sub
Personally I would write one procedure so you do not have to update each and every one. But if you want to try one. Try this
Private Sub txtNumberFilter_Change()

Dim sText As String
Dim strFilter As String
  ' On Error GoTo ErrHandler
   sText = Me!txtNumberFilter.Text
   If sText <> "" Then
        strFilter = "[OrderNumber] Like '*" & sText & "*'"
        Me.Filter = strFilter
        Me.FilterOn = True
        Me.Filter = ""
        Me.FilterOn = False
    End If
   If Me.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
     MsgBox "No records match " & Me.Filter, vbInformation, "No Match"
     Me.FilterOn = False
     sText = Left(Me.txtNumberFilter.Text, Len(txtNumberFilter.Text) - 1)
     Me.txtNumberFilter.Value = sText
     Me.Filter = "[OrderNumber] Like '*" & sText & "*'"
     Me.FilterOn = True
  End If
      With Me.txtNumberFilter
        .Value = sText
        .SelStart = Len(sText)
        .SelLength = 0
      End With

    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation

End Sub
When you say write one procedure , are you referring to adding the functions and subs you are calling for in the previous code you posted?
I will try this out, thank you again!
You have lots of these procedures.

Private Sub txtNumberFilter_Change()

 Dim sText As String
 Dim strFilter As String
  ' On Error GoTo ErrHandler
   sText = Me!txtNumberFilter.Text
   If sText <> "" Then
        strFilter = "[OrderNumber] Like '*" & sText & "*'"
        Me.Filter = strFilter
        Me.FilterOn = True
        Me.Filter = ""
        Me.FilterOn = False
    End If
   If Me.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
     MsgBox "No records match " & Me.Filter, vbInformation, "No Match"
     Me.FilterOn = False
     sText = Left(Me.txtNumberFilter.Text, Len(txtNumberFilter.Text) - 1)
     Me.txtNumberFilter.Value = sText
     Me.Filter = "[OrderNumber] Like '*" & sText & "*'"
     Me.FilterOn = True
  End If
      With Me.txtNumberFilter
        .Value = sText
        .SelStart = Len(sText)
        .SelLength = 0
      End With
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation

End Sub

you could make one procedure

Public Sub FilterByControl(ctrl as access.control, filterField as string)
 Dim sText As String
 Dim strFilter As String
 ' On Error GoTo ErrHandler
   sText = ctrl.text
   If sText <> "" Then
        strFilter = "[" & FilterField & "] Like '*" & sText & "*'"
        Me.Filter = strFilter
        Me.FilterOn = True
        Me.Filter = ""
        Me.FilterOn = False
    End If
   If Me.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
     MsgBox "No records match " & Me.Filter, vbInformation, "No Match"
     Me.FilterOn = False
     sText = Left(ctrl.Text, Len(ctrl.Text) - 1)
     ctrl.Value = sText
     Me.Filter = "[" & FilterField & "] Like '*" & sText & "*'"
     Me.FilterOn = True
  End If
      With ctrl
        .Value = sText
        .SelStart = Len(sText)
        .SelLength = 0
      End With
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation

End Sub

then call it like
Private Sub txtNumberFilter_Change()
  FilterByControl me.txtNumberFilter, "OrderNumber"
end sub

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