In case anyone thought racism in America was dead . . . (1 Viewer)

Clinton was harder on terrorism than Reagan was. What did Reagan do in response to the Beirut Lebanon bombing ? Nothing.

So if you are going back to Clinton on terrorism let's go back to Reagan as well.

I blame Washington for creating the States in the first place
I blame Washington for creating the States in the first place
Surely King George's government must take responsibilty for letting the colonists win the war of independance.

Now if Columbus had just stayed at home wouldn't things be better:D
Surely King George's government must take responsibilty for letting the colonists win the war of independance.

He should have known that they just weren't capable of running their own affairs sensibly, why just look now, the Republican party having to use socialism by the back door to shore up capitalism:eek:
Curse the primordial ooze from whence the first amoeba were spawned for this wretched mess of things . . . =)
Ever read the comments there? It's a good thing the extreme left doesn't like guns, or there wouldn't be a living soul with a view to the right of Al Gore's. As it is, I'm afraid they'd have us all in indoctrination camps if they could.
I saw the video; it came with my local Sunday paper. Figured it was someone with an agenda, but surprised because it looks like the ones I have seen from the History Channel. My take on it was a reminder since we Americans have a short-term memory.

I am not sure how much that video played into the event listed in the article. Probably as much as heavy metal did for the churches saying music creates devil worshippers and serial killers.

If that video did contribute, I wouldn't be surprised since everyone claims the violence in video games and on TV has contributed to the demoralizing of our social systems and overpopulation of prison systems. I've seen more offensive and blatant politically motivated stuff on the 6 PM news and cable news outlets than I saw in the video.

If that video played backwards has some ritualistic killing message then I suggest everyone distance themselves from since I am a time bomb waiting to go off.

I should say that I am not downplaying the racism aspect in our society. At any level of any social, racial, and religous group there is that 10% that likes to take it to extreme and feels justified in doing so.

You guys need to realize that Obama's minions have been instructed to bring up how racist everybody who doesn't support him is. That is the motivation for the title of this thread. I've heard it on the radio numerous times, except the callers are much more blatant/verbal and nobody can talk back.

You'll find this thread topic wherever people can post freely to a web site.

It is outright race baiting.
Oh, I didn't realize that discussing racism=race "baiting". You are right, it is much better to just pretend it doesn't exist.:rolleyes:
Oh, it exists. In Obama's strategy sessions. And in the talking points to his disciples.

But it doesn't exist just because somebody doesn't want to have Obama as their leader.
Oh, it exists. In Obama's strategy sessions. And in the talking points to his disciples.

But it doesn't exist just because somebody doesn't want to have Obama as their leader.

1. I have no idea what goes on in Obama's strategy sessions, but I very much doubt it has anything to do with race.
2. I don't know any of Obama's "disciples", whoever they are, and I don't know what talking points they are given, if any.
3. I didn't say that people are racist because they don't want to vote for Obama. I said that the only explanation for the double standard that is blatantly being applied to the candidates is racism. i.e., the first post in this thread.

This whole thread has been about the liberals framing the issues.

Wait .. wait ..

This whole thread has been about the way the liberals and, if I may borrow the terminology, "minions" frame the issues in accordance with Obama's marching orders ...

“I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.

Wait .. wait ..

This whole thread has been about the way the liberals and, if I may borrow the terminology, "minions" frame the issues in accordance with Obama's marching orders ...


Interesting. A quote with no attribution. Kind of defeats the purpose of quoting.

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