I need help understanding

And did any of them promote fake electors? Did any of their followers end up in jail or pay massive fines? This is beyond comprehension to compare trump’s actions to any others.

In addition, did any republicans who won in 2020 on the same ballots claim massive fraud in their elections?
And did any of them promote fake electors?
They did in 2016 and many other elections where the Republican candidate won. THIS IS THE PROCESS. They were not FAKE, they were alternates should the first set be declared invalid. THAT SAVES TIME. Please read up on your civics rather than getting your information from talking heads with an agenda who conveniently ignore history.

The President doesn't choose electors, each party chooses electors and presents them in close contests should the first set be challenged and rejected.
Being a Brit I don't have any stake in this particular argument, but as an outsider looking in there are so many faults and anomalies in the whole voting system for the president that I wonder why anyone is surprised at the outcome of votes!
The alternative electors were not all the same state by state. Some were found guilty of various charges.

Still waiting for someone to explain to me how they know Trump better than those who were his inner circle.
Still waiting for someone to explain to me how they know Trump better than those who were his inner circle.
Just because someone was in his inner circle doesn’t mean they understand the American people better. Trump's history of shaking up the establishment and delivering results speaks for itself.
Being a Brit I don't have any stake in this particular argument, but as an outsider looking in there are so many faults and anomalies in the whole voting system for the president that I wonder why anyone is surprised at the outcome of votes!
The American voting system is very fair. Its the turn of the republicans to win and Trump will become president. How the people vote is immaterial.
The inner circle know the man and his intentions.

Who wants to put him on the world stage to spread the word about sharks, electrocution, the wonderful Hannibal Lecter, and other rambling incoherence? Oh, that’s right it’s his brilliant strategy 'I do the weave'.
The inner circle know the man and his intentions.

Who wants to put him on the world stage to spread the word about sharks, electrocution, the wonderful Hannibal Lecter, and other rambling incoherence? Oh, that’s right it’s his brilliant strategy 'I do the weave'.

We only have two choices.;)

Kamala likes to call herself progressive, but her record says otherwise she went after marijuana users while later claiming to support legalization. She flip-flopped on Medicare for All, dropped the ball on the border as VP, and couldn't even keep her presidential campaign together. With her high staff turnover, nervous laughs when dodging tough questions, and trying to have it both ways on Afghanistan.

Kamala Harris, has never won a single electoral vote, she was installed by dubious means.

When Democrats lose, they want to change the rules abolish the Electoral College, pack the Supreme Court, you name it. Funny how they only care about the system when it works in their favor.
Some were found guilty of various charges.
If you think that charging the electors with a crime is valid, may I suggest that you NEVER consider volunteering for the job lest YOU be convicted of a crime in the same situation - which happens in many elections.
The inner circle know the man and his intentions.
OMG. Now you're channeling Trump. Why does everyone with TDS think they know what Trump is thinking?
How the people vote is immaterial.
That's the Democrat method. Harris is a prime example. The party knew that the people were too stupid to pick their preferred candidate so they rigged the primary to prevent Kennedy from being a candidate and even cancelled voting in some states. Then when Joe had an "accident", they just coronated Harris. No voting necessary. That is the Democrat's version of democracy. The power players get to pick the candidate. All the rest of you need to do is to show up to vote. Kinda' like the way North Korea and China do it;) I guess voting for the party's choice makes you all feel like you have some say in the process.
Thank God the republicans are about to take both houses and maybe the presidency. We need common sense and sanity back.
Who in their right mind wants to be paying for transgender surgeries for convicted criminals? And on and on the list goes - ridiculous stuff
Still voting for the felon and the hillbilly

anything to stop the insanity, imperfect as it may be.

and he's only a 'felon' if you buy into the bizarre legal procedure they went through to achieve that buzzword
Still waiting for someone to explain to me how they know Trump better than those who were his inner circle
Not being an established politician, Trump had to rely on the RINOs to fill his important positions. Therefore, he ended up with people close to him who started out disagreeing with his positions and personally disliking him. Trump listens to alternate opinions and actively seeks them but as the President, HE gets to decide. PERIOD.

What you are seeing is RINOs telling you their opinions of Trumps actions or words. Just because they say he is dangerous, why would you believe them? We have four years of a Trump administration which did a lot of good things and didn't start any new wars. In fact, he tried very hard to end the ones we were involved in but General Miley kept interfering. These are disgruntled people who didn't get what they wanted which was war. Trump was all about peace and pulling our troops out of the never-ending wars in the Middle East. We have generals who have admitted to violating direct orders from their Commander In Chief. They were ordered to pull troops out of Iraq but the general simply moved them around to disguise the fact that he didn't want to withdraw the troops and so was leaving them there. Not sure why the guy wasn't court marshalled. But General Miley is saying he will retire so that if Trump wins he won't get court marshalled. He should be tried for treason given his secret agreements with the Chinese let alone his violation of direct orders from the Commander In Chief.

I'm not sure why you give such credence to disgruntled employees who were ultimately fired. Do you believe what Harris' former employees say about her? You've probably never even heard any of the reports because the lame stream media is hiding all this from you, just like they hid Hunter Bidens laptop in 2020 because it was a big negative on Biden. Since she's been VP, she's had a 92% turnover in staff. That should give you some clue about who she is and how bad she is as a boss. According to her staff, she is never prepared. She refuses to read briefing papers. She blames them for everything. Back in California she made her staff refer to her as "general". She told one peon to not look at her. You should realize that there is a reason she cannot do live interviews, especially with interviewers who are not in the tank for her. Look what happened to the 60 minutes interview. They edited the tape to replace certain answers because her original response was gobbledy gook. Trump is out there every single day doing live interviews with interviewers who hate him and most of the time he makes them look like the idiots they are.

Ask yourself, WHY. Why does the media hide bad press about Biden and Harris and when they can't find anybody to say anything negative about Trump, they just make it up out of whole cloth.
This thread is insane. Apparently there is nothing anyone can say here to change anyone's mind. We all see the world through our own colored glasses.
au revoir, adieu, adios, aloha, hade, buh bye

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