I'm in Love with ChatGPT (1 Viewer)

good stuff- as usual. I see Bing is using ChatGPT and prompting me to try it out; ask me anything.Quite impressive.
A question regarding post #40. Did you use ChatGPT to assist you with the verbiage?
Using Bing, I took the text from post #40 and asked Bing to give me a 10 line summary.
Sure, I can help you with that. Here is a possible 10 line summary of the text:

The text is a personal account of how the author used ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence tool, to assist them in various tasks such as programming, word finding, and story writing. The author describes how they initially dismissed ChatGPT as a trend, but later became impressed by its capabilities and benefits. The author shares some examples of how ChatGPT helped them solve problems, learn new things, and enhance their productivity and enjoyment. The author concludes by recommending ChatGPT as a valuable companion for anyone who wants to accelerate their learning curve in any discipline.

It then offered to give me a title for the summary.
Bing provided these options:

Sure, I can generate a title for the text. Here are some possible titles:

  • How ChatGPT Changed My Perspective on Artificial Intelligence
  • ChatGPT: A Powerful and Versatile Tool for Learning and Creativity
  • My Experience with ChatGPT: From Skepticism to Appreciation
  • The Benefits of Using ChatGPT for Various Tasks and Projects
  • ChatGPT: An Artificial Intelligence Friend that Helps You Grow
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I credit ChatGPT for bringing AI in general to the public's attention.

I am starting to see signs that it might be just a bit like:

ChatGPT is to AI what iPhone was to Smart Phones at first, or what AOL was to the Internet at first.

At first, chatGPT seems like "everything". A slowly-increasing % of consumers realize that chatGPT is just one brand's implementation and marketing of AI, and they branch out. Some (like many iPhone users) kind of stay stuck in their conceptual bubble that iPhone is a thing in and of itself and there is nothing else like it - those consumers give rise to the easiest and biggest profits for the company. (These are the ones who say, I got an iPhone so I can facetime my daughter - Rather than, I got a smartphone so I can video chat [any one of 75 apps] with my daughter). Subtle but enormously important difference for the company and brand.

I was very excited to get approved for Google Labs the other day but I think I know why, Google is trying to make sure it keeps up to where it is perceived to ought to keep up.

I now have integrated AI in my Searches. For example, I can still use Google Search, but I get AI-interactive portions of the screen that seamlessly integrate with my question and continue conversating - much like ChatGPT, only integrated into Google products.

Google has a ways to go, but I think if they keep this trend up they will stay on top.

They are doing the same thing with Code. As you perform your well-formed Search question, it will provide--and continue to refine--code snippets that match the ongoing conversation. Again, like chatGPT, except imagine chatGPT knows everything about the context of who you are, what you do, and what you googled 5 minutes ago.
A question regarding post #40. Did you use ChatGPT to assist you with the verbiage?

Yes, I did Jack. I usually just blurt out what I want to say, with little regard to structure, paragraphs, sentences and the like.

However, there is hope! I see the way chat GPT writes and I like how it looks. I aspire to writing like that myself! Not too much though, I think the personality needs to remain. I didn't put any personality back into what chat GPT changed.

in my original dialogue I said something like instead of walking up the flat section of the learning curve, I am now running up it. Chat GPT took that piece out and I should have put it back in.

On Twitter someone explained how a paragraph should be constructed. I copied the instructions and placed them in Chat GPT. I asked chat GPT if this was a correct statement and it said yes. I asked it to give me an example paragraph based on a science fiction story.

Chat GPT wrote an excellent piece on how a spaceship was heading through an asteroid field to find a Portal belonging to an alien transport system.

It was a good piece of writing but also it lacked personality.

Thinking about it. It's probably because it's too perfect. It's plastic. It's not genuine. It's not real in some way.

I might have found a limitation of chat GPT with its writing. It's too good, if you like!
This is the original:-

Please can you format spell check and improve the following text:-
I want to write a blog about chat GPT.

How, in the beginning I heard about it and dismissed it as a new fad.

After watching a couple of YouTube videos about it, I became intrigued and installed it.

I used it to help me write a simple flutter application and I was impressed! I asked it to write code to place a button on the form and return a hello world message and then I asked it to add a couple of text boxes to store first name, last name and concatenate them into the self same message box.

When I was a boy I learnt a word that described the release of light by 2 pieces of flint hitting each other. I decided to question chat GPT here to see if it could discover this word and through an iterative process eventually found the word. I was very happy about this. I particularly found the iterative process to get to the word Very informative in itself.

The latest thing I have done with ChatGPT is convert some C# code that uses the KeyGen API interface to check to see if the application using the code has a current license. This again was an iterative process, a rewarding process again, providing insight and learning.

I am writing a sci-fi story and I used chat GPT to help me build a character backstory. It was fascinating to watch and read what chat GPT had written. Finishing this story is one of the things where I think ChatGPT will be able to help me the most. I've got a good idea but I'm not much good at actually putting pen to paper and writing.

My initial thoughts on chat GPT where that I didn't understand it and it was just some obscure technology. I compared it to the initial discovery of laser. Early on they were unable to come up with anything useful to do with laser but now later is ubiquitous.

Chat GPT has boosted my work product and it has also made it more fun and interesting. I'm actually considering learning a new programming language because although it's possible to Wade through the documentation, possible to watch video after video, possible to ask forum questions on this forum and that to make headway with your programming skill the learning curve using the old method. Although new technology has shortened the learning curve, there's nothing better than having a friendly, helpful, artificial intelligent friend to ask the stupid questions that you need to ask and get a positive answer back. But the main benefit is once you have got that answer. You can generally see if it is correct or nearly right or miles off and instead of having to do extensive research, you just instruct chat. GPT tell it how you think the answer is off and it has another go and in less than three iterations usually you get to the right answer.

So what I'm saying is the learning curve for software. Anything really has a very long learning curve you plot along the baseline and then as you gain confidence and experience and knowledge you start to go up the steeper part of the learning curve but it's the long plug along with a straight flat road towards the steep part of the learning curve. That is the hardest to tackle and chat. GPT will definitely show on this walk.
Yes, I did Jack. I usually just blurt out what I want to say, with little regard to structure, paragraphs, sentences and the like.

However, there is hope! I see the way chat GPT writes and I like how it looks. I aspire to writing like that myself! Not too much though, I think the personality needs to remain. I didn't put any personality back into what chat GPT changed.

in my original dialogue I said something like instead of walking up the flat section of the learning curve, I am now running up it. Chat GPT took that piece out and I should have put it back in.

On Twitter someone explained how a paragraph should be constructed. I copied the instructions and placed them in Chat GPT. I asked chat GPT if this was a correct statement and it said yes. I asked it to give me an example paragraph based on a science fiction story.

Chat GPT wrote an excellent piece on how a spaceship was heading through an asteroid field to find a Portal belonging to an alien transport system.

It was a good piece of writing but also it lacked personality.

Thinking about it. It's probably because it's too perfect. It's plastic. It's not genuine. It's not real in some way.

I might have found a limitation of chat GPT with its writing. It's too good, if you like!
I thought so. I've read many of your comments/posts over time and I did notice/perceived a change in structure. Sort of like "a personal mentor/teacher looking over your work offering some constructive criticism".

Keep up your interest and keep the forum informed.

As a side note: A while back I tried to get some chatgpt assistance with some vbe code. I learned a little of "AI Hallucinations". Chatgpt repeatedly gave me objects that don't exist. I have since (via youtube) found that this can be an issue with the language models and training --some times the results include fabrications or "alternate facts" issued as if they were absolute truths.
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fabrications or "alternate facts"

I wrote a peace which contained words describing genitals and transgender and the like and chat GPT would not have anything to do with my writing telling me that I was out of line.

What was interesting was it appeared to be making a moral judgement. So I think I'm going to fallout with my mate chat GTP at some stage in the future! I don't like anybody telling me how I can think, whether it's global warming, transgender, free speech....
I wrote a peace which contained words describing genitals and transgender and the like and chat GPT would not have anything to do with my writing telling me that I was out of line.

What was interesting was it appeared to be making a moral judgement. So I think I'm going to fallout with my mate chat GTP at some stage in the future! I don't like anybody telling me how I can think, whether it's global warming, transgender, free speech....
I fell out with it the first time that I proved it had given me a totally incredibly biased answer about two genders. When I pressed it for more information it actually admitted that it had done that in order to promote the greater good not in those exact words. That was the last time that I used it for anything other than coming up with professional sounding sentence structure or coding.

Oh yes it will continue to be very popular, just not at my expense
Chatgpt repeatedly gave me objects that don't exist

It can be a struggle to get to the right answer. Not effort Mind you, just racking your brains to think about the way to ask the question so your new question moves chat GPT in the right direction.

For this alone, I don't think chat GPT will be much help for a complete beginner, unless of course chat GPT is let loose on Access world forums where it would be able to learn from all of the wooly questions beginners ask and also see the correct answers provided by the members here.
It can be a struggle to get to the right answer. Not effort Mind you, just racking your brains to think about the way to ask the question so your new question moves chat GPT in the right direction.

For this alone, I don't think chat GPT will be much help for a complete beginner, unless of course chat GPT is let loose on Access world forums where it would be able to learn from all of the wooly questions beginners ask and also see the correct answers provided by the members here.
And it's important to know that it is better to use it for some purposes than others.

AI is like any new tool some people will use it well and some people will try to use the same ai wrapper for "everything"...
I think it will improve generally and specifically as newer versions evolve and as focused language ( or other) domains are exploited. For general questions with appropriate wording it's pretty fantastic --given what we had only a couple of years ago.
It, like many areas of interest, needs a fact checker. Now some subjects and open ended questions may just accept terminology and concepts. But if we are going to get reliable responses, then I think we need facts -vetted facts- for those subjects that are fact-based, not just conjecture.
Now that statement I can pretty much get on board with.

If you're not dealing with a precision issue.

I've used it to write poems in other languages, kind of cool
I've used it to write poems in other languages
Something else for me to try!

Chat GPT has helped me write a pompous letter to the Oxfordshire environmental officer. I can beat them at their own game now!
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I've been playing games again with chat GPT.

I wondered if Chat GPT could help me organize my website categories and tags. The website has evolved over many years and as you can imagine it needs tidying up! I have one page on my website which shows all of the pages, all the posts, all the tags are listed, as are all of the categories. So I posted the lot in chat GPT with the following instruction:-

The nifty Access website is designed to help developers with Microsoft Access. On Offer to potential customers are a selection of solutions, many ready-made packages, "Drop In" components for database projects. The following is a list of the pages, posts, tags and categories. Could you organise the posts and pages into suitable tags and categories? Please suggest your own observations as you see fit!

Well I can tell you it failed miserably! Not unexpected, my question wasn't very well defined... I had a few more attempts at defining a better question and eventually I got it right. It turns out that the correct way to ask the question was this:-

My instruction to chat GPT that worked!
What I'm expecting is that you choose a tag and then underneath the particular tag list ALL the pages and posts that are associated with that tag. Then take the next tag and do the same. And then for categories do the same again

Chat GPT has provided me a link to The Exchange I was having with it:-

Categorize Access Solutions.

If you scroll to the bottom, you can see the results of Chat GPT's efforts to categorize and tag the pages and posts. I haven't thoroughly studied the results yet, but at a glance, they seem acceptable. The next step is to compare Chat GPT's efforts with my own category and tag decisions stored in WordPress. Hopefully, this will help me improve the structure of my website.

By the way I've just subscribed to chat GTP, it's just so helpful, I had to!
I wonder? Can chat GPT play chess? I'm going to find out!

My CGPT mate said:-
Yes, I can play chess! While I don't have a physical presence to move the pieces on a physical board, I can understand and respond to chess moves and provide you with moves in return. Just let me know if you'd like to play a game, and we can get started.
You're going to love this one!

See here on chat GPT:- https://chat.openai.com/share/8632da1d-cc68-44ff-8844-b6aec10483a9

Here is the text just in case the link doesn't work:-

Uncle Gizmo
Can chat GPT play chess

Yes, I can play chess! While I don't have a physical presence to move the pieces on a physical board, I can understand and respond to chess moves and provide you with moves in return. Just let me know if you'd like to play a game, and we can get started.

Uncle Gizmo
When I ask you to do something like improve some text, or reformat something for me, I usually ask a question like "could you improve the following" or "could you check the following for errors and suggest improvements" my question is, is there a short-hand way of giving you instructions?

Yes, there is a shorthand way of giving me instructions. Instead of asking a question, you can directly provide the instruction or request in a clear and concise manner. Here are a few examples:

"Please improve the following text: [insert text here]"
"Check the following for errors and suggest improvements: [insert text here]"
"Rewrite the paragraph to make it more concise and engaging."
"Summarize the main points of this article."
"Provide a list of pros and cons for the topic I'm discussing."
By giving specific instructions or requests, you can guide me on what you need assistance with, and I'll do my best to fulfill your requirements.

Uncle Gizmo
I was thinking more in terms of a single word instruction or possibly a single letter or number. It could be done with a prior agreement between us, as to what short-hand instruction performed which particular function.

I see what you mean. While there isn't a built-in shorthand system for instructions, we can certainly establish a prior agreement between us for specific shorthand instructions. However, keep in mind that using shorthand instructions may limit the clarity and specificity of the request, which could result in potential misunderstandings or incorrect outputs.

If you would like to proceed with shorthand instructions, please let me know the specific instructions or functions you have in mind, along with the agreed-upon shorthand notation. I'll do my best to accommodate your requests within the constraints of our conversation.
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Shakespearean voice!
Uncle Gizmo
please describe an apple in a Shakespearean voice
Hark! Allow me, in the spirit of Shakespearean artistry, to paint a portrait of an apple fair.

Behold, a wondrous orb, its hue a radiant crimson akin to the blush of a maiden's cheek. Its form, round and plump, doth bespeak nature's grace and bounty. From bough to branch, it dangles, a jewel amidst the verdant tapestry of the orchard.

This apple, in its gentle curve, doth house a secret. Peel back its skin, as one might unveil a treasure, and within lies a succulent flesh, tender and crisp. The first bite, an intoxicating revelation, fills the senses with a symphony of flavors. Sweet nectar, like ambrosia, dances upon the tongue, while subtle notes of tartness whisper serenades to the discerning palate.

A noble aroma wafts forth, redolent of the earth's embrace, as if the apple hath captured the very essence of the sunlit meadows and cool zephyrs. Its fragrance, a balm for wearied souls, inspires a longing for simpler times, when man and nature danced in harmonious accord.

This fruit, in its humble guise, bears testament to the ephemeral nature of existence. As the seasons ebb and flow, so too does the apple's destiny. Yet, in its passing, it imparts a legacy—a humble seed, harboring the promise of renewal and rebirth.

Thus, I beseech thee, cherish this apple, this marvel of nature's handiwork. For within its modest sphere resides a tale of sustenance, beauty, and the cycle of life itself.

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