Lies Matter (1 Viewer)

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 11:18
Jul 5, 2006
This is going to be short. Recently Fox News Reported: COVID lab leak theory appears vindicated after Energy Department report: 'They censored us, trashed us'. Why the Department of Energy released this and not the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is curious? Anyway, this "new" disclosure continues the drip, drip, drip of facts demonstrating that the Democratic Party maliciously lied to the public and successfully duped the public into voting for Biden. For Democrats the ends justify the means. Democrats are the threat to democracy.


This post is also a follow-up to: Election Do-Over!!! , Student Loan Bribe, and Musk's revelations that Twitter, prior to Musk's acquisition of Twitter, manipulated (censored) the public narrative to promote "Trump Derangement Syndrome" (TDS). This was a despicable unearned "win" for the Democrats that should never have happened.
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Steve R.

Local time
Today, 11:18
Jul 5, 2006
Of course, since posting this thread, Maria Bartiromo of Fox News came-up with a summary the cover-up of the Covid origin hoax. To reiterate, my concern is not specific to Covid, but to the fact that this is only one of many false narratives of the many generated by the Democrats to manipulate the 2020 election through the weaponization of government and social media. Jim Jordan, in the video below, covers many of these non-Covid issues.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 11:18
Jul 5, 2006
More lies exposed. Tucker Carlson just released video footage of what happened on January 6th. This is only one segment. It will be up to you to view the other segments, should you want to. A major point being made by Tucker is that the rest of the (liberal) news media is totally disinterested in investigating what happened on that day. The media used to be interested in exposing corruption, but now they blatantly support the partisan Democratic party narrative and actively suppress any alternative viewpoints. See the CNN news article below the Fox video clip.

Tucker Carlson, with help from Kevin McCarthy, tries to sanitize the very real violence of the January 6 attack
The irony is that the Jan. 6th committee was a "kangaroo court" that used cherry-picked selective video footage to "prove" that a patriotic rally was a so-called violent insurrection. Based on that standard, there is nothing wrong with the other side showing other selective video clips that dispute the lies of the Jan. 6th committee. Moreover, nowhere in CNN's article is there even an acknowledgement of the lies that have made by the Biden administration, Democratic party operatives, and the (liberal) news media.

What does CNN really mean by "the very real violence"? Yes there was some damage damage done, but there was only minimal property damage. Nothing like the recent left wing attack of an Atalanta police facility or the Portland court building. The only person who died that day, was an unarmed woman (Ashli Babbitt) killed by a Capital Police Officer (Lt. Michael Byrd) who was never charged with murder. Furthermore, when the Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests were in vogue, "left" wing news pundits, such as Chris Cuomo, to justify their violence openly advocated: "Show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful". Besides the "violence" issue being a lie, it is also hypocritical since left wing violence was endorsed.

In another article exposing lies:
Responding to someone else’s tweet that accused former Reps. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo. and Adam Kizinger, R- Ill., along with Congressman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., of being "liars," Musk affirmed the lawmakers were guilty of withholding evidence and said their actions were "deeply wrong."

In the case of Brian Sicknick, whom the media falsely claimed had been killed by being struck with a fire extinguisher during the riot (a story later retracted by the New York Times), the January 6 Committee continued to claim he had been killed by rioters even after his death was determined to be from natural causes.
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Steve R.

Local time
Today, 11:18
Jul 5, 2006
Never expected to hear this on CNBC. Evidently, one of the regulatory agencies is contemplating a political hit-job concerning Musk's management of Twitter. Joe Kernen, the token conservative on Squawk Box, said that this did not smell-right. In responding he complimented Fox News as being the only news agency to actually investigate and question the various narratives (lies) that have been spewed out by the "liberal" media and Democrats over the past few years!!! Becky Quick, the co-anchor and traditional leftest, simply politely smiled as Joe ranted on. In short, Joe's outraged was aimed at the media for "refusing" to challenge and investigate the (false) narratives being spewed out by the Democrats.

This is only one unexpected incident of a commentator expressing his dismay (on a left leaning network) that the left leaning networks are not fairly reporting the news. But the fact that this is occurring, coincidentally with Tucker Carlson exposé of left wing corruption concerning Jan. 6th and Musk's release of Twitter emails demonstrating censorship of conservative viewpoints, may expose many more people to the fact that they have been duped by the left. Remains to be seen, if other commentators, on left leaning news networks will finally realize that they need to do their job of investigating and challenging narratives instead of being propaganda outlets for the left.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:18
Feb 19, 2002
I love the lies Tucker exposed in the videos. The one about Josh Hawley was a hoot. The Jan 6th committee showed a short clip of him jogging out of the building and called him a coward. The video in context shows bunches of people jogging out and Hawley was at the end of the pack which is why he is alone in the clip. Then we have others showing Brian S, the officer who was supposedly killed by a blow to the head from a fire extinguisher walking around helping people long after the incident was supposed to have happened. This report was later withdrawn after the autopsy said he died of natural causes and not by a blow to the head but somehow, that retraction got no traction and is STILL repeated by Biden to this day. It appears that the Q'Anon Shaman had a guided tour with multiple officers unlocking doors for him but somehow he is serving 4 years in jail for chanting a prayer and sitting in the Speaker's chair. Nancy probably had to have it burned because some strange person sat in it. Wonder what Melania did with the undies the FBI played with during the Mar a Largo raid. She probably tried to strangle The Donald with them as she was pulling them out to burn them for exposing her to all of this hatred. If I read her right, she is a good and loyal wife who takes no shit from DJT and who didn't sign up for this but was doing her patriotic duty to be the best First Lady she could be which as an immigrant she probably understood far better than the average natural born citizen.

The videos still need to be released to the public. Tucker is relatively fair but he is still biased. He is also under a great deal of pressure from Murdoch and the Fox board with Paul Ryan so there is no telling what he found that he isn't telling us. Best to let the people do the searching so all the agents who were promoting the riot can be identified and exposed. Tucker said he was able to identify some of them but did not want to identify them without proof. YES, they need to be outed. The FBI can't be allowed to get away with organizing a riot and then blaming it on old people wandering around taking selfies.

Two former high ranking members of the Capitol police were giving interviews this week. Neither was called by the Jan 6 committee probably because what they had to say about the events of that day.

Bill Maher seems to have gotten past his Trump Derangement Syndrome. He is still no fan, which is fine, but he isn't crazy blind anymore.

Edit. fixed my reference to Tom Cotton which should have been Josh Hawley.
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Steve R.

Local time
Today, 11:18
Jul 5, 2006
Absolutely deplorable. Both Schumer and McConnell are calling for censorship to suppress viewpoints that they do not agree with. The attack on democracy comes from those seeking to suppress alternative viewpoints, not from those offering alternative viewpoints. Neither Schumer nor McConnell are the arbitrators of defining what is "true".


Local time
Today, 11:18
Jan 11, 2013
The one about Tom Cotton was a hoot.
Maybe you should ask Josh Hawley about that.

Guess you didn't read any of tuckers emails and text messages. He doesn't believe the things you believe and he hates trump "Passionately"

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:18
Feb 19, 2002
Was it Josh? My bad. How would I have access to Tucker's emails? I know that Tucker doesn't like Trump. He was anti-Trump during the first campaign but he moderated once Trump got elected and started fulfilling his campaign promises. You don't have to like Trump to like his policies. He has some unlikable behaviors. I get it. But policy wise, he is on target. He has excellent political instincts but no experience so he caved to his advisors on too many things like not firing Comey the day he took office and later by renewing the Patriot Act KNOWING that the FBI was lying to the FISA court. Huge mistake. Supporting McConnell for his reelection when McConnell was obstructing Trump's agenda at every opportunity. Trump learned that lesson. But he didn't learn his lesson about McCarthy. Helping McCarthy become Speaker was another mistake. If Trump manages to get elected in 2024, McCarthy will again obstruct the Trump agenda.

Tucker has been saying subtle things about cheating going on in the 2020 election. He was very angry with Trump right after the election and never stopped being angry about Trump's allegations of cheating and now he seems to be changing his opinion. Maybe the recent collapse of many of the left's LIES has opened his mind.


Local time
Today, 11:18
Jan 11, 2013
Is this the kind of media corruption you're continually banging on about?

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Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:18
Feb 19, 2002
Court records
Dominion seems to think it is a crime for Murdoch to direct his talking heads to pump up one candidate over another. It doesn't seem like he was directing them to hide actual news like Hunter Biden's laptop which ALL of the other networks, including Fox either hid outright or downplayed. That was news that could actually have swung the 2020 election and it was hidden with exactly that intention. If it is a crime for the head of Fox to give guidance to his talking heads, then why isn't it a crime for the heads of other networks to do the same?

Lou Dobbs was the only Fox talking head that seems to have run with the cheating scandal. Apparently he believed the evidence and was fired for talking about it out loud. There were minor mentions by others but they stopped talking about the election within a couple of days because Murdoch told them to. Tucker specifically said that he was discontinuing coverage of the allegations until actual evidence could be produced. The problem was that the actual evidence was quickly erased. If Dominion had nothing to hide, why did they obstruct actual examination of any of their voting machines until the machines could be tampered with to remove the fingerprints of the fraud? They sure acted like the guilty party which is why I am inclined to believe that they were in fact guilty. They could EASILY have put the allegations to bed by allowing third parties to examine the voting machine before the data was erased from them. In violation of most state laws BTW since all election materials are supposed to be kept for at least two years after an election. Normal practice is to erase just before an election rather than immediately after for this very reason.

If it is not a crime for Zuckerberg to spend nearly a half a BILLION dollars to skew an election, I'm not sure why a $7500 contribution that resulted in a positive story should send people screaming about corruption. I guess because Zuckerberg is a liberal and he succeeded in corrupting an election the "correct" way, the ends justify the means. The NYT does this all the time. They take money for "ads" that are supposed to convince people that they are not reading an ad but instead reading a news article. I think the money into the Biden family cofers is up to around 1.5 billion. At least they are interviewing Bobolinski finally and getting some insight into how the influence peddling scheme was run.

Nothing here but hearsay regarding Tucker. Same with the second link.
This seems to be actual parts of the filing. It is useless given all the redactions. The last interesting thing I read was #154 on pg 21. #152 and #153 were pretty interesting also. Stopped reading after pg 55.

Found no damaging emails from Tucker up to that point. It is painfully hard to read with tiny print and mostly redacted. And of course there is no way to search it to at least find relevant items.

I am quite sure that we will see "damning" emails from Tucker although he and Hannity are the only Fox shows where the host doesn't take obvious potshots at Trump. Even Stuart Varney takes potshots at Trump whenever he can. And the "news" contingent never miss an opportunity to use purple words so we know their opinion of Trump. Of course, I have no interest in watching a news show where the host makes his opinion part of the broadcast. If Fox is wondering why their news shows don't have high ratings, I would say that is a primary reason. I don't watch Fox news and it isn't because their opinion of Trump is invariably negative, it is because they can't refrain from making the show about them. News needs to be Who, what, where, and when and I could give a flying f*** what the host thinks about it. News anchors should keep their opinions to themselves. Period.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 08:18
Mar 14, 2017
I'm still waiting for the "Trump was right" headline:(
Don't hold your breath, many years ago I tried one of those "don't blame me, I voted for __" type of bumper stickers, when I was much younger and still used bumper stickers.

Found my car scratched one day and the sticker desecrated, never made that stupid mistake again.

Now I go the opposite direction - give me the most common, non-descript vehicle, with a standard issue plate that you can.
The last thing I want in today's crazy road raging world is to be Memorable in any way! My wife used to drive a **REALLY** unusual looking vehicle, and I always worried for her. Especially as both her and I drive a bit slower, unfortunately occasionally provoking the rage-prone drivers of the F250's.

Anyway, one of the worst facets of human nature is when people realize they are wrong, they usually follow that grosser instinct of digging in even harder for the sole purpose of putting even more distance between themselves and the possibility of a "I was wrong, you were right" moment that build so much character, and is so d** hard for prideful humans.

The more I practice saying it in life, the easier it gets, but it took me a long time in life to get to the point where I was willing to ever say it.
Honestly, the relief that one feels admitting they were wrong is quite refreshing, and unexpected. You feel an ounce of purity and light being added to your spirit.
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