OK, I take a different approach that isn't the same as the auto-updater, and it requires you to educate your users to actually READ what they see (admittedly, difficult...). But if you don't like the auto-updater approach and cannot do a push, this will work OK.
On my startup form, I check a version / generation number of the database. I have a FE that contains a generation number hard-coded in VBA in the Form_Load section of the startup form. I have a table in the BE that lists the generation number of the most recent published version. When I update the FE, I make a new table entry in the generation-number table in the BE.
When the startup form opens, I compare the two generation numbers in the Form_Load code. They are structured so that I can determine which generation is newer, if either.
If the BE table says your copy of the FE is obsolete, the startup form displays a big ugly banner (just a garishly-colored label box, really) that says "Please visit the shared folder and copy a new FE file to your local machine." If you have compatible FE & BE generation numbers, you are allowed to open the form without comment.
I have a flag in the versioning table that lets me decide whether the user must update or can run safely with an older FE. It is a simple query to find the most recent generation number for which the "update or die" flag is true. Therefore I have three critical facts - the generation number the BE thinks it should be running, the last generation number for which a new FE was mandatory, and the current generation number of the user's FE copy. Among those three items, I can decide what to tell the user about shutting down.
The decision for the "update or die" case is that if all I did in the most recent generation update was to add a couple of reports but no data structural changes occurred, then the old FE will run with the new BE. But if I made a structural change, then the FE stops the user from running with the old FE by forcing an Application.Quit after issuing an appropriate "Sorry, Buddy, time to update" message box.
To do a further safeguard, that same opening form looks at the database.name property to parse out the device and folder name. If you are running on the shared copy, I again lock you down, warn you to not directly use the DB, and let it Quit the application.
That should give you some ideas.