You don't demonstrate that at all.
A perverted comment from you. Name one person on this forum who claimed to have learned economics from Rush. Your comment demonstrates that you make-up imaginary "facts" to disingenuously assert a false assertion. You have no credibility.
Where did you learn your so-called "economics"?
You all repeat all of the things he used to say.
Well one thing is for sure, I didn't learn it from liberals, although they do often say some of the same things.
I know this, from 1944 through 1963, you know, the time many believe was the pinnacle of US greatness. The highest tax rate was over 90%
If any one of you would connect the dots you would see there is somethin missing from your economic belief system.
I also know this: 36% of the US economy is based on government spending. The Federal government spending accounts for 23% of US GDP.
Here is another one, we have the highest per person health care cost in the world, and the most overall cost. And yet, we are down in almost every quality of life metric; compared to many other 1st world nations. Number 27 in longevity.
We have a trade deficit equal to more than the rest of the world combine.
If any of you would have ever once mentioned these facts (not truths or opinions) maybe you would have some credibility.
Make America Great Again seems to be a cheer for turning us in to a Theocratic Oligarchy.
As it turns out, I agree with most of the moderates in the Republican Party, and with some of you when you say the Democrats have gone too far into Woke Land. This last election is a prime example. The way we are headed though, MAGA might just mean the end of our old friendships ,and a revisit to the days of the Great Depression.
I know a few more facts about the cause and effect of Trickle Down on our daily lives. You probably don't really care.
I learned a lot from listening to CSPAN on my way to work. It seemed to be a little more fact based than Rush Hour Rash and his ditto heads. .