New Years Resolutions--or lack there of

Rich said:
We all have to lie at times Hays :cool: :p

No, that's shocking Rich! I am very honest. You should take a leaf out of my book..... ;)

selenau837 said:
Ahh come on now Richey-poo..;) Share your pic with us. All single women are waiting.

Hayley Baxter said:
You should take a leaf out of my book..... ;)

And follow a lost cause? :eek: :p
Rich said: them boney men.

Come on now have warts or something .Just a wear a mask like the Phantom. It worked for him. *hand on forehead, swoons*
Rich said:
I should have thought as a gers fan that would be a permanent state:p

Hmmm not impressed by that comment! Don't you think I've suffered enough. I can't even get into the stadium at the minute as my smartcard is faulty :( Luckily the chap on Saturday had a spare...going to tell Rangers ticket centre off. They were paid back in May :( :mad:

We had Arsenal fans with us on Saturday at the game, who preferred celtic previously, think I've converted them! Nice work eh.....;)

Hayley Baxter said:
Hmmm not impressed by that comment! Don't you think I've suffered enough. I can't even get into the stadium at the minute as my smartcard is faulty :( Luckily the chap on Saturday had a spare...going to tell Rangers ticket centre off. They were paid back in May :( :mad:

We had Arsenal fans with us on Saturday at the game, who preferred celtic previously, think I've converted them! Nice work eh.....;)


I give, what are y'all talking about??
Hayley Baxter said:
We had Arsenal fans with us on Saturday at the game,
with their recent record it's not that difficult to get them to change allegiance, mind you, from the frying pan into the fire :D nice..

Hey....psssstttt......look at the pics thread
Rich said:
soccer, well actually in this case the lack of it:D

Right you, that's enough! You don't want to get me started :eek:

The Gers will be back....make no mistake!

Tell all the mancs you know, we're in the champions league and you're no.......:p

Ok, now why in the hades did I decide to quiet smoking. Of all the freaking times of the year to quit. *toss up hands*


Thought ranting would help, but noooo!!! It doesn't.!.!

Ok, you x-smokers, help would be greatedly apprieciated. Advice, anything!! Where's Rich, or Col. A good heated debate (that I know I can win) would be great right about now. :eek:

Co-workers are steering clear because the Southern Belle is slowly being consumed by the Southern Beast!!!!:eek: :mad:

Can't have that. I just spent 70$ on my hair and can't have it ruined. :rolleyes:. Sure wish I had that back for a carton of cigs.
impossible :p

Never say impossible. You underestimate me my dear friend. When it is a topic I am rather familiar with, and have true convictions on, I can debate with the best of you guys. :p

70$, is that a wig?[/
A Wig!! Flippin' no. Are you implying my hair looks like a wig!! A cheap wig at that. :mad: My hair is very long and thick. So anytime I go to the salon it is very expensive. :p :rolleyes: :cool:

I could go bald like you Rich, but I don't think I would look as good as you. :cool: However, if you want to post a pic and prove me that you aren't bald go for it Richy boy!.

However, bald does look really sexy on most men.
selenau837 said:
A Wig!! Flippin' no. Are you implying my hair looks like a wig!! A cheap wig at that. :mad: My hair is very long and thick. So anytime I go to the salon it is very expensive. :p :rolleyes: :cool:

50 bloody quid just for a quick shampoo and curl, did you have it gold plated? :confused: :eek:

I could go bald like you Rich

However, bald does look really sexy on most men.
boy are you gonna be disappointed:eek:
50 bloody quid just for a quick shampoo and curl, did you have it gold plated? :confused: :eek:
Hmmm..are we tellin' our age deary? Shampoo and Curl are things that my grandparents would call a trip to the Salon. :p ;)

No gold plating. Again, I have long, think naturaly curly hair. It takes time and a well skilled stylist to cut my hair. In other words, a nightmare for the stylist. I am willng to pay because I have gone to some and I come out looking like Rich!! It was horrible. :cool:
I am sure the other ladies know exactly what I am talking about.


boy are you gonna be disappointed:eek:

Probably not, I was once married, so disappointment doesn't phase me much anymore. :(
selenau837 said:
a trip to the Salon. :p ;)
Salon or saloon, if it's the latter then the cost's justified :cool: :p

I am sure the other ladies know exactly what I am talking about.
Only those that waste money
Does your car have a sun roof? You could combine a car wash with your hair shampoo. I'm sure your car washes have inbuilt dryers


Probably not, I was once married,
not to me you weren't :cool:
Rich said:
Salon or saloon, if it's the latter then the cost's justified :cool: :p
You know what I meant. :p Brat!!

Only those that waste money
Does your car have a sun roof? You could combine a car wash with your hair shampoo. I'm sure your car washes have inbuilt dryers
Nope, I drive a very economical Kia Rio~~A li'l red car.

not to me you weren't :cool:
I promise you, there is no way you can be anyworse than that. So I doubt it!

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