New Years Resolutions--or lack there of

selenau837 said:
Yeah, I know....:rolleyes:
actually there was one from close to where I live who advertised on the net for a wife:eek:
bloody fool :D
Rich said:
actually there was one from close to where I live who advertised on the net for a wife:eek:
bloody fool :D

Yeah, I'm in trouble if he can't find a mate and had to adveritse online. I'm doomed to single life then. :rolleyes:

That's ok for now, I can play, flirt and have fun now. I'm going to enjoy my single life for the time being.
selenau837 said:
Yeah, I'm in trouble if he can't find a mate and had to adveritse online.

Why would anyone do such a thing! Good things come to those who wait ;)

selenau837 said:
I'm doomed to single life then. :rolleyes:

Sometimes that's not a bad thing!

selenau837 said:
That's ok for now, I can play, flirt and have fun now. I'm going to enjoy my single life for the time being.

I do hope you are behaving yourself Selena...........;) :D

Resolutions this year...

  • No smokes
  • Less booze. I tried no booze but relented fast after watching my friends spiral into inanity whilst I watched.
  • No book buying. I have set an embargo to stop buying books until I've read the 70 or 80 I've bought but "not got round to yet". I may relent for some reference material (new dictionary and thesaurus) and the paperback edition of Kazuo Ishiguro's fantastic Never Let Me Go in March.
  • Save. I've been meaning to start. :o
  • Write more. I've started my first novel so I'm trying to work on it regularly.
Hayley Baxter said:
Why would anyone do such a thing! Good things come to those who wait ;)

Worked for my friend. Well, sort of. He doesn't actually know he's available online. :cool:
SJ McAbney said:
Resolutions this year...

  • No smokes
  • Less booze. I tried no booze but relented fast after watching my friends spiral into inanity whilst I watched.
  • No book buying. I have set an embargo to stop buying books until I've read the 70 or 80 I've bought but "not got round to yet". I may relent for some reference material (new dictionary and thesaurus) and the paperback edition of Kazuo Ishiguro's fantastic Never Let Me Go in March.
  • Save. I've been meaning to start. :o
  • Write more. I've started my first novel so I'm trying to work on it regularly.

Less Booze is definately the best approach, you can't deprive yourself completely :) didn't you start cutting down on the booze etc and stop smoking last year :confused:

I seem to remember you trying to be a bit healthier etc when you joined the gym, still going? I considered the gym but the one nearby me is membership only and to be honest for the price of the membership you would need to be using the gym at least 3 to 4 times a week to be getting your money's worth (or at least when I last checked that was the case) and I don't have that sort of time during a week so it just wasn't worth it. Weekends are obviously best for this sort of thing with no work commitments but when it came down to the choice of gym or football, there was no competition :cool:

Gosh you seriously buy way too many books :eek: I'm surprised you have space for them all! I'm a bit like that when it comes to music. I don't really care very much for the tv but music is my life and I've seriously no space for anymore cds :D

What kind of material do you write? Sounds interesting! I like to read every now and again but writing is not really my thing.

SJ McAbney said:
Worked for my friend. Well, sort of. He doesn't actually know he's available online. :cool:

Everyone's own choice I guess, I believe many people have found happiness over the internet. I personally wouldn't do anything like that, you either meet someone or you don't is my view.

Hayley Baxter said:
didn't you start cutting down on the booze etc and stop smoking last year :confused:

Er, sort of. :o

I seem to remember you trying to be a bit healthier etc when you joined the gym, still going?

I never joined. My sister's fiance has a huge barbell bench which I used for a while until he became busy with work and uni that he was never in to use it.

Gosh you seriously buy way too many books :eek:

I can buy up to fifteen per month. And I still use the public library to take books out in bulk too.

I'm surprised you have space for them all!
If I'm being honest, I don't. They are stacked two deep in the bookcases.

music is my life and I've seriously no space for anymore cds :D

I know. I joined last night which is great for music. You install a plugin to Media Player, or whatever, and it uploads what you are listening to onto the site. You can then, over time, view your musical tastes statistically. And, of course, you can find people with similar tastes who may know stuff you haven't heard of. I'm here. Early days, ho hum!

What kind of material do you write? Sounds interesting!
I suppose it would be called General Fiction. You know, the good stuff! No spaceships or dragons for me, thank you very much. I'm trying to set more stuff in and around Glasgow rather than fictional locations. My last short story, currently redrafting, was about blacksmithing and was set in my area during the 1840s.

I like to read every now and again

What do you read? Anything interest you from my reviews?
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Hayley Baxter said:
but when it came down to the choice of gym or football, there was no competition :cool:

You play football Hayley, isn't that a bit rough for girls? :confused:
I hope your team has more success than the Gers :cool:
I've made the resolution to

continue smoking - maybe smoke even more

to increase the booze intake. Its about a bottle per week of Vodka at the mo.

Avoid religion religiously

Avoid any form of exercise - if I can't park within 50yards of it, don't go

Ignore the "don't eat this, its bad for you" do gooders - I'll eat what and when I want.

Not give money to any organisation putting envelopes through doors - except animal charities.

Not give to the Salvation Army since they refused a gift of £50,000 because the man won it in the lottery - they've obviously got enough money to turn down £50K

Be really nasty to "cold" phone callers selling things

To happily tell Conservative candidates I'm not voting for them because of their snobby Eton educated leader enjoys killing foxes with dogs.

I am with Colin on this one sounds like a good plan.

Hayley Baxter said:
I do hope you are behaving yourself Selena...........;) :D

Ohh, man are taking WAY to much fun away from me. :rolleyes: ;)
alastair69 said:
I am with Colin on this one sounds like a good plan.

Well. . . . . . Whats the point in giving things up if you enjoy them? Bad for you??? so what? we'll probobly all get bird flu anyway in a couple of months.

'Er indoors and me always have a soft spot for the animal charities rather than hypocritical Christian type do gooders. The RSPCA do a fab job as do the PDSA etc etc

ColinEssex said:
Well. . . . . . Whats the point in giving things up if you enjoy them? Bad for you??? so what? we'll probobly all get bird flu anyway in a couple of months.

Well true, I shall start smoking again, and when my heart fails this time next year, I will be thankful I didn't die of the bird flu. Heart failure is so much less painful.!.! :rolleyes: :p Whos needs Dr Phil when you have Col!.!.!:rolleyes: :p :D :eek:
selenau837 said:
Well true, I shall start smoking again, and when my heart fails this time next year, I will be thankful I didn't die of the bird flu. Heart failure is so much less painful.!.! :rolleyes: :p Whos needs Dr Phil when you have Col!.!.!:rolleyes: :p :D :eek:

You don't need to start smoking again Selena. My comments are regarding me and they probobly disguise my lack of willpower or something. You keep going, you're doing fine.

Sometimes I just get pi**ed off with everyone saying
"do this" do that" don't eat this"
Panten Pro V is good for hair,
You need Actimel to fight harmful bacteria - its got L casei immunitas so it must be good.
Don't eat butter.
A little butter is good for the heart,
Give us money because we're christian aid,
Vote for us,
You need xyz phone company because we're better than the rest we can save you 2p a year on your phone bill
You've won £100,000 in a competiition you didn't enter, ring this premium line at £1.50p a min and we'll have 12 minutes off you. . . . . .sod it all;)

who is Dr Phil?

BTW - I'm not a doctor;) :cool:

I only smoke because they are cheap Spanish ones, if I had to pay full UK prices then I'd give up. The cheap Vodka I buy is more like neat Ethanol;) nice with lime though

You don't need to start smoking again Selena. My comments are regarding me and they probobly disguise my lack of willpower or something. You keep going, you're doing fine.

Wheewww ok, because I had suffered this long, and almost there. :p

Sometimes I just get pi**ed off with everyone saying
"do this" do that" don't eat this"
Panten Pro V is good for hair,
You need Actimel to fight harmful bacteria - its got L casei immunitas so it must be good.
Don't eat butter.
A little butter is good for the heart,
Give us money because we're christian aid,
Vote for us,
You need xyz phone company because we're better than the rest we can save you 2p a year on your phone bill
You've won £100,000 in a competiition you didn't enter, ring this premium line at £1.50p a min and we'll have 12 minutes off you. . . . . .sod it all;)

I hear ya!!

who is Dr Phil?

A really good guy, who is good with advise on all kinds of things.

BTW - I'm not a doctor;) :cool:
I knew that. :rolleyes:

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