multi user access

Just map it with UNC (Universal naming convention) instead of a drive letter and it will work for everyone.

So, let's say your server name is Floyd and your Share is named Finance and then the folder is Accessdatabase you would use something like this:


But I can't tell you what it is exactly because I don't know anything about your network. What you might do, if you can't figure it out yourself, is call your IT department and tell them that you want to figure out the UNC Path to your Accessdatabase folder and they should be able to help.
And it is a good thing I've used this one before. (I've gone through most of what you have). :D
thanks sos...

the reason i asked is because if you look in the database.. the path is stored as F:\xxxx\xxxx\xxxxx for the location of the master FE directory

so what why i am wondering if it would work for another user who map it on a different letter....
thanks sos...

the reason i asked is because if you look in the database.. the path is stored as F:\xxxx\xxxx\xxxxx for the location of the master FE directory

so what why i am wondering if it would work for another user who map it on a different letter....

I know - you need to go change it manually to UNC.
the instruction is as follows:

For future front-end updates, every time you make a change in the front-end and want to distribute to your users, you will need to open the version table - 'tbl-fe_version' - on the front-end master and change it to a new number. Then, you need to open the back-end and change the 'tbl-version_fe_master' to match the front-end master.

But since 'tbl-version_fe_master is linked to the front end. can the 'tbl-fe_version' and 'tbl-version_fe_master be changed from the front end only? Why do we need to change the back end since this table is linked?
I'm sure that was an oversight. Yes, you could, and should, change them both from the frontend.
Thanks sos.

i have been trying to make it work today. but i cant....

when i change the version on BE and FE table, the user will have the mde from his desktop deleted. but then nothing happens... he gets the pop up box saying that "not current version and will be deleted"... then nothing happens... the new version is not copied on his desktop...

The path location is our shared network and is stored as follows in the FE database

any help on that?
Okay, so the user has that drive mapped to W: as well?

Also, the file name has to be the EXACT same as was on the user's computer. I've heard of people who seem to want to name their mde file MDE_Master.mde or something like that even though the user's original file was named MDE.mde (just a bogus file name given as an example).
yes W:

one of the user did not have Access application installed on his PC.

he can access the form, do data entry, modify entry, view report.

but the version of front end changes, he gets the pop -up window saying version is outdated.. then nothing happens.... does this code need access to be installed???
WHAT??????? I don't get how a user who doesn't have Access installed can be running your database. That is impossible, unless you are saying that they have the RUNTIME installed in lieu of Access and at which point it would make no difference.
he has excel and word installed but no access. should it make a difference? he can open my form and update database. but when i click shift + enter on the MDb... nothing happens. it cant go in the design mode.

what is runtime? how do i check if he has runtime?

WHAT??????? I don't get how a user who doesn't have Access installed can be running your database. That is impossible, unless you are saying that they have the RUNTIME installed in lieu of Access and at which point it would make no difference.
1. A user cannot just run an Access database unless they have Access or the Runtime installed.

2. A simple way to find out is to first go to your start menu and look in Start > Microsoft Office and see if they have Access listed. If not then

3. You go to Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs (Programs and Features if in Vista/Win7) and check to see if Microsoft Access Runtime is installed.

But regardless - it should not matter which they have as to whether the auto update code will work. Did you make sure to put the code for the auto updater in the form OPEN event of the very first form that opens up? Does a cmd file happen to exist in the directory where the database was deleted from? If it does then something caused the thing to stop at that point and double-clicking on the .cmd file that is in that directory should finish the job.
I'm kind of at a loss if this doesn't work for you and if you just can't get it to work perhaps you should look into using Tony Toews' updater instead. Maybe it would work better for you.
it works fine now.. but i need to solve the performance issues as it is slowing down the database. i read that dlookup is not recommended since it slows down on the network. are there any alternative to use other functions other than dlookup as per below:-

' looks up the version of the front-end as listed in the backend
strFEMaster = DLookup("fe_version_number", "tbl-version_fe_master")

' looks up the version of the front-end on the front-end
strFE = DLookup("fe_version_number", "tbl-fe_version")

' looks up the location of the front-end master file
strMasterLocation = DLookup("s_masterlocation", "tbl-version_master_location")

Please advise:)
how is the performance?? is it not another compound function? therefore it will slow down on shared network?

From what I understand, it is a special function which uses a RECORDSET instead of a domain aggregate. And therefore it supposedly works faster than a domain aggregate function.
ok.. i have included it in module 1 and then change this code to

'strFEMaster = DLookup("fe_version_number", "tbl-version_fe_master")
strFEMaster = ELookup("fe_version_number", "tbl-version_fe_master")

' looks up the version of the front-end on the front-end
'strFE = DLookup("fe_version_number", "tbl-fe_version")
strFE = ELookup("fe_version_number", "tbl-fe_version")

' looks up the location of the front-end master file
'strMasterLocation = DLookup("s_masterlocation", "tbl-version_master_location")
strMasterLocation = ELookup("s_masterlocation", "tbl-version_master_location")

i am getting a syntax error. can it take 2 arguments? please advise
Looks right to me. Did you remember to save your module and NOT name it the same as the function?
Looks right to me. Did you remember to save your module and NOT name it the same as the function?

Yes. :)

I have debuged it too.. It is going into the function but the error message is

"syntax error in FROM clause"

the SQL statement seems to be wrong. it goes to error when it reaches this line

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSql, dbOpenForwardOnly)

when debugged The strSql is:
"select TOP 1 fe_version_number FROM tbl-version_fe_master;"

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