New Years Resolutions--or lack there of


Can still see y'all......
Local time
Yesterday, 21:50
Aug 26, 2005
Happy New Year everyone!! :D

So, what New Years Resolutions are you going to make and what is the probability of sticking to them.

I'll start it.

1. Stop Smoking -- (had quit for almost 2 yrs, then seperate, started again:mad: )

2. Continue in the raising of my two beautiful daughters. Let them know that even if mommie and daddy aren't living together, that they are still loved VERY much.

3 Stop being so shy. (yes it is true folks, I am VERY shy, quiet and reserved):eek:

4. Maintain my 3.5 GPA and apply for Phi Theta Kappa, and the National Honors Society. Must keep 3.5 to stay in that PTK. NHT is in the bag, 3.0 only needed. If I drop below 3.0, I will have to thwack myself, and everyone else in here can have a turn.

5. Get my Count on here up to 5k. :eek: :D And 4K of it being Access issues. (OK, may be a bit hard, but will try)

I can keep 1-4, 5 will be an ongoing process.
I don't believe in New Years resolutions. I think that if there is something about my life that I want to change then there are 365 (except for leap years :p ) perfectly good days out of the year to start. Just my opinion though.

Hope every has a safe and happy New Years! :D
- more organized at home in keeping important records. The current situation is Lucy Gucy. My wife is not happy with the present situation. I already bought a nice file folder for this purpose.
- Climb the staircase instead of using the elevator ('lift' for UK folks) at our office building
- Save more money for retirement. Plan to retire in 3 years.
- Learn Microsoft EXCEL advanced functions.
Rich said:

I was very shy when I started here, and then my li'l squirelle, and the kindness here brought me out of my shell. When I get to know people I am friendly and talkative

Perhaps, I need to be like that all the time. Most people think I am stuckup due to my shy nature.
selenau837 said:
I was very shy when I started here, and then my li'l squirelle, and the kindness here brought me out of my shell.
I see, so now you're losing the shell, we can delve deeper? :confused:
Rich said:
I see, so now you're losing the shell, we can delve deeper? :confused:

Thanks for not brining out my really bad spelling and grammar there. Wheeww....

Do you want do delve deeper Rich? :eek: :D ;)
Rich said:
how deep could I burrow? ;)

As deep as you dare to go darlin'. ;) But beware, you may or may not like what you find. :cool: I am guessing like, but who knows. :rolleyes:
selenau837 said:
Thanks for not brining out my really bad spelling and grammar there. Wheeww....

I wish I could impress on people posting with Access problems exactly how important SPELLING is
I don't do resolutions either. I was sick... very sick... and I could barely breathe the Sunday before Christmas. So... since I couldn't breathe, do you think I was all that keen on smoking? er.... no. Now, in the past couple of months, my mother, my uncle, and my brother-in-law have all announced that they have cancer. The universe was pretty much screaming at me to quit. I had bought the patches in preparation. Then, when I got sick, after three days, I put a nicotine patch on. I wore patches for 4 days, and then went without anything.

So far, it's been 9 days....

I'm a little pissed that I could have just quit on Jan 1st and had 10 more days of my precious habit, but this was really the best way... and easiest. I didn't have to build up determination and quit. I freaking couldn't breathe!!! It was easy to abstain during these days. It does get harder every day though. (Believe it or not!)
Yup, this is my last day. Counting down the hours!!!
1,2,3,5 I undesrtood, and I got the last part of 4 that we could all give you a wack, but the rest of 4 totaly lost me :(

Bat17 said:
1,2,3,5 I undesrtood, and I got the last part of 4 that we could all give you a wack, but the rest of 4 totaly lost me :(


4. Maintain my 3.5 GPA and apply for Phi Theta Kappa, and the National Honors Society. Must keep 3.5 to stay in that PTK. NHT is in the bag, 3.0 only needed. If I drop below 3.0, I will have to thwack myself, and everyone else in here can have a turn.

I am just stating that I want to keep my Grade Point Average up. PTK and NHT are both groups that you have to apply to join. In order to join you have to have a High GPA. It is a great honor for me to be accepted (if I am). I have never been an A student, and now I am. So I am trying to say I want to stay and 'A' student.

I am tired, do I make sense....perhaps I need to make a resolutin to try and say what I mean. :D
:) Makes sense now. You did say what you mean, but the problem was that I did not understand the 'Jargon'.

Bat17 said:
:) Makes sense now. You did say what you mean, but the problem was that I did not understand the 'Jargon'.


No problem. ;)

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