In case anyone thought racism in America was dead . . . (4 Viewers)

IMHO, your particular 'concrete criticisms' to this point are all part of the media circus. Consider yourself as having been sucked into the American partisan political system. Blatant, dogmatic criticism of either Biden or Palin (or anyone for that matter) is no way to try and win another vote for your side. Unless that isn't your intention and you just like hearing yourself talk...

You are still criticizing me - what did you think of THEIR performance?
I will give you something to comment on since it seems like you are having trouble of thinking of anything on your own.

I was actually thrilled to hear that Palin supports the Obama/Biden bankruptcy reform policy. But it turns out that McCain does NOT support their plan. Does she just disagree with him? Is she just uninformed on his policies? Either way, I don't think that mis-stating her running mate's policies puts her in a good light.

I was also thrilled to hear that she supports civil unions allowing gay people to enjoy the same rights as other married couples. And here I thought that Palin was a social conservative. Did she change her mind on this issue? Or is she just saying it because she is on national tv?

I thought that one of Biden's strongest moments was when he pointed out that while the McCain health care plan offers us a $5,000 refundable tax credit to purchase health insurance, he also wants to make the benefits that I receive through my employer TAXABLE. What do they say about things you want less of? Tax them? So McCain's policy is actually aimed toward REDUCING employer-provided health benefits, and forcing more families to purchase insurance on the open market where it is more expensive and harder to get. I was pleased that he made this point so clearly.
I'll give you my opinion when I get a chance to watch.

Another thought about why she had problems with Couric's interview: the questions were insulting and clearly designed to annoy. Who gives a crap what magazine she reads? How is that going to help her govern? Why didn't anybody ask Obama that (he has less experience than Palin)? If Sarah the marvelous, wonderful, lovely hair lady mentions a certain magazine (and she knows this) she will be ridiculed for reading that particular magazine over some other by doesn't matter what her answer was to that question, it was wrong. A stupid question doesn't even deserve an answer. She gave more than I would (and much more gracefully-must be because she's young and beautiful while I'm an old prune).

It's called media circus - People that 'grasp' for excuses live for it ;)
It's kinda hard to attack someone else's record when they only sat at the national level for a few days before starting their presidential campaign.

All she could say was he voted not present alot at the state level on critical issues and sued some banks to give people loans they couldn't pay back. In light of the lack of experience Obama has, I would have stuck to talking points too.

I just would have made it clear the guy hasn't served much and the votes he did throw down were along party lines. The same party that pushed the housing market bubble up, did not allow regulation of these entities, and even sued the banks down that didn't want to hand out these loans.

You are still criticizing me - what did you think of THEIR performance?

I think it's all just fuel for the radicals. Don't put much weight in them or the follow up conversations.

I think they are both good people and don't think we'd being doing bad to have either of them. If I had something valuable to look after I think I'd trust Palin over Biden. Not really sure why...
Nope. They didn't put us on the road to WWIII and bring our economy to the brink of failure.

Neither has the current president.

I partially agree with you on two points and disagree with you completely on a third.

  1. YES he has involved our country in a two unpopular wars, BUT neither is going to lead to the WWIII Scenario that you are referring to.
  2. YES he has strained relations with many of the countries that are our allies, and some that are not, BUT, those relations can and will be made better again with time, regardless of who is running the country.
  1. NO, the economy is not on the bring of failure. That is partisan rhetoric designed to SCARE poor people into voting against any Republican candidates.
Before you ask, I am not an economist, but I have taken time to understand how a national level economy works, and ours is nowhere near failing
Along the same lines, Obama spun himself as the great healer, able to cross party lines (which he has never done in his admittedly very short career, btw).

So, on his campaign web site, why is he telling everybody to go to lovely, smart, talented, experienced Sarah Palin's appearance in Dallas today to protest it? That doesn't sound like partisan healing to me. Sounds like the same old hateful Obama.

Typical of him to say one thing and do another.

And I like the first page of Obama's web site (where you have to register to enter). It has the word "CHANGE" with a picture of Obama and his family. I agree. We need to change him out for a better Dem candidate. How about Biden? Maybe O will drop out and Biden can run for Pres? He' certainly more qualified (I guess you could instead say, he's qualified, unlike NObama).

Carter totally screwed up our relationship with Islam by the poor way he handled Iran.

Correction, America screwed up its relationship with Iran in the fifties when it installed a brutal dictator as its puppet, do try and read some real research on the subject and not the American school version
Plutocracy, is that the one where Disney dogs are in charge?

I think that actually would be preferable to rule of wealthy. :D

BTW, I heard Ron Paul on the radio this morning. He said that the two candidates were essentially the same (you've said that before) and then proceeding to explain why the Democratic candidate's financial strategy was so much worse than the Republican. I was a little perplexed. It seemed clear that, if he doesn't/didn't run, that he's backing McCain.

Not necessarily. Obama's strategy is worse because he propose much bigger deficit, while McCain's budget is more about warmongering (and I personally suspect he will pull a Reagen and come with just as big deficit) because we don't have money for his social programs (nor do we have for McCain's Bomb Iran tunes), and while McCain's path will ultimately end up at same end as Obama's path, Obama is more direct. But it doesn't really matter if you're taking the shortcut or the long way to hell- you're still going to hell.
There's lots to praise about Palin, but I think you'd be bored with it quickly.
Yes, just how many times she mentioned the fact that she was a soccer mom and just how many times she refused to answer direct questions and had to keep changing the subject.
As the saying goes, there's a small village in Alaska with an idiot missing
As the saying goes, there's a small village in Alaska with an idiot missing

A nonsense comment at best.

I have also heard that about a large town in Scotland, a Small town in Texas, a town in Arkansas, etc.
A nonsense comment at best.

I have also heard that about a large town in Scotland, a Small town in Texas, a town in Arkansas, etc.

I agree - nonsense. They're just not looking in the right place - D.C. :p
I agree - nonsense. They're just not looking in the right place - D.C. :p

Perhaps in Washington or in London? Or maybe on a plane running around America saying how much he respects and appreciates a person whose reputation he was trying to destroy 6 months ago?
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Perhaps in Washington or in London, Or maybe on a plane running around America saying how much he respects and appreciates a person whose reputation he was trying to destroy 6 months ago?

Why don't the repubs latch onto that? Professional courtesy? :p
They must be too far north to get the dish network satellite- :)
Yeah, here's how intelligent she is

Did anyone else notice that this woman is so self-absorbed that couldn't answer a question without referring to herself? Actually, she never really "answered" anything, but kept to her talking points, repeating them randomly and out of context. And her "Lil' Ol' Me" act is getting old. I'm glad that Biden called her out and didn't allow her to giggle her way through the debate, but I'm sorry that he had to hold back or risk being called "sexist" for hurting Palin's poor little feelings!"
They're not providing a potential VP, what's your point?

I should probably let you sit and think about it for a while, but because you might be hungry (it is dinner time where you are, right?) and you are also probably tired (end of another long week of anti-American posting), I'll give you a pass.

They provided a current of former world leader, and those statements were made at the time that they were running for office.
I heard Biden say they support gay marriage and Palin said she does not. What they both agreed on was that the civil rights afforded married couples should be afforded to same sex couples (civil unions for Repubs, marriage for Dems).

Per the health bit. I understand it to be that McCain will make everyone's health contributions from your employer taxable. For those that receive health care in that manner, they will turn around and get a tax credit which will be the zero sum game. Basically moving the tax around to the individual instead of the company and then compensating the individual by cancelling out the tax.

This serves a couple of purposes. It takes this burden off the company so they will have the capacity to expand, hire more people, do more business, and all that stuff that goes along with that.

For the individual, it will allow them a freedom of choice. By breaking down state barriers, providers aren't regulated to service a mandated state. In essence, it will open up your choice of providers.

The added benefit, in terms of fairness, is for those people that are small business or one-man shops or whose employer doesn't provide healthcare. They receive the same benefit and get a tax credit to allow them to afford healthcare coverage.

The difference is that Obama wants to make it a law. I'm not sure which whether to jail employers who don't provide benefits or you go to jail if youre a one man shop and don't buy benefits or hospitals will be funded with tax dollars and you just walk in and get whatever it is they want to give you because they are only beholden to law and not the patient.

I think all this will do is further divide the classes because those that can afford and don't want mediocre health care in a welfare state, they will then be forced to pay out of pocket (w/no credit) to buy extra insurance so they can go to a private hospital to get better quality and faster medical care. So, they pay once through taxes and then again just to get what they want because they don't have a choice.

Think of the rebellion from the underclasses that will happen when that scenario plays out.

I should probably let you sit and think about it for a while, but because you might be hungry (it is dinner time where you are, right?) and you are also probably tired (end of another long week of anti-American posting), I'll give you a pass.
Ah, play the typical anti_American card against someone who points out the obvious flaws in America

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