Is FIFA Soccer Scandal "made in USA", real, or "just business as usual"?


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Oct 22, 2009
Is FIFA Soccer Scandal "made in USA", real, or "just business as usual"?

While Americans don't expect to see much soccer (Football) news, the recent FIFA Soccer Scandal would almost seem to indicate corruption and organized criminal activity beyond comprehension. Why is the US Government so intense about investigating this?
Is it real? Is it political posturing? Is it a total fabrication?

We can't entirely trust the 10 second sound bites that many call "journalism" here in the US. What is the Europe perspective about this?

The most blatant quote was chosen to quote below. There are other journalist that strongly imply the same. Then of course, the rest pretty much hand down the same official news reports from the same source.
Was the INTERPOL corruption the reason the US FBI was involved in a Swiss organization?

Here are a few quotes from a US journalist about FIFA that doesn't mince words:
 [COLOR=#21200b]Washington Politicizes Football   Paul Craig Roberts      Washington’s [/COLOR]
 [COLOR=#21200b]attack on world soccer is following the script of Washington’s attack on the[/COLOR]
 [COLOR=#21200b] Russian-hosted Sochi Olympics. The difference is that Washington couldn’t stop  [/COLOR][COLOR=#21200b]the Olympics from being held in Sochi, and was limited to scaring off [/COLOR]
 [COLOR=#21200b]westerners with lies and propaganda. In the current scandal orchestrated [/COLOR]
 [COLOR=#21200b]by Washington, Washington intends to use its takeover of FIFA to renege [/COLOR]
 [COLOR=#21200b]on FIFA’s decision that Russia host the next World Cup.  This is part of [/COLOR]
 [COLOR=#21200b]Washington’s agenda of isolating Russia from the World.   This[/COLOR]
 [COLOR=#21200b] Washington-orchestrated scandal stinks to high heaven. It seems obvious[/COLOR]
 [COLOR=#21200b] that the FIFA officials have been arrested for political reasons and that the [/COLOR]
 [COLOR=#21200b]recently overwhelmingly-reelected FIFA president, Sepp Blatter, was forced to resign by Washington’s threats to indict him as well. This can happen [/COLOR]
 [COLOR=#21200b]because Washington no longer is subject to the rule of law. In [/COLOR]
 [COLOR=#21200b]Washington’s hands, law is a weapon that is used against everyone, every [/COLOR]
 [COLOR=#21200b]organization, and every country that takes a position independent of[/COLOR][COLOR=#21200b] Washington.[/COLOR]
 [COLOR=#21200b]This clears the deck for Washington and its British lapdog to take over FIFA, [/COLOR]
 [COLOR=#21200b]which henceforth will be used to reward countries that comply with Washington’s foreign policy and to punish those who pursue an independent foreign policy.[/COLOR]
Last Monday POLITICO ran a story about FIFA and its interesting relationships with INTERPOL -
"Interpol’s deal with FIFA is just the tip of a fiscal iceberg. Since 2011, Interpol has signed deals with a large number of private “partners,” including tobacco giants, pharmaceutical firms and tech companies — such as Philip Morris International, Sanofi, and Kaspersky Lab — the proceeds of which have swollen its operational budget by almost a third."

Is FIFA corruption real? Is it overblown? Why is the US so involved with the FBI and government agencies?
Re: Is FIFA Soccer Scandal "made in USA", real, or "just business as usual"?

I think many have suspected (known?) that FIFA is corrupt for many years but proving it and taking action needed a globa l power.

Here are a couple of the many articles from across the pond.

Platini president of EUFA has been openly critical of FIFA.

The article you quoted seemed to be more a criticism of Washington than FIFA.

Re: Is FIFA Soccer Scandal "made in USA", real, or "just business as usual"?

Its real,and propably not overblown. Whether Russia's deal was corrupt I am not sure - Qatars is a joke - a country not really into football, a tiny tiny city state - , dodgy human rights, terrible climate for the event - hosting the biggest sporting tournament in the world - somethings wrong with that!
What benenfit is it to football to host it there? (England lost out to Russia - not Qatar)

I think the US tackled it rather than anyone else for 2 reasons.

1) US doesn't really care about football - so what if it teams may be hampered in continental?FIFA comps etc - that's of no real significance compared to say what a EU country may have to suffer for putting their head above the parapet.

I would suggest the UK already suffers - in terms of its press at least has been all over FIFA corruption for years,and FIFA trying to marginalise England since. 1 vote for England as world cup hosts - I would say is evidence of this.

( I don't demand England host it - but not a sniff of a tournament in 60 years is taking the piss, for the host of the world most popular league)

2) With the size of its economy - world brands etc - FIFA or world football need the US, more than vice versa.

Well done the US for it international intervention on this one. Lets just hope it doesn't turn into the usual interventional/power vacuum fiasco - and the next world cup isn't hosted by Islamic State. ;-)

Why is the US intent on investigating - well its massive massive world business corruption, with power falling into a black market at risk of being out of everyone juristiction unless someone stepped in and it doesn't benefit the US unlike Salt Lake City
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Re: Is FIFA Soccer Scandal "made in USA", real, or "just business as usual"?

I chose the first article because the US is entering its Election cycle. It is not uncommon that the focus is on popular outside issues rather than jobs, debt, economy... the nature of our beast of burden. The second article describing INTERPOL possible corruption is very concerning at the other corner.
The articles are very appreciated. We often seem to be isolated when it comes to assuming the US always wears the "white hats" (the good guys in the old western movies).
Personally, I am stuck between not trusting all that the news presents in 5 second sound bites, biased against corruption, and ignorant about world Soccer (Football).
Again, I value the thoughts of intelligent people who know more about this than myself.
Re: Is FIFA Soccer Scandal "made in USA", real, or "just business as usual"?

All international sports bodies are essentially open sewers.
FIFA, IOC you name it.
Every person serving at the international level left much richer than they arrived.
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