Mask vs Corona virus. Wear or Not. (1 Viewer)

The virus goes through a typical mask like smoke through a chain link fence. The mask just make you feel like you are safe and you will be respected by others for doing so. That's the only reason to wear one in my opinion when it's not mandatory. I think it is very unhealthy to be wearing a mask that makes you breath your own carbon dioxide for elongated periods of time. This is especially true for school children. The truth is everyone reacts differently to it and the majority of the people will survive the infection if they do get it. Wash hands often and use common sense by limiting close interaction with strangers. Hopefully there will be more freedom for doctors to learn and utilize the resources available to help the infected get through it without too much fanfare. How effective are the masks? Very effective at making it hard to breath.
Mike, while I am well aware of the size of the virus and the porosity of the masks, you miss the point. I don't want you to wear that mask to protect yourself. I want you to wear it to protect me, because your moisture-laden exhalations propel COVID-19 farther than the "naked" virus could go. Something like twice the difference in range between raw virus and virus on aerosolized sputum after a cough, sneeze, or sigh. The 6-foot distance is naked virus; but aerosol virus is more like 12 feet.

And just to keep it fair, I will wear my mask to protect you, for the same technical reasons.
I understand that. I wear a mask when necessary for that very reason. Mutual respect. I still don't think it does much more than make it hard to breath though. I also think if you are scared of the virus that can't be seen, then the Biden basement is awaiting. :)
I'm scared of the virus that this year, within two weeks apart, killed both parents of one of my wife's friends.
Very sorry to hear that Doc. Many obviously have succumbed to it, but that is still no reason to fear it. I fear more that doctors that have had success with certain treatment will be stifled in their ability to administer as they see fit.
but that is still no reason to fear it.

And I always was wondering why US was one of the last countries to be infected and have been sitting in the first row of death and infections from day 21.

Thanks for solving one of my questions.
The virus goes through a typical mask like smoke through a chain link fence.

How effective are the masks? Very effective at making it hard to breath.
Don't oxygen molecules go through the mask like smoke through a chain link fence? If so, why so hard to breath?

[Oxygen molecules are smaller than the virus.],
Mike, while I am well aware of the size of the virus and the porosity of the masks, you miss the point. I don't want you to wear that mask to protect yourself. I want you to wear it to protect me, because your moisture-laden exhalations propel COVID-19 farther than the "naked" virus could go. Something like twice the difference in range between raw virus and virus on aerosolized sputum after a cough, sneeze, or sigh. The 6-foot distance is naked virus; but aerosol virus is more like 12 feet.
Doc, I read articles on this way back in April, before anyone was recommending masks in the UK or US. The studies were already done in the lab, and before Covid ever existed. I think I referred to them in the Covid thread. If someone coughs, the droplets can go over 20 foot, but with a mask most only go 6 foot, something like that. So my reasoning was that since lab tests were already done, there was already data that suggests a mask reduces transmission and therefore everybody should wear one.

To my astonishment, the scientific community remained silent. It was a combination of lying to us all to keep stocks for the medics and a complete lack of common sense over the issue. You don't need a scientific experiment so that you are 100% sure masks are effective. A barrier of sorts is likely to do something, and doing something will save a ton of lives.

Another ridiculous reasoning they used was that if you are not wearing the mask effectively, it is not going to work very well. But the same goes for handwashing and social distancing. I despair at what my own UK government did and I have little faith in both the honesty of the government and how smart a team of scientists can be. Groups of egg-heads having plenty of emergency meetings, backed by years of study and expertise, only to provide misleading, disingenuous advice that was wrong, and then with many of them ignoring their own rules about lockdown.

My reasoning doesn't require years of infectuous disease research. It is based on common-sense.

It is simple:

a) Masks provide a barrier and so are more likely to provide some reduction in infection rate than none at all, else why have the medics been using them for years when dealing witih infectuous patients? And I believe they reduced the risk of contracting Ebola, or one of the similar outbreaks they had.

b) Copy what the Asian countries did, since they did a better job of things than the West. You don't need any scientific studies about if masks work or not. Just copy the whole strategy of what was shown to empirically work for countries like South Korea.

Before the WHO recommended masks, I watched a 30 minute video by a South Korean doctor about mask usage. I think I might have linked to it in the Covid thread. He was saying the West was being dangerously arrogant about mask usage. But of course, the scientists want to take credit for getting the answers themselves. They were all idiots!
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I'm scared of the virus that this year, within two weeks apart, killed both parents of one of my wife's friends.
this is unreal. I hear about so many cases of people I've never met, but are close to people I do know. not sure what to think about this crap. and even though I never get sick, I know other people do. and I hope this whole thing is over soon. it's lasted way too damn long!
While Covid-19 is serious, you are twice as likely to die from heart disease and or cancer in the USA. The emergency rooms will classify everything covid related because there is a profit incentive.

It is harder to prevent heart disease and cancer, since they are not infectious. I've yet to hear of heart disease transmission!

I heard an argument on the radio yesterday saying that there is tons of pneumonia but we don't shut things down because of that. But they don't realise that pneumonia is not infectious.
While Covid-19 is serious, you are twice as likely to die from heart disease and or cancer in the USA. The emergency rooms will classify everything covid related because there is a profit incentive.
Oh hey by the way everybody, the greed might be subsiding with some hospitals. the University of Iowa hospital here in this town, while they have always been a huge conglomerate and massive money Maker because they're so hooked into the government, I found out the other day based on a log entry that came through on one of my websites, that the university here apparently has purchased dirt cheap medical services from a South American country.if that's the case it's very possible that they actually have grown a brain and realize that the government has no interest in people or caring for them and so they're taking the initiative themselves. If that's the case, then that's one of the very few hospitals I've ever praised
Digital or organic, each virus spreads.
I've yet to hear of heart disease transmission!
If ever Adam posted a really thoughtful, non-religious, deeply technical, and non-insulting comment, it would probably give me a heart attack. Does that count?
Depends if anyone else gets one for the same reason.

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