Let's see if you can give me an answer, because I don't know how to fix it.
I tell you:
First of all, I'll give you the entire database because removing the accessory takes me more time handling errors so you don't have any problems.
With the code to do the alerts, I am now comparing the files that I have in the W10 file explorer with the files that I have registered in the database. You can see the code in the module mdlAlertas (alert), and the procedure is called Search (Search).
As you can see, what I do is search in a query for the name of the file (FileItem.Name), removing the extension and replacing the apostrophes. I pass it through Nz to handle null values and not fail. I have created a query to transform the formatted text to the plain one, as well as replacing the apostrophes.
In this way it tells me which files from the W10 file explorer are not in the database.
It does me good for everyone, except the four that I attach in the zip. They are txt because sending the videos could not share it so easily.
How can you check it? The first thing you will have to do is change the custom folder: in the form PredeterminedFolders choose the second one that puts audio. Then, you can go to the FAudios form and use the Check button (I have put the file names in the TAudios table).
Besides, Access recognizes some emojis that W10 also recognizes, but others don't (you can see examples in the TVideos table). I do not know if there will be any to avoid so that it does not fail.
I leave you a video with the steps: