Wish you would get off the "this dosn't justify the shooting", not trying to.
Except it really is not hypothectical, as more what if that path was taken (Ok close, but bear with me).
So you have a neighbor, that yells at kids (cause kids goof off and go of the sidewalk), yells at adults because their dogs won't stay on the sidewalk (DAH), and in general pisses everyone off by yelling at them to stay off his yard (even if you are only on the sidewalk).
What do you tell your 10 year old son who crosses his yard multi-times a day?
He calls and tells you your son was riding his bike on his lawn, and if he does it again he will call the police. You talk to your son and he says his buddy bumped him and road off the sidewalk accidentally. What do you tell him?
The guy calls again and says he is suing because your dog used his lawn as it's bathroom. You didn't even know the dog was loose (got out of the fence when your son left the gate unlatched). He says how would you like it if he came down and did the same in your yard. Now what do you say?
He chases your son as he and his friends ride past his house on the sidewalk.
By now your thinking he is an anal retentive old guy that needs to get a life. Does your son hear you talk that way? How about his buddies and their parents who have been through the same? Kids will now gang up on this guy just to piss him off. Where does it lead?