Respectful or grounded, one of the two. And I might have had a passing moment, but I assure you it didn't last 5 years. Think about it, to last 5 years there had to be parental involvment of somekind. A 10 year old (15 - 5) won't bully and keep harressing someone that long without at least the parents input. I mean if a neighbor called and asked me to keep my kid off their lawn, I would talk to them and tell them just stay off, it isn't worth the hassle. But (I am assuming, have not seen anything on this, it's just conjecture) what if his parents were sying things like, "he is such an A hole", "doesn't he have better things to do than harres the kids", "someone should put that A hole in his place", etc. What message than does this leave the kids? I would think it would fuel the fire, so to speak.