NASA Study Indicates Antarctica is Gaining More Ice Than It's Losing - (2 Viewers)

This woman Sabine Hossenfelder is brilliant!

I wasn't worried about climate change. Now I am.​

Looks like rain is on the menu

This woman Sabine Hossenfelder is brilliant!

I wasn't worried about climate change. Now I am.​

I'm very worried about climate change - probably even more worried than climate alarmists are, because I doubt there is much we can do about it.

"Since recordkeeping began in the mid 19th century" - which is like a million times less than 'nothing' if you believe evolutionists claim about how long the earth has been here and begin to realize what a tiny perspective we have, go ahead and divide 180 years by millions and millions of years--that's the accuracy of our perspective and why it's impossible to realize whether we're in a normal cycle or not.

It is like an ant moving a piece of sand next to a 2000-mile freeway and thinking they have come to understand something about the journey.
Totally ridiculous
I'm not - not my problem, I can't cure it.

Climate change is real and it is all of our problems, but having said that, I fully agree with you, Col. We can't cure it. Too many folks ignore the really long-term trends we see via ice-core samples, tree-ring samples, and other methods. We have been in an Ice Age. It is now ending and we are becoming warmer ... because we are leaving an Ice Age. Not a single thing we can do about that.

Before anyone accuses me of being TOTALLY soft, there are things we can do to clean up the environment for HEALTH reasons and I support the efforts. If it HAPPENS that they have other beneficial effects, I really can't complain.
Climate change is real and it is all of our problems, but having said that, I fully agree with you, Col. We can't cure it. Too many folks ignore the really long-term trends we see via ice-core samples, tree-ring samples, and other methods. We have been in an Ice Age. It is now ending and we are becoming warmer ... because we are leaving an Ice Age. Not a single thing we can do about that.

Before anyone accuses me of being TOTALLY soft, there are things we can do to clean up the environment for HEALTH reasons and I support the efforts. If it HAPPENS that they have other beneficial effects, I really can't complain.

I think I like what you said here if I understood it correctly. I think maybe they should take some of their focus and efforts toward climate change and instead switch to simply trying for better air and water quality for health reasons.

In other words I don't see all environmentalists as crazy tree huggers, although some certainly are, there are many areas of taking care of the environment that are definitely good for our health. Then there are some things that are just a solution in search of a problem, then there are other things that are trying to care a problem that probably can't be cured. Depends
I've said it many times. Solve the little problems that you can define so you know what your desired end result is.
The rivers are polluted. The fish are dying. The Monongahela is on fire. - Stop throwing crap in the water. How hard is that?
The streets and highways are littered with trash. - Stop throwing trash in the streets.
Exhaust fumes are noxious - design a better catalytic converter. - eventually they did.

I've seen huge improvements in my lifetime regarding pollution. We can and should do more. But, make sure you understand what pollution is. It is not CO2. Someone, somehow got it in his head that CO2 is the only greenhouse gas and that greenhouse gas is the total cause of "global" warming AND -this is the point of contention - that humans are the ONLY cause of CO2 and all global warming is caused by us. Us coming out of an ice age so temperatures rising naturally be damned.
The Biden administration resurrecting the old Soviet Young Pioneers. Those who don't conform to the Democratic Party policy of Climate Change will probably be "invited" to attend a gulag where they can reflect on their politically erroneous beliefs and endeavor towards rehabilitation. Hope the food will be good!
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President of Guyana nails the climate activists holier than thou, simplistic understanding....

This video has disappeared... The president was pressed by the interviewer on Guyana's plans to increase oil production. The president made a good case for increasing oil production with an offset to the countries extensive and well managed forest/ jungle.

Not the Putin video, the one below.....
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This cartoon, highlights that the radical environmentalists don't really comprehend that what they are advocating for is not environmental protection, but to manipulate the environment of the earth for anthropocentric reasons. (PS: Manipulating the environment also implies humans attempting to overcome nature with a variety of human actions. So the radical environmentalists really aren't in favor of living with nature.)

Notice that the radical environmental never suggest an ideal (correct) temperature for the earth. Changes to the earth's temperature are always within the context of the "damage" it would have on the human condition. That is not valid environmental viewpoint. There is no correct temperature for the earth.
Can anyone spell hubris?

So much of the evil we (not me) have done to each other is not from actual evil intent but from our OPINION that we know what is best for you when we don't know any such thing.
I am trying in vain to remember (memory not serving me very well recently) something I read about the other day, where the Bible predicted something quite impossible-to-be-a-coincidence, which science "discovered" the other day. Something about ... the ocean I think. I'll post if I can find it. Another piece in the mountain of evidence that the Bible is the Word of God.
Can anyone spell hubris?

So much of the evil we (not me) have done to each other is not from actual evil intent but from our OPINION that we know what is best for you when we don't know any such thing.

If I may offer the observation, it seems like both parties of the U.S. Government have adopted that "we know best what is good for you" style and have forgotten Thomas Jefferson's famous admonition: "The government that governs least governs best."
My comment was non-denominational;) The RINOs are voting in lockstep with the Democrats these days. The only Republican we KNOW wants smaller government is Trump. Hopefully, he will stop listening to his handlers and do what he promised in 2016 - assuming of course that he can break through the deep state wall to get his employees to execute his plans. He is the CEO of the Executive branch. He may not be able to fire anyone except the top levels of each department but he can transfer them to Nome or to our Embassies in Yemen, Haiti and Venezuela. Or maybe Nigeria.
Climate scientists LYING about the danger of climate warming ...

Just a little update.

For those who worry about polar ice caps.
Brought to you by the same folks who rig everything, including elections and viruses. It's always the same crowd wash, lather, rinse, repeat.

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