I need help understanding


Well-known member
Local time
Yesterday, 23:13
Mar 30, 2012
At the economic club of Detroit a weak voiced Trump said the following:

“That was the first I realized. I said, ‘Who the hell did that?’ I saw engines about three, four years ago. These things were coming — cylinders, no wings, no nothing, and they’re coming down very slowly, landing on a raft in the middle of the ocean someplace with a circle, boom.”

“Reminded me of the Biden circles that he used to have, right? He’d have eight circles, and he couldn’t fill them up. But then I heard he beat us with the popular vote. I don’t know. I don’t know. Couldn’t fill up the eight circles. I always loved those circles. They were so beautiful. It was so beautiful to look at. In fact, the person that did that was the best thing about… that level of that circle was great, but they couldn’t get people.”

“So they used to have the press stand in those circles because they couldn’t get the people. Then I heard we lost. Oh, we lost. Now we’re never going to let that happen again, but we’ve been abused by other countries. We’ve been abused by our own politicians, really more than other countries.”

I am a reasonably educated person, but for the life of me, I have no idea what he was talking about. An example of true Presidential material.
I am a reasonably educated person, but for the life of me, I have no idea what he was talking about. An example of true Presidential material.

Made about as much sense as some of Papa Joe's speeches... Oh, wait! Papa Joe IS currently the president.
And the current vice president lied to us about Joe's cognitive mental state. Remaining in power is more important than being honest.
Made about as much sense as some of Papa Joe's speeches... Oh, wait! Papa Joe IS currently the president.
Joe is a lame duck right now. He dropped out. but if Trump's speach was equvalent to Joe's age realted problems, should he drop out? A lot of Joe's democratic supporters asked him to drop out of the race, and did. I know you have heard this, quantities equal to same or equal quntity are equal to themselves.
You would probably have less trouble understanding Trump if you started out assuming that he isn't stupid and evil rather than assuming that he is. Without hearing the speech in context, I couldn't begin to tell you what he was saying. Trump is not actually as eloquent as he thinks he is but if you don't put words in his mouth, he is clear enough.
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You would probably have less trouble understanding Trump if you started out assuming that he isn't stupid and evil rather than assuming that he is. Without hearing the speech in context, I couldn't begin to tell you what he was saying. Trump is not actually as eloquent as he thinks he is but if you don't put words in his mouth, he is clear enough.
I never said he was stupid or evil, just not up to the job. I watched the whole talk at the economic club of Detroit, so what I posted was not taken out of context. If you want I can send you the whole speech and then you can tell me if what I posted was out of context. The whole thing was authentic Trumpian gibberish, the talk of a man not inpossession of all his faculties. I thought the same about Joe, and was hoping that he would not run. Then he dropped out. Trump would never have done that, because he only cares about Trump. He is a malignant narcissist. Here is a definition:

Malignant narcissism is a psychological disorder in which a person has an inflated sense of self-worth, a need for admiration, and a disregard for others. A malignant narcissist may experience paranoia, feeling threatened or persecuted without proof, and are aggressive, manipulative, and abusive without remorse. Read it slowly. Every point in it describes.

Signs and symptoms of malignant narcissism
  • Exaggerated sense of self-importance.
  • Lack of empathy.
  • Manipulative behavior like charm, flattery, or deceit.
  • Aggression, including emotional abuse, verbal abuse, or even physical violence.
  • Believe other people are conspiring against them.
  • Derive pleasure from other peoples' pain.
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"Signs and symptoms of malignant narcissism"...

Sounds like most of the politicians I have seen on both sides the aisle.
"Signs and symptoms of malignant narcissism"...

Sounds like most of the politicians I have seen on both sides the aisle.
There is difference between ambition and what Trump has. He is the victim in chief, everyone is out to get him. Look at the number of Republicans that worked close to him and state the he is not fit for the job. He denegrates people, and has ruined lives of people that have worked for him. I have first hand knowledge of that when he refused to pay craftsment who worked on the Trump tower in Chicago, and many of them did not have the rescorces to fight back. Trump put many of them out of business. He does not care about you, or me, or anyone else. He only cares about himself. He took an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constition, and he did not do any of those things. His statement that "Only I can fix it"
tells you all need to know.
He is the victim in chief, everyone is out to get him.
You are not paranoid if people ARE actually out to get you. Pay attention to the lawsuits in the news this week as prime examples. How about the assassination attempts driven by the Democrats and their sycophants in the media calling him "Hitler" and a threat to "their" democracy (small d). He also doesn't consider himself a victim. Wouldn't you have been a hero if you had assassinated Hitler before he went on to kill millions of people? The only similarity between Trump and Hitler, if there is any is the way Trump gets in touch with his crowds. Trump isn't out to conquer the world or kill off the undesirables. His goal is to make the world better and safer for ALL of us. How many people have tried to bring Arab countries to the peace table with Israel? How many succeeded? Did he get the Nobel Peace Prize? NO WAY. Obama got one for being President while black. After that, I'm not so sure the Peace prize is much of a prize after all.
You only need to pay attention to those who knew Trump better than anyone in AWF. Have any of us spent years at his side? Have we seen him behind the scenes? Have we witnessed his public and private behaviors? He promised to replace the ACA with something better. He had four years as president and failed. He now has “concepts”. His most heinous crime is promoting the lie that he won the 2020 election. This had/has significant negative impacts on my country. He wouldn’t last a week as a CEO in any legitimate company in the US.

Common sense says trump is unfit like so many republicans have publicly stated.
His most heinous crime is promoting the lie that he won the 2020 election.

Wasn't really a lie, just an opinion. DJT can be an idiot... but Papa Joe keeps on trying to give away money to forgive debts when the terms of those debts were authorized by Congress. I've lost track... was it three or four times he has tried - and failed - to give away money in order to bribe the lazy people of the world who make promises they don't think they will have to keep. Sorry, not buying that particular brand of Kool-Aid.
In case you hadn’t noticed, Joe isn’t running for anything. Trump claims he is “like, really smart” and “a very stable genius.” There can be no way that he didn’t know he lost. He was whining and claiming foul before the 2020 election.

You can’t tell me that if Harris was accused or found guilty of 1/10 the illegal activities of Trump, you all would not be blasting her.

Back away and put on your “see clearly” glasses. It’s a crying shame trump was the best republicans could do to run for president.
If Trump was guilty why did the J6 select committee destroy evidence they compiled against him?

The official story:
"It was an issue of poor record-keeping or mismanagement rather than deliberate tampering. The Secret Service stated that the deletion of texts was due to a pre-planned device migration that happened shortly after the January 6 event. Despite that, the timing and the significance of the deleted data have understandably fueled suspicions". :ROFLMAO:
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To follow up on AB's quote, I worked for the U.S. Navy Reserve as a systems administrator for 28 1/2 years. That quoted statement contains a zinger... the idea that a DEVICE MIGRATION would lead to loss of texts. The standard government procedure on a device migration is that you FIRST make a full backup of your migrating medium. Then you make another one. Each backup copy could include magnetic tape or it could include an optical medium or it could be a migration to another physical disk. But a full backup would be done. And, because of the planned migration, a full backup set of ALL affected disks would be set aside so that the tape could not be accidentally overwritten by standard tape rotation schedules.

In 28 1/2 years, through three computer platform upgrades (VAX==>Alpha==>Itanium) and five upgrades (mostly magnetic NAS media size upgrades) and three miscellaneous software upgrades (including ShareBase to ORACLE migration), we NEVER ONCE lost any records. In fact, the opposite was true: We were keeping things so old that having them on tape no longer made sense because of the legal limit on data retention - something like ten years for personnel records, fifteen years (?... it HAS been a while and I may have that time wrong) if it involved something that required SECRET clearance to review.

My assistant and I cleaned out and legally disposed of maybe about 225 tapes using military standards for destruction of tapes containing PII - personally identifying information - such as is covered under the Privacy Act. That included full degaussing of every tape followed by carting the tapes to a data incineration service by a driver cleared to transport such data. And EVERY YEAR we got a refresher course in about a dozen applicable laws on computer security and data management. We had to have our military contacts look up the standards for disposal so that we could do something that hadn't been done in maybe 20 years - clean up obsolete but sensitive data.

The Federal Records Management Act absolutely requires frequent backups and retention of those backups for a time period that would be longer than the time required for this migration. To say that they lost data is tantamount to saying they violated at LEAST three federal acts for which the violations prescribed criminal penalties to include time in jail and monetary fines. I'm sorry but that story doesn't sit well. I call bull-snot - not on AB but on the J6 committee.
His most heinous crime is promoting the lie that he won the 2020 election.
And what do you say to Hillary when she says she won in 2015?
He promised to replace the ACA with something better.
Last time I checked, the President doesn't make law. If you want to know why the ACA wasn't replaced, you'll need do dig up John McCain and ask him. After McCain s***** America because he hated Trump, Trump did his best to get some solid ground under the ACA to keep it from failing completely. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear as the saying goes. This legislation did NOTHING to make healthcare more affordable. That's why they called it the "Affordable" Care Act. It had nothing to do with making health care affordable (the name was to fool the stupid people). It's primary goal was to set us on the path to a single payer system so we can be just like Canada. You go to Canada and try to get a knee replacement or anything else important but non urgent.
You can’t tell me that if Harris was accused or found guilty of 1/10 the illegal activities of Trump, you all would not be blasting her.
Pay attention to the bogus cases. The prosecutors will be lucky to not lose their law licenses and end up in jail for election interference and abuse of power.

What I can tell you is that Harris would never be charged. Just like Joe and the Biden crime family will never be charged for their treason and money laundering schemes. Maybe the Biden crime family will be charged, just to prove that Joe was running an influence peddling scheme but Trump would probably pardon Biden first to avoid the optics of prosecuting a former President.
At the economic club of Detroit a weak voiced Trump said the following:

“That was the first I realized. I said, ‘Who the hell did that?’ I saw engines about three, four years ago. These things were coming — cylinders, no wings, no nothing, and they’re coming down very slowly, landing on a raft in the middle of the ocean someplace with a circle, boom.”

“Reminded me of the Biden circles that he used to have, right? He’d have eight circles, and he couldn’t fill them up. But then I heard he beat us with the popular vote. I don’t know. I don’t know. Couldn’t fill up the eight circles. I always loved those circles. They were so beautiful. It was so beautiful to look at. In fact, the person that did that was the best thing about… that level of that circle was great, but they couldn’t get people.”

“So they used to have the press stand in those circles because they couldn’t get the people. Then I heard we lost. Oh, we lost. Now we’re never going to let that happen again, but we’ve been abused by other countries. We’ve been abused by our own politicians, really more than other countries.”

I am a reasonably educated person, but for the life of me, I have no idea what he was talking about. An example of true Presidential material.

Without context I wouldn't have any idea either? I think it is that way with most verbal speech, needing context being kind of the norm
Hillary conceded the election on November 9 saying she hoped “he will be a successful president for all Americans”. She urged her supporters to “accept the result and look to the future” “we owe him an open mind and a chance to lead”

Compare that to trump statements and actions. The difference could not be more clear. I’m shocked that Hillary is even mentioned in this context.

Again, listen to those patriotic conservatives who know him better than anyone we know. Trump is unfit.
Just a very small sample of Democrats who did not accept their election results.

  • Al Gore (2000)
  • Barbara Lee (2000)
  • Maxine Waters (2000)
  • Rosa DeLauro (2000)
  • Henry Waxman (2000)
  • Corrine Brown (2000)
  • John Kerry (2004)
  • Hillary Clinton (2016)
  • Maxine Waters (2016)
  • Jamie Raskin (2016)
  • Bill Nelson (2018)
  • Stacey Abrams (2018)
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