NASA Study Indicates Antarctica is Gaining More Ice Than It's Losing - (1 Viewer)

Scotland takes the lead!

I understand they are making the wind turbine towers of hollow construction so that Scottish bagpipers can play in isolation.
What percentage of the atmosphere is CO2?

Not that long ago, perhaps within the last two weeks, I ran across an article that says that methane is the real bug-a-boo and the CO2 is actually not that big a deal. The primary photon absorption lines for CO2 overlap with methane's absorption. (Note that generally, if you have "energetic" gases, they emit photons at the same wavelength that they absorb, because of quantum mechanical effects related to photon energy emission and absorption.) Methane has a wider range of frequencies because it has four carbon-hydrogen bonds that can "waggle" vs. CO2 that has only two carbon-oxygen bonds.

There is a new series on CPTV (Connecticut Public Television) called Spy in the Ocean, a nature miniseries - so it sounds limited. It is absolutely mindblowing. They have created robots that look and act very much like the creatures they are trying to interact with. Recent episodes included Cuttlefish, baby whales, baby seals, hermit crabs, and others. The seal segment was really excellent. the robots don't usually initiate contact, many of them rely on the inquisitive nature of babies of all species. So, the robot made friends with a baby seal. They would swim together and play games. Apparently, this species of seal travels inland to pools at the base of waterfalls where they practice certain behaviors they need to learn before venturing out into the open ocean. The trek to the waterfall pools is quite arduous and requires a lot of climbing. Initially, the robot didn't try to make the climb but the film crew saw that the seal they were filming was getting tired and depressed and was having a lot of trouble climbing to the pool so they put the robot in his path. They renewed their bond and played games which apparently releases endorphins that helped the seal regain his will to climb. So we watched him finish the climb and they must have moved the robot again because he ends up in the pool with the other youngsters playing pass the stick and other games that help them to learn cooperation to aid in their hunting skills. Absolutely riveting.

The robot cuttlefish had a screen on his back that let him make the same displays that the other cuttlefish were making. "She" attracted quite a few males who wanted to guard her until she was ready to mate.

The hermit crabs seem to all want to molt at the same time. They line up in order of size and they play musical shells as they move to the next larger size shell in the line:)
As of Oct 2023, the global solar deployment rate is approximately one megawatt per minute.

See Casey Handmer's Blog


Evidence of "Psychosomatic Disorder"

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Not that long ago, perhaps within the last two weeks, I ran across an article that says that methane is the real bug-a-boo and the CO2 is actually not that big a deal

Can you even imagine? Begin to imagine? After trillions of dollars and major societal changes being pushed down our throat in favor of the CO2 theory, (which supposedly 97.5% of all scientists agree on - and anyone who doesn't they just don't label them a scientist LOL) - after all that, you throw out one "little" sentence calling it all into question.

And they wonder why some people will only pay so much attention to it all. They're clearly bumbling around flailing for answers and have no clue
you throw out one "little" sentence calling it all into question.

One little apple triggered Isaac Newton to formulate a theory of gravity. And my one little sentence didn't originate from me, but from a guy who was researching the issue. I'll have to see if I can find the article again. However, Isaac, I'm going to pull scientific rank on you to JUST A TEENY BIT. When we stop asking questions is when we stop learning. Science ALWAYS questions results. That's why it's called science and not stand-up comedy.

Not to mention, do you remember the title of this thread? It is asking about all of those dire warnings that aren't coming true.
Can you even imagine? Begin to imagine? After trillions of dollars and major societal changes being pushed down our throat in favor of the CO2 theory, (which supposedly 97.5% of all scientists agree on - and anyone who doesn't they just don't label them a scientist LOL) - after all that, you throw out one "little" sentence calling it all into question.

And they wonder why some people will only pay so much attention to it all. They're clearly bumbling around flailing for answers and have no clue
While I try to avoid these discussions which often provide more heat than light on topics like this, I can't resist one edit.

" They're clearly bumbling around flailing for answers and have no clue"

Probably should be:

"They're clearly flailing around for alternative narratives to support the pre-selected answer."

Unfortunately, the word "they" allows for a lot of ambiguity and interpretation in itself.

I suspect many serious scientist are following the path The_Doc_Man laid out. The problem is that "they" (a different "they") are arriving at different answers than the other "they" want them to accept.
I suspect many serious scientist are following the path The_Doc_Man laid out. The problem is that "they" (a different "they") are arriving at different answers than the other "they" want them to accept.
And we come around again to confirmation bias rather than empirical evidence. The first is opinion and the second i science.
Not to mention, do you remember the title of this thread? It is asking about all of those dire warnings that aren't coming true.
Except the warnings are coming true. Those who close their eyes don't see it of course.
Except the warnings are coming true. Those who close their eyes don't see it of course.
No one who's studied any science at all would deny that the earth's climate is changing. It's been changing for more than four billion years. We have recorded history for only the tiniest segment of that. We can gather gross data by looking at tree rings and ice cores for a few thousand years which is still a very small segment of time. You think that if you look at the time period from the industrial revolution forward you can interpolate that into being a disaster caused by man simply because this teeny-tiny period of time shows a slight warming trend because we are still coming out of a mini-ice age. Let us not forget that 20 years ago, "all scientists" agreed that we were doomed because the average temperature was dropping.
We can gather gross data by looking at tree rings

And, of course, we can determine the age of artificial Christmas trees by counting the rings (of tape) around the boxes.

Sorry, saw that in an article in the local newspaper. Made me laugh 'cause we just put up our artificial trees and damned if the writer wasn't right!
Let us not forget that 20 years ago, "all scientists" agreed that we were doomed because the average temperature was dropping.
That claim is patently and absolutely false and shows your complete and utter ignorance of the science.

The global glaciation cycles become evident to scientists in the early 1970s and it was realised that we were due for temperatures to start falling. They didn't and instead have gone up dramatically. It was then determined that has happened due to the carbon pollution.
That claim is patently and absolutely false and shows your complete and utter ignorance of the science.

There you go again!

Uncle Gizmo, hunting around for his mallet....


  • DALL·E 2023-12-13 10.14.00 - A comical illustration of a man, humorously named Uncle Gizmo, pl...png
    DALL·E 2023-12-13 10.14.00 - A comical illustration of a man, humorously named Uncle Gizmo, pl...png
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That claim is patently and absolutely false and shows your complete and utter ignorance of the science.

The global glaciation cycles become evident to scientists in the early 1970s and it was realised that we were due for temperatures to start falling. They didn't and instead have gone up dramatically. It was then determined that has happened due to the carbon pollution.
That sounds like exactly what Pat said, in other words

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