MrsGorilla said:
Col/Rich/anyone else on the "other side of the pond", how is religion "organized" over there? How many different choices do you have?
There are loads of religions here from the bizarre like C of E to the sensible like sun worshipping. The C of E is self funded (I think) and are the biggest land owner in the UK yet bleat on about money shortages

The Salvation Army,? they refused £50,000 from a man because it was part of his winnings from the lottery. If they can refuse £50K then they get nothing more from me.
Col, you were saying you spoke to many different vicars and that they were all condescending towards you, were they from different faiths?
Some were, it was mainly the "worshippers" that treated you like shite. My sisters are religious fanatics and go to a Baptist church where I went too (for about 2 years, to see whats what. Then I went to a C of E (didn't like the dressing up of vicars etc) The baptists were worse for ignoring you and putting you down. If this is what "christians" do then no thanks. I certainly don't expect christians to do it. To me that was part of the religious package - I didn't want to be like that
I went to see Billy Graham in 1969. That was awful, all these people wailing and holding arms up then everyone trooped to the front (not me) to become "christians" - amazing what effect a smooth talking man can do, and he absolutely coined it in
There is a British "Billy Graham" called
Don Summers He's a mate of Billy Grahams and he lived in Bristol where I was (at that time) and I met him (because I fancied his daughter

- long story!!!) I went round his house a few times - he's ok to chat to, not too pushy. I hate pushy religious people.
As far as your other comment with your mother and the reformed nasty guy, . . . . .I don't want to believe that good people will be punished for eternity because they didn't find God, and I'm not convinced that a loving, caring God would punish one of his children like that. So I'm with you on that one particular point.
That comment about my Mum going to hell and the nasty man to heaven was the last time I ever spoke to a minister / vicar about religion (that was 1969). It was the last time I set foot in a church (for a service) When he said it, I walked out, went home and burned my bible in the garden.
I was not going to have some jumped-up 'holier than thou' telling me my Mum was going to hell

My Mum was the kindest person I ever knew, and she worked hard to bring us all up and always supported us in whatever we did. I never knew her to do anything "wrong"
At least I feel I tried to understand this religious mumbo jumbo and just couldn't accept the rubbish that was being spouted - If I wanted to worship something, I think the most sensible thing to worship is to worship the sun.

It brings life, warmth and without it we'd all die. You can see it, so you know its there, its not a figment of imagination. I reckon the Aztecs got it right
Have a guess what reception American Jehovas Witnesses get when I open the door to them