MAGA (2 Viewers)

I've already posted the video below on other threads, but if you haven't seen it.

Some thoughts on this from Victor Davis Hanson. Victor Davis Hanson calls MAGA a counter-revolution. More appropriately, Hanson refers to MAGA as a restoration of US cultural values.
Yes, that's the one that explains it very well.

There is also some spiritual forces at work to destroy all that is good and especially all that is Israel related. The whole "division between us thing" is not an easy force to reckon with because at the core it is spiritual in nature. I never seen anything like this before, so if there is a way to heal the division between all of us, I believe it has to include God. I know our democrat friends would tell us, just get trump out of there. But that is definitely not the answer. He was attacked on a daily basis from every direction by these forces to attempt to force him out of politics. That might have been the major factor why he won this last election so big. He stands for things that many people support with love of country being way up on the list. You can't hate the country for it's imperfect past and dismiss all of the good things that happened along the way. We need healing from within.

My guess is that our push/demand towards the truth behind all of the corruption is pissing off the unseen evil forces, and they are becoming more and more bold about their intensions to further the divide. Call it whatever you want, there are some very sinister forces at work to make people hate the country by viewing it in a twisted way. Going forward is only good if your going in the right direction. Sometimes you got to put the brakes on, go back, and get on the right path.
Don't know where you get the idea that it is evil to be white.

By listening to the DEI and CRT people. THAT is where that idea originates. (Of course, it's like water off a duck's back for me because I don't listen to those folks.)
Hey, that's a trick question. No way to really pinpoint it exactly because there are so many focus points of greatness, but things were a whole lot better in 80's except there was definitely more racism back then (but not anything like in the 40's and 50's. The only black mark being the Carter inflation years. Things were not perfect by no means, but they were a lot better (simpler) prior to internet taking off and prior to people staring at their phones all the time. Those devices and the one's we are on right now suck a lot of life out of us all. Maybe there is a connection there. There used to be privacy, that's really hard to come by now.

Some might even go back further in time, but there were things that got better like much lower amounts of racism in general and more tolerance towards people that were not like you or I. Then all of the sudden it's evil to be a white person. We are now racist because of the color of our skin. The better question is when and where did that craziness begin? I would have never predicted that would happen in a million years. Of course, I never bought into that BS, but it keeps getting propagated on the major networks as if it is really true when it's not.

Children used to respect their parents and teachers. Not any more. Have you been in a classroom lately?

The trick is to use the shopping cart method. Keep the good things, and leave out the bad. Then you have greatness.
I agree with much of this, a function of being older and complaining about "these damned kids now days" I imagine. But greatness is more elusive than these generational social norms. I was a young adult in the 80s, we certainly were no saints.

There is an error in your position on the Carter Era inflation, I'm sure you don't really care to hear a version of the facts that supports any action by Dems. It is there though, and it created a fundamental long-term vector in the US Economy.
There is an error in your position on the Carter Era inflation, I'm sure you don't really care to hear a version of the facts that supports any action by Dems. It is there though, and it created a fundamental long-term vector in the US Economy.
I trust you. It's all water under the bridge at this point.
I trust you. It's all water under the bridge at this point.
Water under the bridge? The changes that came from the 80s precipitated the loss of all of our manufacturing prowess. Party politics is not the root cause of the loss of greatness, it's corporate greed. Pure and simple.
Joking apart, the Russians definitely have something sizeable on Trump.
But Biden and Obama are the ones who allowed Russia to invade Ukraine; Biden even invited it with his "small incursion" comment. You are seriously confused. Compare what Trump DOES not what he says with what Biden/Obama DID vs what they said.

Biden and Obama talked big to the bully Putin but always backed down when Putin crossed the line. Trump talks peace but shoots Russians if he has to (Syria). Huge difference. Anybody with any sense knows you don't challenge a bully in public. Putin knows that Trump is locked and loaded and knows better than to cross any line Trump draws. Because Trump talks softly but carries a big stick. Biden and Obama were impotent to stop Putin's aggression.
But greatness is more elusive than these generational social norms.

If I may offer an opinion here: The "Greatness" came about as an ATTITUDE following World War II, and persisted for a while because that war ravaged Europe, not the North American continent. Europe's - and Easter Asia's factories and offices and residences had been bombed into shards and their infrastructure was shot. We had an easier road to return to peacetime productivity. Our factories were intact and lots of folks had good industrial jobs. We overcame myriad issues including putting men on the moon, the rise of high-speed computers, the advent of color TV and advanced (transistor and chip) circuitry, and creation of new medical devices such as MRI and PET scans to see inside the living human more safely and with greater precision.

There was a CAN-DO attitude that persisted for a long time, and still is there to some degree, but eventually things slowed down again because that feverish growth of ability was -as one might expect - uneven. The ability to do the things we did was balanced by a need for people to be able to UNDERSTAND how to do those things - and that started the nation on the path that naturally follows from a division of abilities.

I make no claims to a particular exclusive level of intelligence. Far from it... but I understand how computers work most of the time. I can make them do things not immediately obvious to some people. Many of the forum's members here have that ability. (See? NOT claiming exclusivity.) But this led to another great divide that has led to erosion of the ATTITUDE of greatness. We just defined another dividing line between the Haves and the Have Nots. By analogy to the "Survival of the Fittest" we have introduced another survival trait and there are those who can't keep up.

This unfortunate turn towards further division can be solved but it will take more attention to education. I sometimes like to think in analogies, and this situation makes me think of the hominids many hundreds of thousands of years ago, with one group leaving the protective canopy of the trees and thriving out on the open plains, leaving their tree-dwelling cousins to stagnate while the land-dwellers developed new skills and found new, better, and very different food sources. Back to the present, we are still heading for that divide - not in biological evolution but perhaps in intellectual evolution. The solution is education, a direct offshoot of Confucian wisdom in this simple statement: Give a man a fish, feed him for a day; teach a man how to fish, feed him for a lifetime.
Anybody with any sense knows you don't challenge a bully in public.
I'm quoting myself now;) Does that make me great?
You talk quietly and in private to a bully because if you make him lose face, he WILL lash out. And this particular bully has nukes so you really don't want to push him over the edge. But just because you don't challenge him publicly doesn't mean you're afraid of him. All it means is you are wise enough to not want collateral damage and prefer to get him to save face and control himself. It's better for the world.
Water under the bridge? The changes that came from the 80s precipitated the loss of all of our manufacturing prowess. Party politics is not the root cause of the loss of greatness, it's corporate greed. Pure and simple.
I meant the inflation at the time is water under the bridge. Knowing root causes doesn't mean much if you never do anything to fix the problems. Tell us your solution for corruption and greed. If you ask the average person if they trust the government, they all know there is fraud waste and abuse of our tax dollars, but they are powerless to do anything about it. What is the solution for this?

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