MAGA (1 Viewer)

Do you know anything about the history of conservative propaganda, like who invented the term Supply Side Economic?
You demand that others answer questions, but you refuse to answer questions posed to you. You provide no evidence that you have any knowledge concerning the threads in which you comment. You deploy vile ad hominem attacks on others asserting that they have no knowledge as if you somehow know everything. Since you malign most everyone and disingenuously twist facts to suit your appalling agenda of attacking others, you have no credibility. Seems that you require an exorcist for your viral TDS and your megalomania.
Are you saying Biden did a good job?

Love the revisionist history, Biden killed millions of chickens for no good reason, he caused uncertainty within the market.
I am not saying anything other than the path Frick and Frack are taking us will not result in a "Greater" America, and in fact everyday people will be worse off in two years.

You caught that little egg thing. Pretty good eh? Just like Trump does blames failures on others takes credit for other's success.

Only if everyday rank and file are able to wrestle control from the DEI/Woke loudmouths.
You demand that others answer questions, but you refuse to answer questions posed to you. You provide no evidence that you have any knowledge concerning the threads in which you comment. You deploy vile ad hominem attacks on others asserting that they have no knowledge as if you somehow know everything. Since you malign most everyone and disingenuously twist facts to suit your appalling agenda of attacking others, you have no credibility. Seems that you require an exorcist for your viral TDS and your megalomania.
I just did give you some facts you ignored them, as usual.
Thank you for recognizing that I actually DO know something about factors contributing to an economic situation.

I know you do Doc, it's just that you can't allow any chinks in the armor to show through, eh?

So do most of you guys. I just exist to facilitate y'all in venting some frustration. Or maybe some Tarzan calls in the deadly jungle. You remember those old Tarzan Movies, they were great for us kids.
After WWII, the US was pretty much the only country left standing. As a result, we went out of our way with our trade policies to do everything we could to help everyone else get back on their feet. We should have started pulling back on this policy in the 60's but never did. There is no reason for us to be subsidizing Europe today. They can stand on their own socialist feet.
This is a good statement, not entirely accurate, maybe even completely wrong, but definitely something that can actually be debated.
I'm going to think about this before I respond, Thank you.
I just exist to facilitate y'all in venting some frustration.
Frustration? Not at all. Some of us were frustrated with the last administration. I have to give the crazies some credit they created the conditions that led people like Trump, Elon, Joe Rogan, Tulsi, and many others to leave the party of perpetual insanity for the party of (some) common sense. They, not Trump, created the environment we live in now.
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Or maybe some Tarzan calls in the deadly jungle.

Yes, it's a jungle out there. But the first movie Tarzan missed out on one thing. In 1918, Elmo Lincoln was a star in silent films - including the first Tarzan movie - so he never got the chance to make those calls in the jungle. Johnny Weismuller had the first opportunity in 1932. But I digress...

As to the tax rate of 90% or any other high rate, my stance is that implicitly, the government is deciding how they should spend the money that I made and they took. They arrogantly think that they know better than I do regarding what will benefit me. SOMETIMES they get close. OFTEN they miss wide of the mark. A part of my complaint is that the government's favorite answer is to throw money at a problem - which leads to waste, fraud, and abuse as many of those dollars miss their targets but are never recovered. It is the "carpet bombardment" approach vs. a targeted "sniper" approach.

There are days when I think that my best option is to become a problem so that the government will throw money at me. But when you say it that way, you expose the flaw in the logic of wealth redistribution. And you understand our stance on illegal immigrants, to whom the Biden administration threw money. There is no motivation to improve when everything is handed to you on a platter.

Should we offer a helping hand to people in need? Yes. How much help? Ah, there is the REAL problem. Cutting back on welfare? <gasp> <choke> How BARBARIC!!! But the only way to break the cycle of dependency is to cut loose the dependents because little else seems to work en masse. Without sufficient motivation, they stay in the cycle - and the Progressive Liberal viewpoint is to continue the dependency as a way to garner more votes. When the policy is aimed at helping people, nudging them in a more personally productive direction, that is a reasonable result. When the policy is to surreptitiously buy votes in the guise of assistance, not so good. Which is why I always question what is going on when I hear the phrase "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you."
It is the "carpet bombardment" approach vs. a targeted "sniper" approach.
That's it in a nutshell. Congress never bothers to look back so they cannot ever learn from their mistakes either.
There are days when I think that my best option is to become a problem so that the government will throw money at me.
I'm going to work on that;)
Never would I believe that I'd agree with Karl Rove.

So if musk found fraud and abuse where are the prosecutions and efforts to recoup the money?
So if musk found fraud and abuse where are the prosecutions and efforts to recoup the money?
That takes too much time. So in the mean time, we'll just slash everything down to it's core necessity just like he did with Twiter, then go back and show everyone in detail why this was necessary. It's the most efficient way to get results that matter.
The reason that everyone gets cut immediately is that you can't leave people who may or may not have committed actual crimes, with access to the computer systems and original documents. We can assume that most people "were just following orders" and so would never be charged with a crime but it takes time to work through the process to decide who should be charged.

How about the Senator from RI who voted for payments to an NGO who paid his wife $2.9 MILLION dollars over ~ 15 years as a "consultant"? Pretty good gig if you ask me. And the money trail is pretty direct so proving the crime should be easy enough. For others the trail is more convoluted. But we are now getting the picture of why the Dems are so hysterical about DOGE. Musk's team is exposing the scam that makes so many members of Congress multi-millionaires. We've known about the insider trading for a long time but this money laundering scheme was flying just below the radar and I think we will find that the Republicans were also taking their "fair" share as well. What happens if 30% of Congress ends up charged with felonies when Musk's team is done?
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How about the Senator from RI who voted for payments to an NGO who paid his wife $2.9 MILLION dollars over ~ 15 years as a "consultant"? Pretty good gig if you ask me.
Stacy Abrams gets to "hold" $2B for green projects. Bet very little of it actually results in the acquisition and distribution of refrigerators. Most of the money will vaporize as payments to consultants. The evidence is there: Full Charge: EPA Sent $160 Million to now Bankrupt Canadian Electric Bus Company. Then there is this money laundering gem: “Pete Buttigieg will leave his post as Transportation Secretary having spent $7.5 billion to build 8 EV charging stations.
Ex-Georgia House Rep. Stacey Abrams said this week that she received $2 billion from Former President Joe Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to greenwash home appliances in what some have likened to an alleged Democratic “vote buying” scheme.
I am reminded of a line from the movie Independence Day when the discussion turns to the alien research facilities underneath Area 51, and the question is asked about how it was hidden. To which Judd Hirsch's character replies (and I'm paraphrasing), "You don't think a hammer REALLY costs $2000 or a toilet costs over $10,000, do you?"
To which Judd Hirsch's character replies (and I'm paraphrasing), "You don't think a hammer REALLY costs $2000 or a toilet costs over $10,000, do you?"
I want you to know that I personally have created cost accounting systems that prove the hammer costs $2000. Usually the issue arises because of how the government handles procurement. They ask for a bid for 1,000 planes and then order 1. Well - all the setup and tooling costs get allocated to the ONE plane. Hence, the fixed costs don't get amortized over the total number of planes. They get amortized over the number that actually get built.

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