Hex reading


Access Numpty
Local time
Today, 15:16
Nov 25, 2006
I have been given the task of updating a program that reads a hex file and converts it into meaningful data.

* First problem is that the file is completely uncommented, so I need to go through and write comments.

* Second thing I have never done hex conversion before so need a few pointers on what is going on.

* The software reads a 1024k block but there appears to be only data in the first 512k. As it reads in each bit of data to be processed it calls a function to process it, now in one of the functions it reads 4 bits of data , var 1 and var 2, var3 and var4, it multiplys the vars by 256 and adds the following var. I assume that it's doing a conversion here but what?

Think this is all the questions I have so far.

Hope someone can help.



P.S. The software is written in VB5.

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