Well, nothing looks wrong. Just make sure you have that table in your frontend (whether it is the one supposed to be in the frontend or the linked one from the backend - as I can't remember right off the top of my head which is which).
Well, nothing looks wrong. Just make sure you have that table in your frontend (whether it is the one supposed to be in the frontend or the linked one from the backend - as I can't remember right off the top of my head which is which).
If I was a genius I wouldn't have used a hyphen in the name of the table to begin with. But since I created that tool 4 years ago, I have to cut myself some slack as I have learned not to do that anymore.
Perhaps I should go redesign the tool a bit.
But thanks anyway and glad we got it going for you.
I am getting rid of all my D functions...as i find out that this slows down my database a lot.. there is a lot of improvement now that i got rid of dlookup. is there any alternative for dmax?
I don't have anything right now. You can experiment with creating your own using the SQL statements and opening a recordset with a Max in the SQL statement. Don't know if that would work but you could try.