New Years Resolutions--or lack there of

You probably meant this for Selena, but I'll answer for myself.
So far so good. Had some friends over for New Years Eve and they both smoke. Sat outside with them all night while they puffed away. Definitely wanted to join them and was ambivalent when, as they were leaving, one of them dumped the remains of their used ashtray in the garbage bin. I'm certain I would have been quite tempted to scrounge for a half smoked cigarette. (There were a few of those.) So, I still think about it, last night I dreamed about it, but I haven't succumbed yet.
My resolution is to lost weight. I am actualy at 260 pounds and I want to be 180 for december 2006. That is 1 pound and a half per week.

Yesterday, right after midnight, they served a cold buffet and that was very tempting. Everyone was telling me that resolutions start the morning after, but I wanted to make it right away. So, I only ate half a sandwich with some veggies and forgot about the coldcuts, salads and desserts.

From now on, I'm going to take care of my choice when making myself a lunch, will try to do less business meetings in restaurants and do some walk every day.

Also, I'd like to take more time to be with my girlfriend. 2005 has been a big year for my company, going from home business to having an office in Montreal and going from doing it alone with a friend of mine to having five partners/employees and going from 70 000$ to 150 000$. It was great, but demanding and my girlfriend was stepped aside. For 2006, I'll give more rope to my partners and spend some good time with my girlfriend.

And for the business, I just want it to keep on growing, but a little more slowly. I'd like to have a couple more employees and getting to a quarter of a million. «Quarter of a million»... It sounds so much more than 250 000$. :D

I wish, to you all, that the best happens to you in 2006. Have fun and enjoy life!
TessB said:
[...]Sat outside[...]
I wish I could say the same thing, but with -20C (~0F) to -30C (~-20F)with the wind factor. We stayed inside.
Newman said:
I wish I could say the same thing, but with -20C (~0F) to -30C (~-20F)with the wind factor. We stayed inside.

Yes, well, it was a little chilly but when I pulled down the sleeves of my sweatshirt, I was fine. I think it got down to about 60 last night.

Newman said:
2005 has been a big year for my company, going from home business to having an office in Montreal and going from doing it alone with a friend of mine to having five partners/employees and going from 70 000$ to 150 000$.
How exciting! And how brave of you to venture out on your own and take responsibility for your own financial destiny. I wish I was that brave, but I've not come up with a good enough idea for a business yet. I do have a few ideas, but I'm the type of person that needs to know the odds are highly in her favour. Not sure how to begin to research the viability of the businesses I have in mind.

One whole day no smoking!!! Grrr....but making it. *left eye twitches* :D :D

Nah, it is going well. Tess and I both will do great! We are VERY strong women and we won't let some plant beat us.
selenau837 said:
Tess and I both will do great! We are VERY strong women and we won't let some plant beat us.

As soon as Col asks, I'll hop on the next plane in anticipation of a promised British smoke!
TessB said:
As soon as Col asks, I'll hop on the next plane in anticipation of a promised British smoke!

Ahh, Tess don't be taken by that Charm, those eyes..*swoons* Ummm..can you make that a plane trip for two. *giggles*

PS, next resolution is to go to Travel Agency and set up a trip to the England, Scottland and Greece. Hope to do it this time next year. Two weeks should be good. *grins*
I am a regular at a badminton club. Every first week January loads of people suddenly turn up really keen. In fact last year there were so many people there was deadlock. It was hard to get a game. Then after the next week or so you never see them again. New Years resolutions....;)
It's something I very seldom do is make a new years resolution, stopping smoking is one of the most common ones. My fiance has tried to give up and failed to do so. My brother seems to be doing quite well though, he stopped smoking last August. I've never smoked, tried it once but didn't like it. I know it can't be an easy thing to give up so Tess and Selena, I wish you the best of luck!

I guess I could try to be more organised this year. I'm always rushing around at the last minute, late for everything! My fiance says he'll tell me the wedding is 3 hours earlier than it actually is so I turn up on time :p :eek:

Perhaps Rich will even post a clear up to date picture this year! He's maybe decided to show us all what he really looks like :eek: Perhaps Selena can work her magic and tempt him to post a pic.......;)

I hope everyone had a fab New Year! Mine was a little different this year, first year I've actually ventured out of the house. We had tickets for one of our local pubs. It was a really good night. How did everyone spend their new year? Hope you all had a good one and good luck to all with your New Years resolutions.

Hayley Baxter said:
Perhaps Rich will even post a clear up to date picture this year! Hay
He's posted more than anybody else, they just got lost when the forum got stuffed :p
Rich said:
He's posted more than anybody else, they just got lost when the forum got stuffed :p

Well giving up "lying" certainly wasn't one of Richey's new year resolutions :p :D .....shame on you!

Rich said:
be sure to pack an umbrella ;)

And rain jacked and water boots eh.

I will be easy to pick out of a crowd. Red head all decked out in yellow rain gear, purple or green umbrella, waving to everyone and saying, "Hello Y'all" ;)
Hayley said:
Perhaps Selena can work her magic and tempt him to post a pic.......;)

What, am I the Lion tamer of the Forum now. *giggles*

Ok, Rich, look deep into my eyes, *waves hand* Post a picture for all of us single women out here. I know you want to let us see how studdly and incrediably handsome and debanier you are. We all know how intelligent you are. So show us the hadsom face that goes with that sexy mind of yours. *purrss* ;)
selenau837 said:
So show us the hadsom face that goes with that sexy mind of yours. *purrss* ;)


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