

Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 05:43
Dec 20, 2007
The Republican are coming for your Medicare.

Let the population culling begin.
Where do you get this shit? Read entire sentences. LISTEN to what Trump says NOT what the talking heads with TDS say he said. Trump is NOT CUTTING ENTITLEMENTS and he NEVER SAID he was. LIES, LIES, and more LIES. You loose any credibility you might have had with comments like this.

Do you not know the difference between waste/fraud/abuse and valid claims???????? I guess you don't. Just like you don't know the difference between legal and illegal immigrants and don't know the meaning of the word RECRIPICAL.

We have a term for this in bridge. It is "double-dummy hopeless". It means that even when you can see 3 of the 4 hands, you can't make the right bid or play. You are clueless because you choose to be blind.

Stop pushing these blatant lies. It doesn't become you.
You're so Full of It, it's coming out of your ears.
Where do you get this shit? Read entire sentences. LISTEN to what Trump says NOT what the talking heads with TDS say he said. Trump is NOT CUTTING ENTITLEMENTS and he NEVER SAID he was. LIES, LIES, and more LIES. You loose any credibility you might have had with comments like this.

Do you not know the difference between waste/fraud/abuse and valid claims???????? I guess you don't. Just like you don't know the difference between legal and illegal immigrants and don't know the meaning of the word RECRIPICAL.

We have a term for this in bridge. It is "double-dummy hopeless". It means that even when you can see 3 of the 4 hands, you can't make the right bid or play. You are clueless because you choose to be blind.

Stop pushing these blatant lies. It doesn't become you.
The President doesn't cut benefits, that would be congress. Many Congressional Republicans have been advocating cutting Medicare. Many more of them try to make people believe it is part of our deficit spending. The SSA actually owns a large portion of our national Debt.

You people are so easy to get riled up. Because this is all emotions for you.
You and me both.
Previously, House Republicans proposed a budget with a $880 billion spending cut for the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, which oversees Medicaid, Medicare, and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). That budget would mean hundreds of billions of dollars would need to come out of federal health programs, which millions of Americans rely on.

Many Congressional Republicans have been advocating cutting Medicare.
Well I happen to agree that cutting illegal aliens from Medicaid is the right thing to do if that is what Congress is talking about. But long before you cut Medicare "benefits" whatever that means, you get rid of waste/fraud/abuse and then a miracle happens and it turns out we can afford to keep the current level of "benefits".

I can tell you having dealt with the Medicare people, they are dumb as rocks. I tried for NINE months to get Medicare to not pay a particular doctor bill. It was always over an hour on the phone plus the hour I spent talking to my doctor's office and even my secondary insurance carrier. I could have had a baby in that amount of time if I were still capable. After that I gave up. I had been looking at the "benefits" statement that Medicare sends out every month and saw a bill for a service at an outpatient clinic for ~ $3,000 dollars. I looked it up and it was a fill for a lap band. Well, I don't have a lap band and I never had anything done at that outpatient clinic so the service could never have been performed. I decided that was enough money to bother with so I gave it the ol' college try and failed miserably. THAT needs to get fixed and that was probably simply sloppy coding on the part of the doctor's medical clerk. I'm assuming it was not deliberate fraud, simply an accident. Medical coding is very complicated. I think you need to take classes to be able to work your way through the options and ICD10 was far more complicated than ICD9. 10 had different codes depending on whether you ran into a red poisonous frog as opposed to a green one.

How many people even bother to review their benefits statement if they are not paying the bill?
House Republicans proposed a budget with a $880 billion spending cut for the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, which oversees Medicaid, Medicare, and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
And you read the bill in its entirety and determined that all that money was coming out of Medicate, Medicare, and CHIP rather than other places AND was not targeting waste/fraud/abuse. Interesting but I doubt it.
What we need to get rid of (while we are at it, and I'll admit it is a personal pet peeve) is the scammers who call saying they represent a medical company and understand I need a back brace... which they will gladly send, and Medicare will pay for it.... "You DO have Medicare, don't you?" But if you pin them down, they can never tell you which doctor ordered the appliance and they never seem to have your information handy " could you remind us of your address and SSN?" And yet Medicare will PAY this scam. Those folks who dare call me with THAT scam (or similar) will get an earful of lectures. Which usually falls on deaf ears, but it feels great the chew them out. When I need to get a back brace, it will be because my orthopedic specialist and I discussed it and determined that it was the best course of action. And in that case, I will have a prescription in hand and will know who prescribed it. They are always calling me or my wife with some scam or another of that sort. And the funny thing about them is they ALWAYS have a foreign accent and the caller ID always says "UNKNOWN."

Sorry, got on my soap box for a minute there. But that counts as either fraud or abuse right there.
What we need to get rid of (while we are at it, and I'll admit it is a personal pet peeve) is the scammers who call saying they represent a medical company and understand I need a back brace... which they will gladly send, and Medicare will pay for it.... "You DO have Medicare, don't you?" But if you pin them down, they can never tell you which doctor ordered the appliance and they never seem to have your information handy " could you remind us of your address and SSN?" And yet Medicare will PAY this scam. Those folks who dare call me with THAT scam (or similar) will get an earful of lectures. Which usually falls on deaf ears, but it feels great the chew them out. When I need to get a back brace, it will be because my orthopedic specialist and I discussed it and determined that it was the best course of action. And in that case, I will have a prescription in hand and will know who prescribed it. They are always calling me or my wife with some scam or another of that sort. And the funny thing about them is they ALWAYS have a foreign accent and the caller ID always says "UNKNOWN."

Sorry, got on my soap box for a minute there. But that counts as either fraud or abuse right there.
A scammer called me day. Some IRS bs. So I said you're one of those scammers. aren't you?
He exploded in a hailstorm of curse words. It's sad to come across humans that are that defective.
Yep, I've gotten a couple of those, too. When I tell them I used to work for the U.S. Government and it NEVER initiates any action with a phone call, they either go silent or they go berserk. But it's true. If the Feds want to talk to you and it isn't up to the level of criminal investigation and arrest, they will send a registered letter as the first contact. THEN they might send an agent or officer with a summons. But a phone call is NEVER their first contact. The U.S. Navy often sent us to useless briefings - but the ones on that subject were not in the "useless" category. Another issue is that if you have a Caller ID setup on the phone, it most definitely will NOT say "UNKNOWN NAME".

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